So anything new with Hajime no ippo? Last time i checked İppo got his shit pushed in by speedy Gonzales
So anything new with Hajime no ippo? Last time i checked İppo got his shit pushed in by speedy Gonzales
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Ippo died in the ring. Series is finished.
muh oxygen
>This was the True ending after all
I'm glad the daily coach bashing shitposting generals no longer exist. Coach didn't do anything wrong.
Gonzales was fucking Great though, he laughed off the dempesy roll and just made İppo his bitch.
The only thing i want from this shitty manga is to see the rematch between Gozales and Ricardo.
i hope he took a giant shit on ippo's corpse
Kamogawa is truly best guy ever.
Guevara is kill judging from pic spoiler.
They have basically confirmed that Ippo is punch drunk at the end of the Guevara match. I fucking hate this.
is umezawa going to end up a world renowned mangaka?
He’s not, though.
He’s misjudging distances and not remember getting hit because he had unknowingly become accustomed to switching stances and had been doing it unconsciously.
Brain damage
Nope, Ippo literally got a "power-up", he is afraid of how he is becoming a monster, he can't judge distances very well because he now is finding out he is ambidextrous. Ippo actually being punch drunk and end this damn series would've been better.
Latest RAW has Ippo landing a missile right on Gonzale's face, again; also Ippo is afraid of becoming a monster, again.
Ippo will unlock Ultra Instinct and style on this faggot. But Gonzales will kill Sendo that's for sure.
>He literally suggests getting hit
Dear fucking me, for how long has this match been going now?
>Dear fucking me
Sounds like you are writing a letter to yourself.
post the power chart
I know you guys are EOPS and shit but use OCR or something
Ippo is broken, accept it
He is Morikawa's self insert, so he'll start a really popular manga just so he could become a washed up version of himself that masturbate to french fries.
give me the quick rundown
Looks like we'll finally see the new Dempsey in Round 1202.