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Come on now, the entire series has been an uninterrupted series of asspulls. No one expects or should expect anything serious about TTGL.

epic meme bro

Hey, TTGL had some serious shit in it too. I learned many philosophical values and intellectual prospects from it. Despite the goofiness.

>Hey, TTGL had some serious shit in it too.

Well ttgl never pretended to be about mind games and ingenious tactics.

that's your opinion and that's fine but personally TTGL helped develop my mind

I am sorry but I can't picture anyone who graduated high school saying this with a straight face. With this, I don't intend to diminish the value of the anime - only yours.

These are two different levels of the story. Kind of like Tatami Galaxy or Uchouten Kazoku are silly, but at the same time have valuable lessons.

I actually felt smarter after watching TTGL. I know it may seem strange to others but that's my experience

This only serves to reinforce my suspicions.

>now why would spirals that was relevant in the entire series be relevant in the last episode?

shit writing lol

This is why there's never any good science fantasy

they always rely on asspulls


Name ONE (1) asspull in Gurren Lagann.

Gurren Lagann's first combination

"Gurren Lagann, spin on!" is literally said in the first scene of the series, and the not-Simon figure is shown holding an object identical to the drill that Simon would use to start up Lagann later in the episode. Then in episode 2, Leeron tells Simon to say "Spin on!" to activate Lagann with the core drill. Then in episode 3, we're introduced to Gurren, and then to Gurren Lagann. What did you expect "Gurren Lagann" to mean if not some kind of interaction between Gurren and Lagann?

all fiction relies on asspulls. ex nihilo nihil fit. the entire existence of a fictional reality is an asspull. the first precedent established in any work of fiction is the asspull. brainlets out.

O MY fags are dumb. What do you expect?

>TTGL is asspulls because it has sci-fi magic and mechs combining

doesn't hat make most super robos asspull series?

That's not what the word asspull means you chuuni fuck.

Is TTGL the only series with asspulls done right? Like I can't recall any other series where I enjoyed every single time the MCs went full asspull on their enemies.

yeah asspulls means having magic in a science fantasy series

like the force, or the spice, or getter beams, or spiral energy

Gurren Lagann had a pretty well established set of abilities
1) Lagann combines with shit and makes it stronger
2) Lagann makes whatever it combines with shit drills out of every orifice
The only weird one was that time Simon made a big circle of drill-bombs to trap Dai-Gunzan

Jojo but mostly because I stop caring and learned to just laugh.
Anyone who says Jojo is actually good is wrong.

>The only weird one was that time Simon made a big circle of drill-bombs to trap Dai-Gunzan
Enki is shown with hidden explosives four episodes before that, why not Gurren Lagann?

You actually need a pretty high IQ to truly understand TTGL.

It's not that far fetched considering Simon was a miner for his whole life prior to that, but I don't recall it doing anything like that afterwards. Unless you count Chouginga's drill missiles.


Is it really asspulls when the series builds upon the characters overcoming impossible odds?

>Is TTGL the only series with asspulls done right?
TTGL didn't have a single asspull. Spiral power is a recurring element that states the user can break physics and create matter out of nowhere through a strong will, which is why it's so feared and might end the universe if used without care.
That's the whole point of the show. That Spiral Power is too OP.

though they couldn't do anything with the "spiral power ending the universe" so Simon had to be a hobo at the end


i wish spiral nemesis wasn't a black hole but rather a all consuming eldritch abomination like the flood, The Thing or the necromorph (the last of which even had a spiral shaped object that create unlimited power).

if it was a being it it of itself then the characters would kick its ass

>Did I forget the backstory?

good flowchart

your life is an asspull

I wonder if there are other anti-spiral races.

This was an asspull

evolution is an essential feature of spiral power. this is a fun interpretation of that.

"Anti-Spiral" is just a title. The anti-spirals are just another spiral race, except they became aware of spiral energy and tried to reject it.

But they can't the only ones to reject spiral energy, also in a sub i think i might of seem Lordgenome say Anti-spiral races though it might of been a typo.
Though i wonder if there is a race that is trying to cause spiral nemesis.

>philosophical values and intellectual prospects
by any chance are u dominican?

