The Second Not White First "Lady"

Being a slav, Man-lania is not white. His doctor could have given him better tits than those gross lumps.
When will the White House be white again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

slavs are white and are among the Europeans with the least nonwhite admixture.

False. Being white is not limited to a pale complexion.
It is your kind of wrong thinking that has fooled many in to believing light skinned Jews are white.

Attached: mongrolslavs.png (700x900, 719K)

>When will the White House be white again?
It's going to be a while.

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I got my DNA test back and I’m part Slav, should I end it?
they're white.

Fuck off Goblin

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Slavs are indeed white. Jews do this in order to keep ALL whites from uniting.

Slavs do not act like whites.
Slavs do not have the accomplishments of whites.

But keep thinking as the Jews tell you to think. First you think slavs are white. Then you will think Jews are white.
If it looks white, it must be white. Right? oy vey iz mir

Attached: jewnotwhite.jpg (887x1200, 270K)

Trump even gets the best traps. It's amazing.

Slavs are white, communism was really fucking bad.

There's your answer, faggot

>retarded shitskin saying who is and isn't white

Kek get a life op, you'll never be white.

Slavs are factually white according to every modern peer reviewed study of DNA.
Even if takes time out of his day to painstakingly explain this to you tards.
Also only a jew would hide behind such flimsy attempts to divide and conquer.

they're white, faggot. Are you the same type to say celts and meds aren't white? (idk ur flag as the site's on the basic coding bc my laptop is shit, so idk if ur anglo or aryan/nord

What do you think Baron thinks of that pic, he has to know or will know.

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Is this why the jews say slavs aren't white? The lesser of two evils for them is us believing slavs aren't white, rather than us using them as an example of what's wrong with communism?

Slavs have went to space more than any other Europeans. Slavs have the best writers in western canon. The list of Russian inventions trumps that of every other European nation, just go look at wikipedia. Who are you trying to fool?

That she his step-mom?

How odd. There are a lot of "totally not Russian shills" posting with US flags saying slavs are white.
Did they get new direction from their employer not to use the Canadian flag anymore?

Attached: true-american.jpg (660x501, 102K)

Westerners funded communism to debilitate us and let us be ruled by (((communism))) for the past hundred years. Slavs are arguably some of the whitest people around, let alone with an intact culture.

Melania? more like Melanin

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his real mom

Slavs didn't unlock the atom. Had to steal it.
Slavs didn't develop space capability. Had to steal that too.
Slavs didn't invent the computer, the transistor, the microchip.
Slavs invented communism. That worked out well.

Slavs had a good attempt at it during the industrial revolution (an era that non-slavs started and revolutionized). But modern humans are dominated by non-slav, white ideas and technologies.

A German invented communism you retard.

>communism didn't work out well
Yeah sure because capitalism is so good.

That 56% slav math. Whites Americans imported a lot of the negroid races (including slavs) to work our fields and clean our toilets.

Having wage slaves does not make us less white. It makes us more white.

Hold on a second.
I know that penis!

presidential trannies

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Nobody gives a fuck what race Melania is. Trump can fuck all the niggers he wants, as long as the mothers of his children are white.

Attached: BarronsRealMom.jpg (1776x1337, 1.14M)

>Slavs didn't unlock the atom. Had to steal it.
US had to steal krauts and kikes to unlock it
>Slavs didn't develop space capability. Had to steal that too.
US had to steal krauts for that, too
>Slavs didn't invent the computer, the transistor, the microchip.
neither did americans
>Slavs invented communism. That worked out well.
Actually it was a "real" white guy, a kraut.

Why would he give a fuck about nudie pix of some Slovenian hooker? Stormy is his real mom after all.

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They have a lot of Asian but they have less negro than Southern Europeans. Doesn’t matter either way they are white

Slavs are the only remnants of the Aryans
Aryans expanded from modern day Ukraine and Russia to conquer Europe, Central Asia and India

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>When will the White House be white again?

