Why is Sup Forums so against affirmative action when it benefits white people especially white women the most?

Why is Sup Forums so against affirmative action when it benefits white people especially white women the most?

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Because white women are the most entitled social group yet still feel the need to bitch.


Oh and i forgot the link

Because Sup Forums cant defend againat facts that contradict their beliefs

So white men should still shouldn't oppose affirmative action? Why should women get the jobs if men are better workers?

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White women benefit the most from affirmative action, not blacks you fucking idiot. That's the point.

What's your point, Affirmitive action still sucks. It still does prioritize niggers, just also women, who most of Sup Forums also (generally) dislikes.


Convincing white women to actually admit they are entitled is such an astounding feat that I really think more credit should be given to the current leftist movements that have forced it into mainstream conversation. White men were not able to convince women to admit this, at all, and now it's part of the dialogue in most campuses and online feminist shill groups. Of course, there has been huge backlash so only white roasties looking to get blacked have come out and said that they were privileged, but it's still impressive progress.

Because I'm against identitarianism.

Because women shouldn't work.

Affirmative action gives us bridge collapses. When will this archaic law be repealed?

>women should be working

>it helps women so judging by race/sex over qualifications makes sense now
Also no

Because we're not trannies. What's so difficult to understand about that?

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>social security be racist
>white women get the most gibs

Another leftwing retard projecting

It doesn’t, you’re lying because that’s all leftwing scum ever do. How else could you make excuses for niggers

>White women should be in college or work

good good
part and parcel

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I mean, he's not wrong
Assuming you don't adjust for per captia
Then it's black women

what is per capita

how the fuck am i the first person to say per capita in this thread

faggot nu-pol

>how the fuck am i the first person to say per capita in this thread
>What is reading comprehension

Is that per capita