Oh, I misunderstood. Yeah, there's probably at least a few. The anti-spirals in the series are probably just the only ones that made an active attempt to suppress other spirals. I assume if there was a race out there actively trying to suck the universe into a black hole the anti-spirals would have taken notice of them. It's certainly possible now that they're obliterated.

People who like TTGL are the same people who think Lelouch is a good pilot.
Pls just stop.

>Tatami Galaxy

I know you faggots make it a meme on hating Yuasa, but I fucking love him.

The biggest question is who created the laganns as Lordgenome found one as a kid.
I can tell the anti-spirals would have a massive meltdown if they were to witness the last great time-war.


The amount of people here who start hate threads for stuff like classic Ghibli, Cowboy Bebop and NGE should have clued you in that Sup Forums has terrible taste in anime, and mostly bases their opinions on hipster faggotry and obsession with cute girlies.

Spiral energy is literally the power of asspull. Doesn't count.

Who says they didn't?

>ywn never see young Lord "notNia" Genome except as a blacked silhouette
Holy shit that hair, that body, I'm jelly as fuck.

Don't forget those eyes.

OH BOY, where do I start?
Never mind that hijacking the Gunman that became Gurren required at least the support of the Lagann, the entire battle against Lordgenome in which people have randomly hijacked the walking battleships (while hijacking one required the combined efforts of what could be considered by all intents and purposes the most expert human pilots) is a colossal asspull.

i want a prequel about Lordgenome's fight with the anti-spirals.

>entire central power of the series is established to be the ability to literally asspull anything if you just believe hard enough
>people complain about asspulls
really makes me think

first of: speak coherently I can't even understand half of the shit you've been meaning to convey

> the entire battle against Lordgenome in which people have randomly hijacked the walking battleships

we see people taking down Gunmans before Kamina even takes over Gurren.

I honestly don't know why I made this thread. I just wanted to talk about Gurren Lagann but I forgot Sup Forums hates it.

what was the purpose of this scene aside from linking bipedal Boota to the character from the prologue?

It's unironically my favourite anime. I can just sit down, watch it and enjoy it

>Never mind that hijacking the Gunman that became Gurren required at least the support of the Lagann
Remember that before that happened, no one had even thought to steal a gunman, it was just Kamina's crazy idea. As such, stealing it was the effort of just two people - Kamina and Simon. Once word got to other villages that it was even possible, they probably threw many more people at their attempts. Gunmen aren't invincible to small arms fire, so it's completely possible.

>while hijacking one required the combined efforts of what could be considered by all intents and purposes the most expert human pilots
Similarly, even after Team Gurren became Team Dai-Gurren, it only consisted of roughly 20 people. It would be difficult, but not impossible, for a larger team of more average pilots to hijack a gunship. And keep in mind that these other teams were not facing one (or more) of the spiral king's generals, nor the commander of the human eradication force (Viral).

It's not my fault that your reading comprehension is so poor, redditor.
>We see people taking down Gunmen before Kamina
No shit, but hijacking one is on an entirely different level. And even if I can excuse that bit of contrived writing, this still doesn't explain how the desert rats managed to steal walking battleship upon walking battleship without Kamina AND without the gattai mechanism of the Lagann.

It used to be my favourite. But then I watched Legends of the Galactic Heroes.

It was foreshadowing a plot that was scrapped were simon became the spiral nemesis and went to war with the rest of the universe.

Your post angers me.

> It's not my fault that your reading comprehension is so poor, redditor.
reddit xDDDD
> "No shit, but hijacking one is on an entirely different level. And even if I can excuse that bit of contrived writing, this still doesn't explain how the desert rats managed to steal walking battleship upon walking battleship without Kamina AND without the gattai mechanism of the Lagann."

