Q: Why are you faggots spamming the board with this image?
A: Because you're a troll faggot.
both can be true
Nobody really says they interior. Just that they have a corrupt set of morals
jews are parasites. They can only leech off what's already built.
>le inferior/superior straw-man
Jews are a parasite.
I've seen jews being insulted of all kinds of things here on Sup Forums, but "inferior" was never one of them.
Only an idiot would believe an "inferior" race would gather so much power.
Normally "inferior" is reserved to negroes, arabs, latinos and sometimes asians
Straw man. The sentiment is that Jews are -morally- inferior.
>n-no a skinhead once told m-
Fuck off.
>sometimes asians
Maybe from a grandpa poster. Asians have always been /our guys/
Jews are not inferior. Its precisely because we know they have so much influence and control that the bell curve on IQ makes sense - they have the highest IQ.
Is this some buzzfeed meme?
I have never seen someone on Sup Forums claim they're inferior.
Jews are worthy enemies. Saying they are inferior is a propaganda point. If the Jews would cease their trickery than most whites would accept them into the fold. Their sins can be overlooked. But they live by the laws of retribution, Christians turn the other cheek.
It's amazing what can be done with a shit ton of money isn't it?
I'll paypal you $10000 to agree with me.
says the fucking nazi XD
They're not inferior, they're a very dangerous enemy that we need to deal with.
Jews are good at what they do, what they do is destroy host nations.
Jews are genetically inclined to be intellectually dishonest, a trait they have leveraged to the max.
I don't hate Jews because I believe them to be inferior. I hate them because they're scheming cunts out to destroy all that is good.
That said, I think Jewish intellect is overrated. Their success has just as much, if not more, to do with nepotism than intelligence.
The Jews are not 'SUBhuman', they are INhuman. They come from the Nephilim and use their demonic power to rule the world. Of the thirteen most powerful families in the world, three are Jewish (Rothschild, Rockefeller and Warburg). Before the Rothschilds took the name 'Rothschild' (Red Shield), they were a family of Jewish Kabbalists. It was with their black magick they took control of all the money in Europe, and subsequently, the world.
Oi you can't say that bongoloid, to the clink with you!
Imagine whites without the burden of empathy for other races and putting their well being before their own. Now you have something similar to Jews but less hideous.
Boring kike boomer, mind if we all chip in to get a hit on you ? You wont be missed , banana jo
>the eternal soviet dilemma
That dilemma was sorted out after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Being a skilled liar and con artist does not make one 'superior'
It isn't that jews are 'inferior.'
They are superior in many ways. They are more deceitful and have a stronger in-group preference than any other on the planet.
They won WWII and didn't even fucking fight in it. They tricked the allies into doing their dirty work for them.
They are inferior in providing actual value to human beings. They always find a way to make money without creating value, which is why every capitalist country turns to shit.
No ones saying they are superior or inferior, they just need to go away forever.
Jews are a weak species, therefore they must rule through monetary means. They use niggers as their puppets by throwing money at them and their communities.
They aren't inferior. They are a cunning enemy.
Something something nazis have a slave morality
because it was on frontpage plebbit earlier today
Jews are ugly and don't have a homeland and they cope by trying to rule everything
>The sentiment is that Jews are -morally- inferior.
How is this any different than SJW's claiming Whites are morally inferior? This isn't a horseshoe theory thing, I actually want an answer.