Yuuragisou no Yuuna-san

Anime Confirmed

What about?

I am shock.


Is this the kind of thing that has nipples?

pls be Xebec

BDs gonna sell like absolute fucking hotcakes


i wonder how far they'll get and how many of the girls we'll see animated

>Another piece of garbage gets an anime adaption

The new TLR.


Male lead check. Is there one?

a ghost with tits

yes. probably the most based and most deserving of a harem

And, see you in another thread. I'm out.

Yuuna is THICC

Imagine being this autistic. Imagine being from /u/.

Hey! we're not ALL like that, user!

I love yuri but I like het, too.

>Hibari shows up in episode 3
>every following episode is about Hibari

You mean stacked.

She has nipples, you can go read the uncensored manga releases online

>implying hating haremshit makes you autistic and/or /u/

Is this another harem that descends into the same circle jerk of no progression and no one getting any?

Honestly this shit got boring 20 chapters ago.
Not sure why I still read it.

Queen Bee

This is the end.

The fuck is this? Soft Ghost: Vanilla?

Either the Oboro arc or the kidnapped arc. Probably the Oboro one depending on how much they want to fit in.

We'll find out in December during Jump Festa.
Dragon God with Karura Tease at the end. They can kinda adapt whatever.

Rip threads

This is the end of good threads, right?

Definitely. Well it's been fun, mostly.

I saw it happen to seraphim and the busty disciplinary president
I'll be damned to let sagiri fall into "his" clutches

This manga is such fucking trash but I love cumming, so I'm pretty torn.

I came up with a preventative measure yesterday, but it depends how badly everyone wants to keep the threads pristine.

If this ends up happening, I'll end up wishing I could strangle the director with my hatred alone.

At worst we'll get waifu wars shitposting.

>preventative measure yesterday
Start the thread late at night in the middle of the week? Or discuss during highest Europe-Sup Forums activity?

If Souma threads are of any indication, neither of those solutions is gonna work. They weren't particularly comfy even before the anime started, but now they're shit 24/7

No, it's slightly more convoluted. Give me some time.

But basically the idea is to masquerade the manga chapter thread as another thread, but use the same subject header so those in the know can recognize it

This gon be gud.
Shitposter reporting for duty, sir!

It's about time.

Catalog won't leak. Catalog.neet.tv searches every post. Catalog search function might leak. Same subject line would attract them.

Security through obscurity will not work, but it's a good idea to split it into a manga thread and an anime thread. I bet the crossboarders are not interested in the manga so shitposting is contained in the other thread.

That might actually be better. Starting the thread with "spoilers ahead" might stave off the majority of anime-only people. But now I have a stash of old jump manga I dunno what to do with.

Funny, I was just asking if it was going to get an anime just a few days ago.

An alien is kinda more appealing than a ghost. I mean it's a GHOST.

But the art is better than TLR

Nipples are worst.

>art is better than TLR
I like Ghostits as much as the next guy but no, it's not

Jc staff better be the studio or I'll rip a slice of cheese in half.

The time has come.

Would save the show.

Shion best girl. I'll wait for season 2.

Show us some fucking nipples and art then

>animated Oboro

We can all universally agree that Yuna is best girl, right?

As long as its adaption isn't as bad as TLR's first

It's shit

True, this is why hopefully we don't get Xebec.

Still have to read it.
>How much time do I have?

The anime will come in April 2018 in the earliest.

I've been avoiding this series because seems like the typical mass of tropes that has nothing going for it other than ecchi and misunderstandings.
Am I wrong?

It has a good story that is really great because it can end at any time and have a satisfying conclusion. Best harem mc I've ever seen, he isn't an insufferable faggot, he's cool, a true bro and a gentleman. Girls are cute, art is pretty and the girls aren't retarded cunts either.

It's shit.


Yes but why would you expect progression for this?

Then fuck off from this thread

I hope Zashiki Warashi gets a cute voice.

(You) fuck on from this thread.

The manga published in the magazine is censored, the tankoban or whatever they are called are uncensored. So probably the usual. TV Censored, then BD nipples.

I want nipples on my shit; otherwise I want watching

silver link

At least the boobs looks a little bit natural. Others look like tacked on oppai.

This is where TLR really beat other ecchi anime

I've never read this shit, but I can tell that eyepatch is best girl

I was enjoying this series, but the author was pushing Hibari way too hard for awhile. And it's not like I dislike Hibari, it's just that all of the girls are great and spending so much time on one girl at the cost of all of the rest is annoying. Fortunately we've been seeing her a bit less and the other girls have been getting more time. I'm really not looking forward to Hibari Hell in the anime though.


I don't. Just checking.

As long as the main TL user thread remains stable, the manga threads will be fine. Also, I don't think shitposting will be high at that time as he starts translations every Monday at around 12-1 AM GMT.

She is surprisingly good for a main girl, but I may have a past bias for ghost girls. Not that she is all that ghost-like.

Speaking of which
worst taste

The art style looks like food Wars.
The artists of each manga are buddy's?

Spoilers out. Mini-arc involving a festival starts.

おんせん87 湯煙温泉郷フェスの幽奈さん









There should be a (1) next to the chapter title.


JC staff, this manga literally looks like food wars

Finally happened huh

someone here have good taste

>animated Chisaki

Finally an user that’s thinks the same as me.

Chisaki mind is like the pic there now days.


This is going to be an absolutely amazing adaptation. I love this series!

Can someone tell me the name of this anime? i need to know asap

Damn this girl is thick as fuck

Her manga is probably boring though

Go away

I doubt it, Yuragi doesn't start to shine until after the dragon god arc. I guess the author decided to develop the characters more after it. Before that it really is textbook ecchi harem manga. I can already see people complaining about how generic it is after the first couple episodes.

High moments in that time would be Chapter 6, 7, 10 maybe 11, and the dragon arc. There'll probably be some skipping unless they will end the first cour with dragon god.
Hopefully they skip chapter 3 though. Also hope they adapt chapters 1 and 2 in episode 1.

Soma's artist was once Yuuna's apprentice/assistant.