> disable its limbs
> force the pilot to leave the cockpit
> have Ron patch it up afterwards

> "AND without the gattai mechanism of the Lagann"
gattai wasn't even necessary in the hijacking of Gurren

Neither the TV anime or the movie are my favorites of their respective formats, but the two combined makes it easily one of my favorite series/franchise. The TV version has some shit episodes at the first half and some weird pacing, while the movie does a lot of things better than the TV series but lacks in character development

>reddit xDDDD
If you stop typing like a redditor people will stop calling you a redditor. Take this with a pinch of salt though, most people already know triggerfags are redditors, tumblrinas or crossboarders
>Have Ron patch it up afterwards
>Ron is with team Dai-Gurren
I am sure ubiquity is a nice power to possess. Never mind the fact that a mechanic used to work with very old technology suddenly can reverse engineer state-of-art robots, but that's more contrived writing than a real asspull.
>Gattai wasn't even necessary
It wasn't necessary for Gurren but it was necessary for Dai-Gunzan. The support of Lagann was otherwise still critical for the success of the hijacking operation

What exactly was the relationship between kamina and yoko? Before he died it was romantic. But afterwards her dream was marrying kitten. In her dream kamina appears to wake her up. I didn't think they were that close as friends especially compared to kamina and simon

Lots of years had passed user, she moved on, at least romantically. Kamina's impact on her was much more then just romance though.

Yeah I could understand that. It was like a small twinge in my heart when she was marrying Kittan and Kamina standing there. I guess that's just nostalgia

I was a young little weaboo twat back when i first watched it and i was a little miffed at it too because muh yoko can't love anyone other than the main character kamina.
But as I've aged and watched it more times I've realised that it brings a pretty human quality to the character. Most anime would have her be alone and still in mad love with Kamina despite him being dead for well over a decade.

>Literally a kids version of getter robo and a overly dumbed down evangelion.
>Overrated and childishly less fun with any substance. This shit was not complex at all.
>Simon is the biggest mary sue since Kira Yamato.
>Kamina is a lame ass plot shielded faggot looking shonen hero cliche with zero impact on mecha legends like his descendant ryoma.
>Yoko a dick slut fantasy assisting the shows main merchandise and is the only reason Japan likes this show contrary to the west.

TTGL is the mcdonalds of mecha, cheap and made for retards.

I dunno what that guy refers to but GL is actually clever in how it gets across its points through drawings and animation and I think the points themselves about individuality (individuality isn't just going FUCK THE POLICE and doing what you want - it's about accepting outside influence, but mixing it together in a unique way - just like the main characters steal robots but then fuse them into unique mechs) and human progress ('the wishes of the fallen and the will of those who follow coming together into a double helix and piercing the heavens to create a path for the next generation') are very interesting within the context of the show

From a glance at Nakashima's own views I suspect these beliefs of "we need old-timey experience and youthful rebellion in equal amounts" make him a dumb ignorant centrist when it comes to world politics, but it does make for a very fun cartoon and its ideas CAN be applied intelligently.

>Yoko a dick slut fantasy assisting the shows main merchandise and is the only reason Japan likes this show contrary to the west.
It's one of the highest-rated shows on the Japanese equivalent of MAL, Anikore. Not to say that site has good taste, they often have awful taste, but you're factually wrong.

Simon supposedly being a "mary sue" shows you have no idea what you're talking about. It's sad that the only vocal western Getter fans are dumbshit contrarians who hate Gurren more than they like Getter.

>If you stop typing like a redditor people will stop calling you a redditor. Take this with a pinch of salt though, most people already know triggerfags are redditors, tumblrinas or crossboarders
Gurren was a huge Sup Forums sensation while it aired you tryhard newfag. The rest of the internet's perception of the show was largely defined by Sup Forums opinions.

TTGL is just gnosticism with giant robots you fucking pleb. Read a real book for once.

>the only thing they do to defeat any villain
It's like saying pop-eye eating spinach is an asspull

Who hurt you?
But seriously how can this show be compared to Evangelion?
It's a fun show that doesn't take itself seriously and makes the message clear. I don't think it's supposed to teach you anything new. Animation, characters, and music are all enjoyable. For anime standards it's amazing. Anything past that in my opinion it's well done


Next they'll say is that O MY UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS.

We have been visited by the successor to the Burger King why can't you understand!?

why is this OST so good

Im expecting O posting to show up for every single battle moment.

