This just came in the mail. Time to turn my life around

This just came in the mail. Time to turn my life around.

Sexy comforter.

good manga I guess. good thing: it doesn´t have as much lesbianism as you could think

because it's a true story and people apparently think that's what makes for an interesting story

How will reading a manga turn your life around?

Jesus christ Sierra, lurk before you post here

Time to fap, I guess.

You have to buy the physical book in order to turn your life around?

I don't even think lesbian-chan was ever so pathetic as to stoop to rank consumerism.

isn't paying for prostitutes to have company consumerism too?

It's consumerism, but it's not quite so low-level in her case.

I'm sorry, how does Feels: The Manga help turn your life around? Wouldn't it more inspire you to get another book that would be of more help in that regard?

>Feels: The Manga
Robots wish they have that enough self-awareness as that.


I have come to the conclusion that this manga is only good to normalfags. As someone who is more utterly fucked than this girl was it's just boring. Yes, you know you are trash as a person. Yes, you're really fucked up and pathetic. Yes, you're trying to improve but you're still stuck in the shitter. There is nothing more to this manga than useless instrospection on obvious things and the message to improve yourself that normalfags love so much. Despite being able to relate it was as if I was reading some /r9k/ poster's blog which sort of ruined it for me.

Dude, mediocrity and sadness. So captivating.

Someone say depression?


and I agree on that. The title is a bit misleading because you would think "this is some yuribait", but it´s a story about a depressed person who happens to have a homsoexual sex, but it´s just a small segment among all the stuff that happen to her.

I don't know if you jest, but this manga actually helped me quite a bit.

Wow, you're easily influenced by fiction

But it's an autobiography

Oh? Didn't know anime characters existed in real life

I just want to have some fun with a story doing things properly.

Plus these threads are always shit because of that. The last one gave me stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

Come again?

Now that's a story I'd like to read about.

Didn't her parents disown her after this got released?

fuck you guys i liked it

God I'm so sick of hearing stupid lonely housewives going "true story!" like that makes it good. Fuck. Fuck off. I go to work every day and make money doing monotonous shit. True story! Make a fucking movie about me.

No. Her mom sent her a message to watch out for STDs.

Her mom got mad because she described wanting to fuck her mom in the story
Not sure if she got disowned for it

This just in user: People write boring books and stories about their lives all the time.

You're a massive faggot and I wonder if you even watch anime or manga at all.

When did she say that? It was more she said she wanted a lover that would be like a mom to her.

>You're a massive faggot and I wonder if you even watch anime or manga at all.
what's your problem?

I just couldn't relate to it at all. Hurting yourself and being so sick that you can barely function for apparently no reason? Maybe you need to be in the shoes of a frail Japanese woman to understand those feelings. The manga just isn't meant for people like me who can't empathize with the psychotic tendencies of women.

would you this mangaka?

I want to vomit, ewwwwww.

I'd give her better haircut.

>slenderman-length limbs
No, I wouldn't.

I wonder if the smut she was hired to draw for will be any good, i liked the autobiography and the diary.

No wonder she is a lesbian


Well that's a happier ending than I thought

She drew pages upon pages about how her attraction to women is like a child's need to be near her mom. If she was not kicked out of the house for that, nothing will.

The author of Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou also has this mindset. Really makes you think.

I'm not into asian guys

This "woman" seems to be covering "her" massive feet quite expertly.

Keep in mind this explains yurifags as well

This desu.
Would be pretty cute with longer hair.

>mental illness is influenced by shitty parenting

Tsukumizu is a tranny though.

>author of Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
yeah but at least he's a man.

I think she mentioned in the manga that she's pretty damn tall for a Japanese woman.

so what, 5'6, 5'7?

>Despite being able to relate it was as if I was reading some /r9k/ poster's blog which sort of ruined it for me.
It's more of an /adv/ thread, since it didn't end in a school shooting.

I guess paper bags are a thing

I dated a girl in Okinawa years ago who was about 5'8 or 5'9. She said that sometimes she was made fun of for being so tall because it is not ladylike. She also had big boobs, and they made fun of her for that too. They weren't too big, but they were 'American sized according to her

>this meme shit again
Enjoy the (You)s

>They weren't too big, but they were 'American sized according to her
Kek those fucking japs.

that is a male

But user you can't kill yourself with a paper bag, i suggest using a plastic one.

