How do you feel about Kefla defeating Blue Kaio-ken and forcing Goku into Ultra Instinct?
Dragon Ball Super
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>and forcing Goku into Ultra Instinct?
Is he going to do that at will?
how do u feel getting hakaied?
It was retarded. And will be funny as hell when all this pointless shit gets thrown out the window by another ass pull from another character. Again.
I want to train with Caulifla.
Mojito is the best angel and I hope they dump Whis and let Goku and Vegeta train with him.
Feels good. That will teach all those gocucks a lesson
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Kefla? Let alone defeat her. And I’m not talking about base form Kefla (who is stronger than SSG). I’m not talking about Super Saiyan Kefla either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Super Saiyan 2 Kefla, equipped with her smugness, perfect looks, high potential and strength that rivals a GoD while being an expert in fist-to-fist and ki control. I’m also not talking about just-learned-how-to-go-SSBlue-by-tingling-while-thinking-godly-thoughts Kefla with a quick temper (which can give her very large power boosts), Super Saiyan Blue(which she used to win the ToP) and a perfect body(that can turn girls gay), capable of using a ki blast, bigger ki blast, even bigger ki blast, and a giant ki blast while equipped with her smugness(capable of driving tyrone crazy), low losing streak (because she is a master in hand-to-hand and ki control), control of both god ki and Saiyan ki and Goku's training. I’m definitely NOT Talking about Full Power SSB Beserk Kefla who has revived every universe after winning the ToP so she can fight more strong guys and is equipped with a sexy body, godly smugness (which drives Sup Forums crazy) and a harem full of the strongest men and women, learned and MASTERED Kaioken to a point where she is on par with the Grand Priest and can turn into Legendary SS False God and can use ki blast, bigger ki blast, even bigger ki blast, giant ki blast, even GIANTER ki blast and mega ki blast, with saiyan DNA and Goku's training while also being a master at hand-to-hand and ki control. I’m talking about Limit Breaker x Survivor x Ultra Instinct Kafla who is equipped with the body of a sex god, a harem of every living thing, Ultimate smugness, saiyan DNA, Goku's training and can use ki blast, bigger ki blast, even bigger ki blast, giant ki blast, even GIANTER ki blast, mega ki blast, and Crusher Cannon.
Majin Suu would end this tournament in less than 3 mins.
Reminder that fusion, ESPECIALLY Potara fusion, is broken
Sorry lolifag. Stoner angel has you outclassed.
Even moreso when Kefla's fusion contains the power of Broly
If Kale is exactly like Broly, does that mean her power continues to surge infinitely?
Reminder that Caulifla is Goku’s first canon ever student.
Brolys power never surged infinitely
left or right
>two angels fuse
how long would it last?
Isn't Gohan Goku's first student? They trained in the chamber.
Left because 21 has a fucking stupid outfit
they're both pretty good...
Not really, by the time they got to the time chamber Piccolo had long taught Gohan how to fight. He was more like a sparring partner.
sure thing retard.
right is right
SJWs can't meme
>yin-yang titty mash
wakey wakey negro-youtube
Goku taught gohan how to become super Saiyan
Marry right and rape left.
It makes Vegito Blue look nerfed to hell though. It should've bern like the manga where he curb stomps merged Zamasu.
Gohan learned the Kamehameha from his teacher, Goku, who taught it to him during their training in the time chamber. This is why Gohan never used it prior to fighting Cell, but finished him off with a one-handed Kamehameha. Also, Gohan wears Goku's Gi because he was trained by his father.
Caulifla will always be second best at everything she does when compared to CHADhan.
Upcoming episode titles when
they already out nigga
Anti-gohanfags saying complete nonsense
What else is new
plus she just sucks. Peaked at ss2 lmao.
"My Ki is rising... Overflowing..."
I reminder that Kefla is a fusion... Caulifla and Kale are so lame that they need a fusion to be at Goku level, only pathetic characters use a fusion against a non-fused rival.
Is Gohan Krillin's first student? They did image training.
In both cases (Goku's and Krillin's), Gohan was the sparring partner, Piccolo had long taught him how to fight.
Caulifla is Goku's first student.
called a bottleneck, he had a limit so he had to throw it away.
Right, when Broly's power reaches a certain point it "overflows" and he can't contain it so he has to blast it all over the place. Kale did the same thing.
Yea he's getting stronger so what? That's what happens when people power up, it was never stated to be indefinitely
I guess Whis is not training Goku retard
Kefla is not defeating Goku.
She will become an ally against Jiren.
Goku and Vegeta also do a potara fusion to become Vegito.
Vegito and Kefla then do the fusion dance to become Super Berserk Blue Tranny Saiyan, Kaioken x 1000 and kick Jiren's ass.
>reminder that Kefla is a fusion
No fucking shit.
That just makes Goku Whis's student, what's your point?
You know what I hope about the next UI Goku fight? That Goku stays mostly quiet again. He almost makes no sounds once he has UI against Jiren until the very end when he tries to make one last push. Makes the form feel more special somehow.
So Gohan didnt get trained by Goku for a year right? plus 3 years prior waiting for the androids? kys.
Nice headcanon retard, Goku confirmed she would go beyond SS3.
I know you are being a trolling faggot but before Vegito ever makes an appearance, the Kefla fusion will long be gone.