>dumb ignorant centrist
But that's wrong. Not once is the 'old-timey experience' indicated as something positive, and all the figures of authority are either portrayed as ineffective or too self-absorbed to care for the common good.
>but muh spiral king
The same spiral king who raised girls to be toys and had entire harem-making facilities. Not even Rossiu is immune from this treatment. The cripto-anarcoid tendencies of that hack are further reinforced in his KlK.
There is no message in TTGL except "fuck you, if I want to do it I'll do it". It's literally just the survival of the fittest as no ideology guides anyone except the anti-spiral, and even so the anti-spiral is incredibly authoritarian.
More than being a centrist, it's like he decided to bring together the worst aspects of both political sides: the might make right of the alt-right and the destruction of institutions pleaded by the extreme left.

>I dunno what that guy refers to but GL is actually clever in how it gets across its points through drawings and animation and I think the points themselves about individuality (individuality isn't just going FUCK THE POLICE and doing what you want - it's about accepting outside influence, but mixing it together in a unique way - just like the main characters steal robots but then fuse them into unique mechs) and human progress ('the wishes of the fallen and the will of those who follow coming together into a double helix and piercing the heavens to create a path for the next generation') are very interesting within the context of the show
There's actually a lot of stuff like that in Gurren Lagann but most people just discard it and go for the funnay robots. Of course Gurren Lagann prominently features screaming men and big robots punching shit but before anything it's about human condition.

Friendly reminder that Spiral Energy is just poor man's Getter Rays.

>It's literally just the survival of the fittest
Everything about the Antispiral proves you wrong. That's why the Spirals won. Also the Spirals conformed to what was necessary in the end (not reviving Nia and bringing order to the universe by retiring and letting Rossiu handle the rest)

See I wouldn’t call that an asspull since it’s set up very early on that spiral magic can basically do anything as long as you have ‘fighting spirit’

How? The defeat of the Anti-Spiral just proved that the Spiral was stronger. It didn't prove who was right, it just determined who was left. The Spirals bringing order to the universe is 100% your headcanon. The last scene is people beginning the negotiations. You have no way of saying that aliens and humans will use the spiral energy for the best or for the common good or in moderation. Nothing of this is actually shown. All we know is that people started discussing this. Once again this proves my point about being right vs being literally the only person who can make a decision because you're alive.

Stop being such a whitebread chaos monger.

ive been found out

I knew from the start, hence the constant disappointment at your lack of scope towards what you do retord.

Fact is that humanity has learnt from their interaction with the anti spiral and they know that if they go too far against the laws of the universe they’ll all die, and considering in the flash forward everything is hopeful and people aren’t rioting over the fact that they can’t bring back loved ones is definitely a point in humanities favour.

I mean, as it is, we’re never going to see what really happens in that future, but keeping in mind the super hopeful ending we see I can only assume the future will also be good, for the runtime itself and not random guessing about future shit that may or may not happen, humanity WAS right, since they didn’t give up like the anti’s did, nor have they gone to far using their spiral power.

>The defeat of the Anti-Spiral just proved that the Spiral was stronger
The AntiSpiral had a TTGL-sized robot from the start. The reason there was a fight in the first place was because they allowed it. It was ideological from the start and they kept testing the Spirals with shit like Nia stopping Gurren Lagann at the moon. It's even more obvious in the movie where they defeat TTGL by telling the Spirals Nia will die with them and trashtalking them for not noticing something this obvious.

>The Spirals bringing order to the universe is 100% your headcanon. The last scene is people beginning the negotiations.
Everyone worked for those negotiations. That was the whole point. Simon stopped using Spiral power and went for a hobo life, refusing to revive Nia and letting the new generation take over, not overstepping his boundaries. He literally says "I guess I'm no one" at the end. The last scene is an obvious parallel to the first scene, except this time they're not waging universal war but meeting new people to establish peace.
>common good and moderation
Everything the characters did was for this. That's why they escaped the maze, and why they let Nia die.

Also in the movie, the Antispiral throws himself at Simon's drill after the last speech.

I see what you did there.
>unlimited power of the universe, itty bitty thinking space - these spirals I tell ya

Same, i love it i need to watch every 6 months

watched 9 times already

You sicken all that you touch with that sort of stale thinking.
Do I ever look like I'm impressed by your chemically motivated and now apparently inferiorly built biological fatalism?