could he defeat Garou if Zenko hadn't showed up?
Could he defeat Garou if Zenko hadn't showed up?
I think yes, he survived a lot ofc but that bat would knock him out
not if Garou broke his bat
they were about evenly matched, so the fight could've gone either way
but yes, that hit probably would've knocked him out
Why is MB best hero?
stupid kid garou should have died right there
That's pretty fucking harsh, Saitama.
Pretty much, at least against the Garou of that time, Garou himself said that 1 hit would have been enough to fuck him up, the problem was that Metal Bat had no technique so he was a weakling for him, the key factor here was speed, and Metal Bat was already matching Garou speed, a little more and it would have been game over for Garou.
MB is probably a tier lower than genos, he cant possible win against garou even if he is in full health. he is a jobber
MB is confirmed to be able to take on Dragon level threats with enough fighting spirit, so he's stronger than Genos until maybe after the MA arc.
In this instance MB would've won against Garou, he confirms it himself.
If he had hit him right there and then yes. Garou said he wouldn't be getting up if he got hit once.
>implying genos isnt the biggest jobber in the manga
kys you fucking mouth-breather
ONE said himself that Garou would be actually ded for real if zenko didn't show up.
Nigger couldn't even hit Garou, who was barely trying with him and deliberately gave him time to "power up". If these two were to have a rematch where Garou is actually fucking trying, Garou would make short work of him and just dumpster him. All he has to do is chop off the nigger's limbs.
ONE never said this, shitter.
>All he has to do is chop off the nigger's limbs.
Too bad he couldn't. He lacked attack power to take him down.
>couldn't even push Garou to his limits
Garou wins. He's the better fighter with much more impressive adaptability.
You're a retard. He has plenty of power to kill or permanently cripple just about every person he's fought, including this nigger. He just doesn't have the desire to do it.
Garou was being a dumbass and not paying attention, I think there wouldn't have been anything left of his head if that hit connected. In a way that scene sets up Garou's loss to Watchdog Man in that he's underestimating the hell out of S class.
>Garou was pushing MB across the street with simple taps from the very beginning
Garou could've very easily sent him to the hospital without both arms.
ONE said that the Monster Association HQ arc would have ended differently if MB was there.
generic badass "holier than thou" type that appeals to HS outcasts who want to be like him - the majority of Sup Forums
his pants
im a little girl in middle school tho
>ONE never said this
Yeah it was Murata
While not ONE, it still means more than your headcanon though, buttmad garoufag.
Who are all the S-classers that can fight dragon level threats 1 on 1?
He said it would've progressed differently because he can potentially beat a dragon, not "ended" differently. Some fights could have changed but the ending with Psykos pinning down HA's best asset - Tatsumaki - and Garou roflstomping everyone aside from Saitama was inevitable.
that "dark triad" personality is a stacy magnet too, so it checks out.
Murata says a lot of dumb shit, retard. He also said that he thought Zenko made some kind of mistake there, which she definitely fucking didn't. He also inserted the tackle scene, which made no fucking sense according to ONE.
ONE is the writer and he wrote Garou bitchslapping this nigger's face and bat away without trying much. Deal with it faggot.
All of them except for Puri Puri and Tanktop.
Some weaker ones like Zombieman and Child emperor can only win with certain conditions though.
>progressed differently
No, he said the situation against the monster association would have changed, which has a completely different meaning.
>this mad
One intentionally made the fight ambiguous so faggots like you would deny that Garou would turn into a pile of mush if Zenko didn't come and pop up MB's adrenaline bubble.
Deal with it buttmad garoufag.
Apparently, his bat is specially made to be indestructible according to one of the special chapters. Can't be bothered to find it the source.
>MB lost
>his 2 and a half fags are still buttmad and making threads about this
>trying to call garoufags buttmad
You're lucky Garou doesn't kill people by default.
why are black anime fans so obnoxious and dislikable? It's hard to debate nazis when the reality is that you people are (or behave like) certainly chimps.
It also sucks when people like you are just as bad as the people you hate on.
MB lost but lets not pretend that MB imouto had no part on it
Judging by powers alone, MB with its stronger the more he is pissed would have kept going then collapse on a coma after bursting garou brains out
No argument, huh? ONE didn't make it "ambiguous", shitter. He used the scene as a device to let Garou interact with MA. ONE has Garou tank and survive absurd amounts of damage in the story, as well as evade it at the last moment. It's key to his growth, actually. Only a retard like you would believe that the powerup master of OPM aka Garou would've ever lost let alone died to an irrelevant nigger like metal bat, who couldn't fucking do shit to him. Accept the reality and deal with it faggot.
