I'm going to visit Japan for New Year vacations and would like to go to Comiket.
What anime with Comiket episodes should I watch to get my weeb dreams crushed?
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There is no Comiket episode in Gochiusa though?
Kiniro mosaic?
If this is your first time, be sure to only go to the third day
It's the best day for newcomers, very few people and you can get a lot done without planning ahead
From recent seasons only Kobayashi comes to mind. I'm sure there are others though.
>would like to go to Comiket.
Are you sure you want to do that? You'd have to look up things you are intrested in beforehand or you might get swept away by the current.
>If this is your first time, be sure to only go to the third day
Thanks. That's what I'm probably going to do.
Or late day 1 and full day 3.
>You'd have to look up things you are intrested in beforehand
I have experience in doing catalogue research to find out what I'd like to download, now it's time to apply it to real life.
>catalogue research
user, cmon.
Well, there is comiket catalogue and list of circles participating.
Maybe research was too much.
I did a similar in watching a bunch of Tokyo Tower episodes before visiting there
I went there without looking up anything beforehand and I got quite a good loot.
Yang Beibei pls
Will you get dirty looks? I always thought otaku really don't like foreigners, even if they're into the same thing.
you fucking bastard.....
poor poor soul
not really, unless you act totally weird. Just line up, pay for your book and leave
Unless you want to "prove yourself" for some reason, you really shouldn't go early in the morning. Just get there at lunch time and you can stroll right in.
Most big name circle shit you'd know would be available on day 4 (doujin stores the day after day 3).
The only reason I'd imagine you would go early is if there's a very specific circle that you know won't get be available online/day 4.
And then there's /jp/ meetup every day of comiket (biggest on day 3, though), but people have differing views on that so do whatever.
Are you going for the experience or to actually track down some hard to find stuff? How much money are you taking with you? How long are you willing to wait in line for a single item?
If your goal is to get your hands on a lot of stuff then you're going to want to plan things out and get there early. If you just want to stroll around and grab stuff that catches your eye then show up after 10 and don't expect to get much of anything in high demand. Most of the stuff that people are after is going to either be gone in the first hour or have lines that are 2+ hours long. This doesn't mean that you can't get stuff that you may be interested in, just that the stuff that is in very high demand (not necessarily stuff you care about) is going to be gone fast.
>you fucking bastard.....
>poor poor soul
So, I got baited, and third day would be the worst one to visit?
I'm mostly going for music, and don't mind buying it later in stores if I miss something.
Mostly for experience. Not planning to get any extremely limited items, just some CDs and doujins.
Thanks for the tips, everyone.
Try Maidragon. It's just one scene, but it will give you an idea what Comiket is actually like. I went there summer last year and it was a maelstrom of weebs.
These days doujin artist also sell their works in actual book stores like Melonbooks. If he missed some he can still get them sometimes later, just without all the extra goodies. Also somewhat expensive.
Actual weebs from abroad or japanese otaku?
isn't the site being closed for massive renovations that will last until the Olympics?
3rd day is hentai day
It's from everywhere. Most were Japanese, some were Chinese (based on how they speak), there were a lot of whites, a few blacks and browns. I'm a brown SEAnigger myself.
The genshiken comiket episodes from any of its seasons are good.
Some artists will never offer their stuff through the bigger stores in Akiba or online, and as you mentioned the ones that do will only have their primary item (usually a book) for sale. If you want the towels/scrolls/pillows/whatever limited crap they had available only at the event then you're going to pay through the nose at places like Mandarake or K-Books.
C93 is still being held there. Last I checked they wanted to start taking over the site at some point in the spring or early summer before C94.
>Try to go against the current
>Find that staff are blocking the way
>Wind up having to backtrack even further up the "River" than I'd been originally
What a fool I was.
Do not make the same mistake I did.
I wasted the entire first day wating on a queue for the corporate booth of KyoAni, back in 2012. Over three fucking hours.
Come to /jp/ meetup, I'll buy you a beer.
Hope you managed to get at least something at the end of the line.
My big mistake my first time was that on day 3, I showed up super early, but with how wide and far back the line was already, I decided to just meander about the neighbourhood rather than sit my ass down in line. So, when they opened up, I just picked a point to wait around for the end of the line to pass me and follow it inside.
It took me about a half-hour or so to realize the line didn't actually /have/ an "End" with the continuous stream of people coming in from the train station.
>So, I got baited, and third day would be the worst one to visit?
oversimplified tldr version; each comiket has 3 generic themes, one per day:
>Games/digital (think Kancolle, FGO and Touhou)
>Boys Love/yaoi
The first two themes are on day 1 and 2 (order can change, sometimes game day is day 1 and sometimes it's day 2)
Hentai is always on day 3 and so day 3 always ends up drawing the most people (between 250k and 300k), so it's usually the most brutal to attend
Day 3 is the only day worth going to anyway.
You'd have an easier time visiting the commercial booths on day 1 or 2 though.
Same here, heading to Japan at the end of the year to meet up with friends and was planning to try C93.
Sounds like an idea.
Some corporate items are likely to sell out on the first day so the lines are bad on day 1. Day 2 is crowded up in corporate as well because most guys aren't going to the other halls for the fujo shit and want to get stuff before day 3 hell. Day 3 is the most crowded in general, but everybody is down in the other halls chasing big name circles and porn, and corporate is basically leftovers by then so the lines aren't as bad up there.
Bara stuff
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