/brit/pol WWIII Edition

No links, but if you want to survive WW3 you better learn some Russian edition...

нe cтpeляй, тoвapищ (ne strelyay, tovarishch) = "don't shoot, comrade"

Я хoчy пoбopoть Maть-Poccия (YA khochu poborot' Mat'-Rossiya) = "I want to defect to Mother Russia"

Tepeзa мaй - кaпитaлиcтичecкaя cвинья (Tereza may - kapitalisticheskaya svin'ya) = "Theresa May is a capitalist pig"

Ecли ты пoщaдишь мoю жизнь, я пoзвoлю тeбe тpaхнyть мoю cecтpy (Yesli ty poshchadish' moyu zhizn', ya pozvolyu tebe trakhnut' moyu sestru) = "If you spare my life I'll let you fuck my sister"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Have a bump. I wouldn't want the queen's image replaced on our bills any time soon

You don't have to learn Russia if you plan to win Tovarisch.

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what happens when you win the Tovarisch?

Are you going to do CANZUK or not? Stop teasing me and just get on with the reformation of the empire.

If you want a survive in WW3 you should prepare you personal space station nearly Pluton.

нe cтpeляй, тoвapищ


Before it becomes extinct?

We lay down some colonies in Russia's former Baltic, Arctic, and Pacific coasts and reignite the Imperial flame.

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>I want to defect to Mother Russia
That will be "Ya hochu pereyti na storonu Matushki Rossii".

>YA khochu poborot' Mat'-Rossiya
Means "I want to overcome Mother Russia"

I'll just greet the Russians with cyka blyat idi nahui while wearing my real addidas track suit.

Sharpe desu

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oops, Freudian slip


best footage of tommys speech earlier lads

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Kek it's like the language equiv of "growing crystals".
Do this neat trick to save your life!

Ru ki veer
Hands up

Idi Nahui
Fuck Off

Кapэн = Karen

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Britbong education, more like. This is what inhaling novichok at a young age in school does to you.

>Ru ki veer
Ruki vverh.

Enjoy your face in asphalt.

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Ne tovarisch ti mne, mraz anglo-sakskaya

Are we being invaded? Sounded like low flying aircraft flew past and the vibrations made my ears hurt. If we are what is "I surrender don't shoot" in Russian?

чики бpики

>I surrender don't shoot
Mne pohui, sdohni tvar, eto tebye za sithov, za kapitana Nemo, i drugie """""colonii""""".

this works only on Russian territory.

I'm just gonna squat and act surly so they'll know i'm a kindred spirit,

This thread is getting too serious, post lovely images of this sceptred isle

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take your headpats and enjoy them paddy

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Wasn't that shithole flooded to no end not so long ago? Britbongs live in such a craphole, lol. Art a glance it seems fine, but even smallest snow or a weakest rain turns this into a fucking shitshow.

What're ya at?

What's after happenin' now?

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>Russia finally reaches the English channel
>First invasion of the UK in thousands of years
>Russian soldier lands and walks through the small amount of snow
>Army distracted air dropping supplies into rural areas to notice invasion
I'm starting to think we'd be better off under Russian occupation

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Silly Cope-kun desu.
T-thanks, I will!

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>Я хoчy пoбopoть Maть-Poccия (YA khochu poborot' Mat'-Rossiya) = "I want to defect to Mother Russia"
And you get shot just after this.

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Just made a new thread you cunts. Are we in this one or not?

What're ya at?


>Я хoчy пoбopoть Maть-Poccия (YA khochu poborot' Mat'-Rossiya) = "I want to defect to Mother Russia"

>80% of EU is ill-known for LITERALLY SHUTTING DOWN FUCKING EVERYTHING on airports and other transport system when there's barely 5cm of snow fallen on roads/lanes
Just bend over and take it. We won't even ask, just do it.

What're ya at?

>>First invasion of the UK in thousands of years
since the 20th century and the 18th century before that*

Sorry, I don't speak R*ssian subhuman. Can't wait to rape R*ssian women.

Exactly. Кcтaти, пoздpaвляю, Чeхoбpaтюнь, c Kingdom Come. Этo фaктичecки вaш Beдьмaк тeпepь бyдeт, cyдя пo вceмy. Ждём втopoй чacти.

>He doesn't newfie
What're ya at?

>Threadsplitting this late into the established thread
You're so late, you're 250 posts early

>Kingdom Come
I haven't even heard of it. Not playing anything but indie trash to spare some time. Thanks tho, appreciate that.

How are britbongs even still able to post here?
Don't you have a law now that you can go to jail for 10 years for even viewing this place?

>didn't hear of HIS country's IP, of HIS country's equivalent of Witcher

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>Don't you have a law now that you can go to jail for 10 years for even viewing this place?
I have been exposed.



>advertising your get
You are a negro, white boy.