If you haven't already noticed, the storm arrived last week

If you haven't already noticed, the storm arrived last week.

How does it feel to be alive during a time that will fill history books to the brim?

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Comey, McCabe, Flynn, Rodgers, Manafort are all going to be witnesses against the swamp.

>muh storm
He has millions in assets. His pension means nothing to him. This is just circus peanuts for the niggers (that would be you)

Hes going to testify as a witness

being in congress right now must be like a comic book

they have until Nov 6.

Can we make a list with all the shit that gets a new investigation due to the biased agents? And all the shit that is being investigated right now?

>Clinton Foundation
>Clinton Emails
>Fast and Furious
>FISA abuse
>Awan brothers?
>Podesta Group
>Uranium 1
>Iran deal

Very frustrating that the biggest happenings of our time are raging quietly behind the curtain and all we get to see are crumbs that provide little to no insight, which LARPers use every single week as evidence to say shit is going to break open next week.

>Invasion of Libya
hell let's do the whole Arab Spring

In my opinion this is the most interesting time in politics I've ever experienced. And it needs time to make sure most people get what they deserve. No escape. No excuses. It is seriously like chess. How the media gets played. How the congress tries to manipulate the public opinion. How some players use games theory (for example all those letters with questions send to countless people of the Obama administration, asking question they already know the answers to but baiting them into lying or turn on each other to save their ass). Leaks are getting used to distract. Trump saying shit he knows media would have a field day with.

Not even the writers of House of Cards could entertain me like the Trump presidency.

Trump has given us a master class in praxeology and negotiation. I've learned so much the past few years.

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>In my opinion this is the most interesting time in politics I've ever experienced.
How about that time we fucked over the middle east and africa and merkel decided it was your prerogative to take in everyone who's lives we ruined? That seems pretty interesting to me, as an American.

Q predicted this

No news of the Podesta Group lately.

Lean back and watch how the middle east gets even more fucked up with Trump.
Look how Trump got Israel and Saudi Arabia to 'work with each other'. Look what happens at the summit with members of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Iran is in deep shit.

Im just glad we have that big ocean between us and them

It's hard to keep track of who the bad guys are nowadays.

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this is nothing like my marvel movies

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The eo is old, but it's literally the strongest move Trump has made. He hasn't used it beyond the first annex that we know, but it's a pretty clear path to whatwe want.

Attached: Annex.png (1440x1967, 453K)

are you schizophrenic

Are you worried?

ok pal. see you in 6 months.

let's see who's right

Who was right 12 months ago, meme flag?

Deep state will face execution.

You also haven't even said anything you butthurt retard.

It's common for schizophrenics to have imaginary arguments with strangers.

I do believe Trump will Triumph but I'm not convinced of any particular chess move or even chess board arrangement at this point. Anyone saying Mueller is our guy is definitely LARPing though.

Youre a retard


What are the orders these days? I've seen divide and conquer Christians, reee about Mueller, pretend McCabe getting shitcanned is positive, and try to appropriate "the storm".

Why don't you shills just quit? You can't believe this changes anything.

Are there more than two people pushing this/our Mueller/ garbage or is it two hooknoses like I've always suspected.

It was a hot larp about 6months ago. Now it's just part of the script because they have no idea what to do.

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I remember seeing it and thinking it was ridiculous even then. No matter what I read nothing convinces me that Trump is in total control, or alternatively that Trump will lose. I ultimately want to see Brennan hung up on a gibbet, the rest is negotiable.

When you've been spoon-fed anti-Clinton propaganda for 20 years, it's hard to stop regurgitating it, isn't it?

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