Same time the USA is white again

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As in Eastern European?

Oh that little nergroid slav brain of yours.
I never said America invented those things. I said whites did. And you confirmed it.
Are you starting to see why you and slavs are not white? This was very simple and you really fucked it up.

Attached: yael trump.jpg (480x360, 19K)

The slav in that picture totally looks white.
You cracked the case!

Germans have lots of Hungarian/Hunnic admixture which is straight up slant eye'd motherfucker status. Kievan Rus', the progenitor of Russia and its neighbors, was Scandinavian. Slavs have always had a very western-centric culture because we're the literal descendents of nords and western europeans.

Do you think Trump got a discount on Manlania from the company he mail ordered her from? You know, on account of him being a male order bride?

Slavs are actually beyond white, they are transhuman

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>Actually it was a "real" white guy, a kraut.
Marx was a kike retard.

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calm down pedro you are still 56% white

you had a hand in this you backstabbing anglo cunt

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kek he has trumps weird nose
like the most non-nigger nose possible

You are a mutt, so you have no say in this.

>mutt talking about who's white and who isn't
You niggers never learn

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They are white. Your mistake is thinking white is the key, mutt. It's not. Skin color means nothing, as you allude yourself. Jews are white.

What is key is ethnicity. Romans called us Germans and Celts. Some of us have dark hair. Hair color, skin color means absolutely nothing. Heritage, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, talk about these things. Mongrel.

cuck yourself

>t.butthurtt mutt

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i said shut your fucking cuck hole

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>amerimutt is obsessed with cuck shit
Go back to watching your niggerporn, muttboi

>Slavs have no accomplishments
>Literaly wouldn't write this comment if not for slav Nikola Tesla

>I'm a nazi hurr
Why don't you neck yourself

Are you dense? Marx was an Ashkenazi JEW living in Germany. He wasn't a fucking German.

keep going, next you'll tell me it wasn't the germans who were commies during the interwar period, but it was GERMAN jew commies!

Attached: where marx was born.jpg (1389x118, 101K)

Folks. Stop blaming each other. Leftism / Marxism / Liberalism is a European creation. Not a Jewish one. Had it not been Marx it would have been Engels. Had it not been Communism it was the French Revolution. America just managed to form before the worst got to it. It was about to crumble had Thomas Jefferson not saved it. It was about to crumble had it not been for its political system. Understand that great things are a misnomer, not the norm. Be happy for the times you live in

French revolution was capitalist and nationalist dingus

Shlomo detected

Not sure about Capitalism but sure, nationalist. Marxism was a response to aristocracy. Put it in context. Marxism was meant to liberate workers. Folks worked for a penny on the dollar. If you were wealthy and Jewish, why would you want to "liberate" your poor sweatshop workers and give the mob power? Who were Jews trying to usurp here. Themselves? By the 1800s they already controlled basically the entire world.

>american opinions on whiteness

are you ok?

Where he was born doesn't change his genetic ancestry dipshit. He was a kike to the bone, jews are not white, so fuck off with that bullshit.

kikes are non-white, just look at this shit, not even human , dysgenic primate trash , at least Melania is hot, something ugly jews can't stand

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D 3 3 1 3 3 7

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we are too retarded to be white
only those slavs do well who are smart enough to escape their shitholes. look at the migration rates, slavs in tech or stem fields all try to move to western countries to work at some kinda google or microsoft bc there's no way to apply their skills in eastern europe
pretty sad for us but you guys shouldn't ally with us, eventually slavic incapability to build a working political system and economy is gonna fuck up everyone involved

fuck off kike


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>he's not white even though he was born in germany to parents born in the netherlands/germany to parents born germany
keep it up

Is Barron an absolute retard?

You sound like a faggot, i hope you know that.

>Slavs do not have the accomplishments of whites

Then who were Tesla, Yablochkov, Sikorsky, Tchaikovsky, Peter I, Rachmaninoff, Chopin, Repin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, just to name a few, mutt?