>me: 1 post out of spite
>him: several shitposts
killing 1 person is as bad as genociding a population amirite? XD
seriously go fuck yourself with that reddit-tier ethics.
MB just gets stronger indefinitely
And judging by the fight he was getting stronger faster than garou
>MB power is infinite Power ups powered by rage
>Murata said MB would have won
>But lel Garou would just adapt
Nigger MB cant be downed while enraged
>would have changed
I know. Which means it would've progressed differently, not ended differently. Ultimately he wouldn't have made that big of a difference in the raid because of the factors like the hostages and Garou. Tatsumaki is a much bigger problem than MB too.
Note that in canon ONE makes fun of MB all the time. This guy will never score himself a dragon at this rate.
>No argument, huh?
Three words into this paraghraph you made and I'm already laffin.
>Only a retard like you would believe that the powerup master of OPM aka Garou would've ever lost let alone died to an irrelevant nigger like metal bat
He would lose (and actually die), under the conditions that I presented in my previous post of Zenko not showing up, but she did and we have what we have.
>powerup master of OPM aka Garou
The way you worded this is really funny good job.
>Accept the reality and deal with it faggot.
I'm really enjoying this absolutely buttblasted nature of you garoufags.
>means it would've progressed differently, not ended differently
To be completely honest, it could easily mean either.
Garoufags are the batmanfags of OPM
>reddit-tier ethics
Are you mad I called you as degenerate as the niggers you hate? Fuck off back to Sup Forums, shitstain.
He would have certainly injured him pretty bad according to garo.
Mb can at least stand his ground against a dragon level. Genos can't.
>muh headcanons
You're literally fucking retarded. The bat nigger can be killed, knocked out or disabled permanently. He's not invincible you dumb shitter. He bleeds and he can lose any fucking limb.
If anything if MB had connected with that hit it'd have just made Garou even stronger.
The better question is how would Garou's subsequent fights have gone if he could have drawn on that experience?
Nah, considering that Garou wasn't anywhere near his limits in that fight and his power ups are huge permanent jumps in power that are also induced by rage, Garou would've brought out the heavy artillery and pushed MB's shit in.
>He would lose (and actually die)
Nice headcanon, dumb shitter. Too bad that even when Garou literally says that he's about to die, fighting people STRONGER than the bat nigger, he survives, fights back and even wins. The bat nigger lost and couldn't do jack to Garou at any point. Accept the reality, faggot.
The only one who is still assblasted after all this time is you though. The typical MBfag who can't move on from the loss. ONE had to turn off Garou's super senses for a moment to make MB look remotely competent, then turn them back on so Garou can save that dude and his sister instead. But idiots like you still wank over the first scene because Garou, unfortunately for you, was in control that fight.
Garou is extremely tough. He wouldn't have died and you know it.
>ONE had to turn off Garou's super senses for a moment to make MB look remotely competent, then turn them back on
>h-he wouldn't die m-muh headcanon says so
It's pathetic how you fags always create stupid headcanons then present them as facts.
At that time MB was in a point where he was so fast that Garou's "super senses" couldn't keep up with him.
By Garou would turn into mush if that fight kept going.
I hope he's Saitama's roommate after the MA arc
It's canon that Garou can literally sense killing intent. He could sense that someone was watching him in that fight too. His instincts allow him to dodge attacks coming from his blind side.
He was in a perfectly healthy condition in that fight and he did turn instantly the moment he heard a voice. It's amazing how far up your ass you're willing to reach in an attempt to cope with MB's loss. ONE did have to turn off Garou's instincts to let MB look somewhat competent for a moment. Don't forget that Garou wasn't at his limit in the fight at all and he's got access to power ups too if he wishes to "keep going".
Garou isn't immune to getting rekt. The only reason the others can't beat him is because they can't get a solid hit in.
yeah you first ball fondler
I want to inseminate his sister, so it's a good idea to be on his good side by calling him best.
mb was saved by his imouto, what dumbass thinking he could beat garou when he collapsed and was sent on a stretcher after the match, lmaoing at his fan who still makes this retarded thread every god damn time
Metal bat is canonically stronger than Saitama according to ONE. Metal Bat can approach infinite strength.
You do the math OP.
Considering the gauntlet Garou is running right now and the fact that he can fight well after losing tons of blood and getting his whole rib cage broken, he looks like he feeds off of phys damage.
>Garou wasn't at his limit
Limit doesn't mean shit when Garou was basically a glass cannon in that fight.
If he got hit by that attack (which he was going to if zenko didn't show up) he'd be actually dead.