I don't understand why people liked this so much.

stop reading manga then, literally no entry barrier when it comes to manga so you have yourself to blame for expecting quality literature or art

>reminder that as awkward and messed up as the author is, she's still had more sex than most of Sup Forums

She's a woman, that's to be expected. Ugly, shy girls still have a easier time than ugly and shy guys.

incel pls

We're in the timeline where people are unironically proud of liking Rick and Morty. Some things we just can't ever come to understand.

you know what also was a true story

This being autobiographical lends a more genuine weight to the thoughts expressed. The author is baring herself verbally as opposed to coming up with contrived sophistry, and I think that makes the work more impactful.

Yeah. I keep forgetting anime is real.

>lends a more genuine weight to the thoughts expressed
I feel the opposite. Especially because it's a manga and manga characters aren't real. The author also is just a single person, so with your logic she can't write a story that feature more characters than just her own.

>contrived sophistry
I'll be honest. I cringed a bit after reading this.

idk, what's a stronger word a phrase for "bullshit of the highest order"

Can you rephrase your post in Simple English?

>it's a manga and manga characters aren't real.
Okay, so you're entirely autistic and can't sympathize with actual people as represented by manga.

Sounds kind of a shitty thing to inflict on the rest of us, asshole.

What does that have to do with the argument at all? Jesus. This is just a sad projection on your end.

Extremely intelligent post. It's these type of posts I come to Sup Forums for.

maybe if she didn't starve herself and binge eat for all those years she'd look decent

If you can't even comprehend that much then no wonder you're struggling with a book that's entirely introspective.

>This is just a sad projection on your end.
Dude you admitted to being unable to feel anything for caricatures of human beings. How is that not the smoking gun of autism?

Where did I admit anything you implied? Nowhere. That's because it's a projection on your end. I even confirmed it was just a projection too and you still insist that you know more about me than I about myself? Hilarious.

>Where did I admit anything you implied?
>Especially because it's a manga and manga characters aren't real

You said that because manga isn't real, it doesn't feel genuine.

What's so hard about enjoying entertainment and maybe let it influence you in some way regardless if it's real or fake?


The opposite of more =! not

Not even sure if you understand the conversation or not. The degree of difficulty of enjoyment?

Sounds like most of the "real literature" that lit critics can't get enough of.

Fair enough, but it certainly shows a lack of empathy and ability to connect with something that is real just because the depiction isn't. Which, considering it's a series about a person's experiences with depression, that's kind of a handicap to fully appreciating it.

If something is an autobiography, fiction, nonfiction, or whatever, what's wrong with enjoying it? Hell, I enjoy Blue Bloods and wish I could be more like Tom Selleck. I know it's all acting though.

I have not read this at all, but from the replies of those who defend the manga I want to never open any copy I ever lay my eyes on.

Any compliment is completely overshadowed by it's Jew tier defense force about how deep it is and how others don't get it.

>Come again?
enlgish motherfucker, do you speak it!

It's only kind of okay.

face look so flat, I would make her lie down, put some food on her face and use it as a plate

>it certainly shows
Just going to cut you off there and say you're wrong. That comment was talking about the genuinity of the weight to thoughts being conveyed.

Nothing wrong with it.


I remember reading a BBC article on this either last year or the one before. It sounded really gay.

A woman wrote it. By virtue it can't be deep because you're male.

I'm reading this for the first time right now
Shit, this is more emotional that what I was expecting

Yuri is such a precarious thing. It takes no effort at all to cross into the territory of tumblr-grade stories for snowflakes the size of a landwhale, with a juicy LGBTQP message. The real purpose of yuri is not to assert the existence of some phony happiness or to study the self-evident cruelties of life. The purpose of yuri is inherently and exclusively sexual. So many people co-opt the genre and twist it to serve their own misconceptions. So many more read it and get the wrong idea implanted deep into their minds. I guess it's inevitable, with the free market of ideas we have, but even so, it's no less sad.

You can read it in Dynasty Scans and decide for yourself whether there were kikery involved.

We have to banish this monstrosity to /u/ soon, before we become like Sup Forums.

What happened to Sup Forums?

Nips' feet are dreadful in general, I want to vomit now.

It's full of oversensitive normalfags, since it's home to all that superhero and multicultural LGTBQ+ cartoons people love. It's barely like Sup Forums anymore.

We have to get rid of anything that might attract attention from fujos from Tumblr or normalfags.

too late you already have gay rocks and cuckqueen magical princesses