She ends up working with Jiren instead
Are you an idiot or can you just not read? What does that have to do with Whis training Goku?
>ki rising = ki rising infinitely
You're fucking retarded, Salagir. The fact that Broli needed to expulse energy when his ki rises means he had a limit
>Caulifla is Goku's first student.
Really? Can she use the Kamehameha?
Oh? What's that? She can't?
Funny, Goku taught Gohan how to use it... guess that makes him the first canon student, and SHITifla isn't even the second. She doesn't even have the gi.
Looks like the CHADforce wins again.
>No super mega ultra Instinct
2/10 best I can do
His point and ours is that you are either an idiot or a troll and an idiot, it doesn't matter to me which
Man Vegeta wouldn't even help with the spirit bomb, no way he'll fuse with Goku in a tournament setting. He's too proud.
Is forbidden love the most powerful force in DB?
You just admitted that he's his student, so gohan is gokus student
because theres a retard claiming Caulifla is goku first student if its not you then you should see the chain of replies to understand the context.
>confirmed stronger than SSBKK
>confirmed new transformation
>confirmed top 3 in the tournament
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken > Super Saiyan 4 Full Power > Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan > Super Saiyan 4 > Super Saiyan God > Golden Ozaru > Super Saiyan 3 > Super Saiyan 2 > Super Saiyan Full Power > Super Saiyan > Ozaru > Kaioken
Oh, okay I get it now. I was being an idiot.
Yeah, Gohan was a student of Goku's.
Is she at there now? No. She called herself pathetic and fused with the actually competent character.
You will deny that the Caulifags treat Kefla as if she were 100% Caulifla? the power is at least 90% from Kale, the fighting is from Caulifla because she's more skilled than Kale... but compared with Goku and others she isn't so good at that.
Reminder that Universe 4 is gonna win.
Super Berserk Blue Tranny Saiyan, Kaioken x 1000 is saving Mega Ultra Instinct for stronger warriors. Jiren isn't worth it.
>3 fighters left
>2 invisible bugs and a weird little monster thing
Quitela doesn't even look nervous, those bugs must be the shit
Even during Goku vs Jiren he was kicking back like "whatever"
Super saiyan 4 is about as strong as super vegito from z, all the God forms are way higher than ss4
>Gohanpedos getting this triggered over Goku canonically loving Caulifla more than Gohan
you managed to cite two of the shttiest things about dragon ball franchise
What's up with none of the students at Tien's dojo even knowing about ki?
That's day one stuff Tien, Videl figured it out in an afternoon.
Why does everyone shit on Salagir? He's a pretty cool guy with an interesting webcomic
Garbage asspull.
>Bra is 8 in GT
>draw her as a teenage hooker
What did Toriyama mean by this
man I sort of almost feel bad for the bald guy he was such a chad back in og db
They treat her like this just to get (you)s. They are fully aware that she is leagues below Goku and Kale.
The Ratgod Genius has a master plan, and episode 119 will be it's execution!
Wouldn't the Potara bonus get rid of this bottleneck?
Who are you replying to, COWARDflafag?
You're too scared to reply to an actual CHADforce member so instead you blindly shoot in the dark.
Well, considering that SHITifla is so cowardly that she'll willingly attack a wounded and injured Goku in a 2v1 — going against Saiyan pride to fight in 1v1 battles — and even goes as far as to fuse and cheat in an already lopsided 2v1 fight against a literally crippled Goku, I can't say I'm surprised that her fans the SHITforce are equally as cowardly as their fap fuel.
Why do nu-males like caulifla and kale so much?
They are butthurt because their beloved torishit approved super is inferior to the fanwork done on free time it is ripping off
His entire life's goal was to surpass Goku and become the strongest martial artist. I guess he could only take so much.
Right around the beginning of the android saga he realizes that the gap between humans and saiyans is just completely insurmountable. All those years he spent perfecting his form, his moves, his strikes, all of it was completely fucking pointless.
Not an asspull. Kale alone already wiped the floor with SSB Goku.
The only asspull here is SSG being able to keep up with Kale.
Reminder that GT was a huge success with the spics. That really fires the neurons.
Someone post Jiren blushing because Ribrianne talked to him. It's cute.
Gohan learned the Kamehameha from Goku, just like Tien learned it from Yamcha and Future Gohan learned the Solar Flare from Krillin.
Gohan can use the technique, but his fighting style still derives from Piccolo's, Caulifla is learning Goku's specific fighting style.
oh no
Incredible foresight user 10/10 truly you're a SSS level Dragon ball connoisseur
This doesn't change the fact that Goku taught Gohan, making him his student. Just because he was Piccolo's student first, that doesn't change anything.
Goku trained under Roshi, then Kami, then King Kai etc. He was a student under all of them, the same way Gohan is a student of both Piccolo and Goku.
She already knows how to fight, she's merely improving her own by fighting goku.
Success breeds jealousy I suppose lol
Goku was holding back to 0.05% of his power obviously.
Post more dbz hentai. Videl mainly . Seriously these super threads are dumb. We need real entertainment.
Nice headcanon
Why are people so autistic about Gohan?
Will Vegeta go Ultra Instinct Blue Kaioken times 1 million and defeat Jiren?
Gohan uses both Goku and Piccolo fighting styles.
Where the episode title previews at
Sure. Android 18. She makes all the girls go crazy.