And even if he somehow evaded that, MB would just get stronger and faster since that's literally his gimmick.
Garou's defeat would be inevitable.
a change from the usual "badass" poses
>Metal bat is canonically stronger than Saitama according to ONE.
>Garou was basically a glass cannon
Literally what. Do you even know what the term means? Garou is way too durable and he relies on precise attacks or wearing his opponent down instead of brute forcing them from the getgo. He can brute force them too, though, if he wishes.
Garou has got access to power ups himself. MB, with all the time deliberately given to him by Garou, couldn't even push him to his limits.
>he'd be actually dead
Nice headcanon, shitter. Darkshine who is stronger than the bat nigger destroyed Garou's defense and the attack that Garou ACTUALLY thought would kill him did the fucking opposite once it connected. I swear you're fucking retarded.
How powerful would MB get if something happened to Zenko?
He just is
Metal Bat Blanco
She makes him depressed instead of fueling his rage so his gimmick won't work
Because he's cool without trying and nonchalant about it.
Also MB and Zenko's interactions made me remember how much I wish I had a little sister.
Truth hurts. Genos better start stepping it up.
>Implying we use nigger with a hard R
>implying that's not a white boy trying to be edgy and get himself some attetion
But you already knew that you were just trying to bait other people into getting some (you)s well here you go
Into giving you some*
Inb4 le niggers can't write xD
Because you have shit taste.
Freaking Pig God is a more interesting hero.
How is murata's manga?
Did Saitama beat Garou already? I like to read only when there is a completed story arc
I genuinely wouldn't mind desu.
I love the "weird and stupid looking but also cool somehow" designs of characters like Smileman and this dude.
So many of the irrelevant cast have interesting designs and subtle but realistic character traits, I want to see all of them in action or just doing their daily routines and chilling.
Why has MB and Garou rivalry has become a thing?
Fuck is up with Pig God, anyway? He genuinely looks to be one of the strongest S class heroes.
Nobody can defeat Garou. Garou is Saitama-tier.
I've always thought he was one of the weaker ones, isn't his thing that he can digest anything?
>tier below saitama but tier above everyone else
The little we've seen of Pig God in action indicates that he's both super tough and strong enough to fight dragon levels by himself. He's a guy who casually EATS demon level monsters.
>Garou is Saitama-tier.
Actually lmao
I agree that he's a joke
Garou actually dodged Saitama's punches, a feat only the infamous mosquito could achieve, and his training went faster too . So technically his talent puts him above Saitama. If King was born to absolutely dominate others in vidya, Garou is a natural born fighter.
Except that he gets trashed by a low-tier dragon.
oh snap
> managed to dodge the punches of a non-serious Saitama
If his talent was higher than Saitama’s, he would have been able to do something besides get fucking wrecked in his fight with him. No one has more talent than Saitama in OPM. No one is even close, either.
the Garou who fought Darkshine was much stronger than the Garou who fought MB
Garou's ability to get stronger is broken but he's not immortal
Just like the mosquito. No one else managed to dodge a n y punch from Saitama desu.
Garou can easily have more talent than Saitama. Hell, Saitama's only peculiarity is his autism that let him make through that training regime.
The difference is that, Garou needs strong opponents to level himself up. Aside from Saitama, no one's left to fight for that.
>ONE sensei will not waver in the least even if he got scolded sometimes. ONE sensei is younger than me, and he is not afraid of it, thus I'm in no place to be affected by comments on the internet. Back when I published the very first chapter of OPM, the review wasn't that great, and I thought I screwed it up...I immediately call up ONE sensei, and keep apologizing to him, after getting through all of that I still failed him...ONE sensei told me it was alright. It turns out I was encouraged by ONE sensei. Seeing ONE sensei always remain in calm and steady state, I know I have to be like the same as him.
ONExMurata OTP
Except he dodged and read Saitama's moves. He also didn't get serious like Saitama wanted him to because he's a softie.
The fact that Garou with his beastly abilities is now in harmony with himself makes his future perspectives even better than Saitama's, who is completely talentless and trapped in depression because of his overly simplistic goal.
> in harmony with himself
he's utterly broken and without a goal as well
Incorrect. Garou is more than daijoubu, following his dream.
my mistake then
still: he's not going to get much stronger, unless he encounters an opponent who can actually be his match. and with his already ridiculously high powerlevel, that's going to be hard
And that Stronger Garou came into the fight already injured severely and had his defense broken in an instant because Darkshine is that much more dangerous than the bat nigger, with whom Garou toyed for ages. Garou actually commented that he'd die to Darkshine's attack but he survived AND immediately powered up instead. Wow.