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And being a doctor I can assure you if that lady is a manchelle obama trap then that plastic surgeon is the best in the world

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slavs are white and have way more accomplishments than me, better make a post to cry about it


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>we are too retarded to be white

t. Ibram Beliyev's bastard child

clinically speaking -- yes

however, as with his genetic reject of a father, retards tend to lack the mental filter that forebears expression that would otherwise be kept schtum (in line with societal mores of acceptability etc.)

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>He's not jewish despite literally being a jew if you did a DNA test on him
You're a very strange man.

he'd also be very European if you did a test on him

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Slavic not white. Irish not white. Italian not white. Who the fuck is white pol? Ten inbred motherfuckers in north norway? Pol would probably call them Jews though. Pol has shit for brains.

omfg i can just tell her pussy is so fat and delicious fuck

>Who the fuck is white pol?
anyone of european ancestry.

Yes, and? Same for any ashkenazi, they have some European blood sure but make no mistake, they are Jews. Marx's grandad was a fucking rabbi, his father was a religious jew until he changed his name and converted to Lutheranism to try and avoid anti-semitism.





Slavic and other Soviet entities make up the last parts of Europe that isn't already conquered by Islam and feminism in the Visegrad 4. No one is "retarded" because they were born in a country with a rough 20th century history, you can't control where you're born, but you can control whether you spit on your ancestors and throw everything they gave you away. Slavs don't do this.

If the slavnigger theory were true, everyone would be latching into your flags orbit, to trade the uncertainty of freedom to the assuredness of authoritarian grasp. But no one does

Melania tricked Trump into getting pregnant with Barron and Trump told her to get an abortion and she said no then Trump decided Barron was his favorite child and he became pro-life.

True story. Trump told it on the 700 club, I think, saying it happened to a friend.

Isn't that Ivanka Kushner's father?

always a divide and conquering jew

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He'd still be more Euro than nonEuro. Eventually you'll realize that whites are all so genetically different that we can differentiate between two neighboring valleys in southern Germany.

>Eventually you'll realize that whites are all so genetically different that we can differentiate between two neighboring valleys in southern Germany.
What has that got to do with anything? It doesn't make their the Jewish blood and culture of ashkenazis any less foreign to Europe. They are not native Europeans and they don't identify as such, they are foreigners, end of story.

>keep going
>Leftism / Marxism / Liberalism is a European creation. Not a Jewish one.
>A German invented communism you retard.

How much of a newfag are you Anons? You must be a part of the new CTR brigade that's been plaguing us for the past few days.

Here's a redpill for you, Communism is a Jewish invention. Period.
>Image attached

Attached: Marx was Jewish.png (1144x648, 216K)

thats not how a penis works dude

>rabbi hooks up with a dutch woman
there goes the entire jewish plot. marx is now heavily european seeing that his faja didn't stick with the program of fucking fellow jews to keep their genetics distinct as a group.

They both are ugly trannys lol. Melania looks like Bruce Jenner.

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Holy shit
My president is a Chad

Chanald Trump

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>there goes the entire jewish plot
Except there it stays. Ashkenazi jews are still a genetically and culturally distinct group, separate from Europeans, they're just mixed with Europeans more than any other Jewish ethnicity.

Ashkenazis are not Europeans. Marx was not a white man, he was an askenazi kike, a Jewish ethnicity that is foreign and distinctly different from any native European ethnicity. You can shove your "le ashkenazis are European" shit straight back up your arse.

OP is right
Slavs are not white
Now all you fucks begone and leave us alone.

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This is why there will be no White Ethnostate in the United States. At best the European States, individually, could each become their own. But the in-fighting about what and who is White will destroy it when multiple European Ethnicity are in the same State.

It worked pretty well for the US for a long time.

You are being contrarian just for the sake of it.
Thread discarded