My daughter started college in January. She’s coming home next week

How can I keep her from becoming a whore/feminist/degenerate liberal? What can I expect when she comes home? Is she going to have blue hair and talk about Focault?

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>How can I keep her from becoming a whore/feminist/degenerate liberal
Too late.

Not my Amber!

ask her how many niggers she fucked.

>How can I keep her from becoming a whore/feminist/degenerate liberal?
Lock her in the basement.

She wouldn’t do that.

I'm in college and let me tell you OP freshies fuck pretty much any guy they meet.

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Well boomer just remember it's all your fault

School is not there to advise you on social matters
School is there to educate you, to give you knowledge on productive subjects
Everything else is not only redundant but false

Good advice

>She wouldn’t do that.
All women are whores.
Especially after getting free from under mom and dads thumb by going to college.
Ever hear of spring break?
Every night and weekend at college is nothing but a whorefest.
I hope their kids find the evidence when they get old enough.
>the absolute state of women.

Bad advice.
Academia won't teach you jack about life. You have to experience the world around you and set of bravely into the unknown. She should live life, but a conserved, nondegenrate way. Of course, there's absolutely no way she would have the mental fortitude to not become a raging whore....

>become a raging whore....
Grills call it "dating".
I cringe whenever I heard a girl describe some relationship as "dating".
She should just call it what it is.

my point is if school preaches anything you didn't sign up for, it is propaganda and to be disregarded entirely

>my point is if school preaches anything you didn't sign up for, it is propaganda and to be disregarded entirely
Hell dude, don't you internets?
Tons of stories about liberal professors flunking kids who don't agree with their marxist bullshit.

I wonder how many miles of nigger dick has already been in her.

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You're going to have to let nature take its course user. If you raised her right, she'll come back around after college. While some girls will retain family values through college most will succumb to the groupthink. The progressive movement however does not provide support like a family does, since it's based on compliance enforced through shame, rather than unconditional love.

Best thing you can do is let her know you will always love her no matter what and wait for the eventual day when she realizes it's all bullshit and comes running back.

She'll have cold sores on her mouth.
She may try to murder you in your sleep.

cum in her food and see if she notices the taste and call her out on her degenerate college ways if she does.

American university truly sounds like nonsense, are the courses are so broad, even someone studying mechanical engineering must learn about transexuals?

My daughter is studying veterinary medicine, the courses don't include any arts subject / social sciences at all.

Dating used to mean dating for 6 months then getting married now its fucking for a few years before slapping a ring on there.

I wonder how many miles of nigger dick has already been in her.

White women don't do th..

French beauty talks of night with Odell Beckham Jr.
“One note said, ‘I want you.’ I understood what he wanted, and my friend left."
- Laura Cuenca

I know girls who dating just meant fucking because they had no intention of getting married.
If it wasn't so pathetic I'd almost feel sorry for the younger generation.

If she's one that values your opinion and looks up to her parents, gently encourage moral behavior. Remind her that it's beneficial for her future to behave like a lady, and that what she's doing now will pave the way for her future.
If she's right-leaning, perhaps gently encourage that she try to find a good man to settle down with.

GENTLY is the keyword.

If she's a rebellious child, there's not much you can do. Continue to let her know you love and support her, and want her to have a good life. Girls who don't have daddy issues are much less likely to partake in degenerate behavior. Be a beacon of morality for her.

You are an idiot. There was zero reason to send her to college.

You greasy nigger I'm gen z I see this shit daily. Getting laid has never been easier in history but girls basically have a weaponized organ in between their legs these days. Dating is either being an emotional tampon, a paycheck or a fuck buddy and anybody that does have a loving relationship is usually some highschool sweetheart shit that not everybody gets. I don't hate women but my faith in them not being total cunty thots are so low.

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But they will still demand the storybook wedding and their list of "must-haves" will continue to grow. Then they will all wonder why there are no "good" men, i.e. ones that can meet thrir inflated expectations.

Meanwhile men their own age will be so afraid of getting raped in divorce court they'll basically become monks.

He could be an gen X. A baby born in 2000 becomes this year 18.

you're in high school. stop larping, you are terrible at it

Hey, I've been cruising gay bars letting men fuck me in every hole since January.

How can I keep from turning gay?

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High probability your daughter has shit for brains and is a massive slut

>allowing females to get "educated"
You did this to yourself.


Youre worried about her becoming a femicunt but you think she wouldnt fuck a nigger.

You dont have A without B.

Hey, if it's any consolation, I'm sure your daughter was a proper slut way before she left for college.

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Double tap