40 episodes into HxH

40 episodes into HxH

One of the best things I seen but it bugs me that somehow Naruto and Boruto is always at the top. People on twitter chat shut up about it.

I have no idea what you're talking about, stop making garbage threads and go finish based HxH


>somehow Naruto and Boruto is always at the top
regardless of the quality of the respective shows, Nijnas are cooler than... whatever HxH people are.

I got 23 in before I dropped. Hisoka best boy btw

>literally not even 1/3rd of the way through

HXH is the Rick and Morty of anime

Wouldnt that be One Piece fans?

What's his fucking problem?




But that's FLCL


That's Gintama tho.

rest in peace i cant believe togashi actually killed killua

It had to be done.

At least try. I've seen you do better.

>why isnt the show about an 11 year old protagonist who fights an orgasming pedophile when its not constantly on hiatus more popular?!

>fans claim of you dont like it then you just dont understand the deep, intellectual writing
If the shoe fits

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand HxH
i remember one guy saying that "even the asspulls were done better than other asspulls"

No no no its that they are subverting the asspulls

Wouldn't that be JoJo though? HxH doesn't have much in the way of memes beyond "Hiatus x Hiatus" and "OH MY RUBBER NEN".

To be fair, the foreshadowing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics and being extremely well-read most turn of events will go over a typical viewer's head.