Dumb snek!
Boruto discussion
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Man, that's a QUALITY face
The snek sure was wild this episode. In a cute way.
>hey boruto, should I choke the life out of this old hag so you can have your candy?
I love him so much.
Funny how indifferent to pain he is.
>good snek willing to kill for his bro
The fuck was in those shrooms? And why are they just hanging around if they can do that shit to people? Or is Mitsuki just having a special allergic reaction?
This makes me think of what would have happened if Shizuma hadn't been a water clone when Mitsuki slit his throat. Like how would Boruto have reacted to seeing his friend standing over a blood-spilling corpse?
So when are we getting Salad only arc again? My daddy issues arc was fun.
Many types of vegetables do that only by touching it,
Sorry to drag the last thread off topic. It never ceases to amaze me how much circular logic racists use.
On topic: I was expecting more Himawari in this episode. I expected her have to a raging meltdown not mope around the house. Snek was gangsta though.
I'm glad she didn't have a meltdown. I'm not a fan of anime characters throwing violent tantrums to show how """""""quirky""""""" they are.
Same. Also snake bro. Wish I had a friend that's just off hand say hey want me to ax this chick for candy
Pick one.
At this point it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. It will definitely happen. Probably during their first mission.
No thank you.
>I was expecting more Himawari in this episode.
Big mistake, it was the same as the Uzumaki family episode which ended up also focusing mostly on Bort.
The only acceptable choice.
that would have been an interesting topic to deal with. But it probably would've been like naruto iand glossed over with ~forgiveness™~ because he is just such a cool guy
>wanting another salad arc
>liking Uchiha baby mama drama
>having taste this shit
But is there anybody can even defeat Madara Uchiha?
>R63 Madara
>leaving his friend alone outside
invite him in you ass
>all the conflict in the naruto wouldn't happen if madara was a girl
It's late at night and I'm sure Boruto assumes he has a home to get to.
Where does he even live?
With aunt Anko?
Boruto is a terrible human being who forgets to buy souvenirs for his little sis and still hasn't hasn't figured out his best friend is a homeless houseplant. Don't expect too much of him.
Does mitsuki have a house/apartment in konoha or does he sleep on that one roof we saw like a smelly weirdo?
He's homeless. He doesn't sleep and he probably never showers either.
He seems to "sleep" on trees and unoccupied rooftops.
>Boruto is a terrible human being who forgets to buy souvenirs for his little sis
He had more important things going on at the moment.
We literally never saw him sleep on screen. This guy is always just waiting somewhere for the sun to rise.
They're the same stupid boring girl character that has an unhealthy fixation on an even dumber boy character
God no more Sarada stuff. I am tired of her and Boruto.
Not the sun, "his sun". He's always waiting for Boruto to leech off of.
do not bulli my husband
>mist coup d'état
poor boy really needs some love
Waiting room for Snek: The Next Generation
Your husband is trash and made me waste my teenagehood, he still makes me waste my time actually.
Why do i like current gen Orochimaru and Sasuke so fucking much? Both were such asses and lame on Part 1 and 2.
How many times will Sarada be stabbed?
Sakura's record is 2 (or 4 counting Sasuke's illusion and her novel).
>Ninja Magic Johnson
>defeating Madara
Because it's fun to watch them get away with all the shit they did.
It's time...
Sarada isn't the team healer and doesn't have any innate healing abilities so I'm pretty sure she'd die from getting stabbed. Mitsuki will be crucified in her place.
Less screen time and less sperging.
Until she is a kid she will never be bad wounded.
Not needed.
This anime needs more swordgirls. Not mist shitters with their meme swords, but straight up kenjutsu users.
Because redeemed edgelords tend to be the most chill guys.
It's kinds understandable why Orochimaru is free tho. They basically did a Operation Paperclip on him, instead of putting him on trial and executing, they use his habilities for Konoha's advantage.
Orochimaru been appearing more often than Sasuke if you think about it.
See? You can't resist Naruto's charms. Submit to them.
Is that SD?
Yahiko's Pain is the best by fucking far.
I wish he lived after the TNJ.
Chill but mildly disturbing Oro is best Oro. And Sasuke's autism is easier to handle.
How far along is the internet in Boruto, do you think? By the Last they had smartphones, so they've probably got ninjabook and ninjachan and things like that.
What's with this fucking format?
But I need my ryona/guro scenes
H-he's just my self insert in the Narusasu doujins is all!
Can the cock defeat Madara Uchiha?
What a coincidence. My self insert in NaruSasu doujins is Sasuke.
Can't wait for Oro to start actively working together with Konoha, it's gonna be fun and weird to see.
Finally have an Uchiha who is not edgy, doesn't want to kill a relative, has decent social skills and even better, she is a cutie. You must be a total faggot if you don't want more of that.
You both can fuck now.
Post EDGYHawawa
Only if it's Hashirama's
What does it says ?
>Deviant tier fanart
The absolute state of Sumirefags.
Only one, when she will killed before the end.
What format?
But none of these are true
>not edgy
She is, and it can only get worse
>doesn't want to kill a relative
>has decent social skills
She has none, she’s an autist like her father
>she is a cutie
She’s a slut
>You must be a total faggot if you don't want more of that.
Or your taste is just that shit
Sakura. I know Pink shit isn't fantastic but I'm kinda digging her slender frame, she looks really hot with lipstick and I get really turned on whenever she gets aggressive. I definitely would want her to dom me.
It's crazy how she becomes pure sex when she's evil but when she's class prez she's just a walking talking baby. I wish we got to see a bit more of her serious side in the series proper. It almost feels like that entire arc didn't happen.
But she’s pure sex no matter what mode she’s in
Do you speak Engllish?
>not edgy
she hasn't threatened to murder anyone yet which is like the 2nd thing sasuke did in the series.
>Has decent social skills
At least she has a friend. Sasuke just had an entorage of horny prepubescent girls. Not to mention everyone shit on Obito like he was some sort of Naruto.
>that you are doing
I can't even speak like a human being, that's how mad I am.
>wanting to sex hawawa
Class Rep is for headpats. Genocide Hawawa is for rough femdom
Do you speak English?
>Shinobi no jida wa owaru
Boruto isn't Naruto user, it's made for children
Whats the point,
Of talking like this?
I really don't get why.
You're doing this.
>Not Reverse Ryona
Her daddy issues and baby mama drama is edgy enough
Then wait for Fairy Tail's next season, that will be fantastic for ryona and guro.