
The Mexicans are at it again forum.deathaddict.com/threads/dismemberment-of-live-man-with-knife-by-cartel-in-mexico.16219/

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This gif is always appropriate

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i'm not going to watch that and you shouldn't encourage others to watch that.


Not melting him in a barrol of acid. it's like they are not even trying anymore.

i didn't watch it either, but i guarantee it's 1 more excellent reason to build that wall.

The beat the nigga with his own leg kek

Reminding me everyday to keep these savages out

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>Comedians in the Cartel

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Nuke Mexico.

What the fuck is a wall going to do to prevent this?

Quick run down plz

Just by looking at that idnigenous face i can guarantee this happened either in one of the Southern states aka Mexico;s shithole, ot over the Pacific coast aka Mexicos second shittiest shithole.

Still waiting for webm.

Anyone got a translation of what is being stated over into English please.

>whites have never done anything awful ever

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Keep subhumans where they belong, in central America

Once in a while I force myself to sit through videos like this to remind myself of why I vote. We live in a world where barbarism like this creeps from all sides, and internally as well. We have to be aware of what that means, why liberalism has to be stopped. Good times breed weak men, and I am one of them. So I need to do this to keep my head on my shoulders (no pun intended). I have to try to have the faintest idea of what cruelty can be, even though I haven't experienced it myself. I think it is important to stay in touch with reality.


>never any mention of the white drug users who keep them in business

The mulatto looks scared.

Let's do this to the DACA kids here, it's only fair

the absolute state of democrats

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>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

It's only a matter of time before the same shitskins start chimping out in Mexifornia and beheading one another.

You're right, liberals are just as bad.


haha great find op

You can go over a wall. You can go under a wall. You have autism if you think a wall will change anything.

Comedians in cartels getting castrated

>whites did questionable things 100 years ago therefore we shouldn't worry about modern day savagery.

Cartels are bro tier quit slandering faggot


I don't know how anybody could watch something so repulsive
I've always hated gore.

>You can go over a wall. You can go under a wall. You have autism if you think a wall will change anything.

At this point in time, only Adolf Hitler can save California from the mexishit infestation of illegal aliens.

Hello shill, thanks for bumping the thread

Is that a boner I see?




soooo, wheres the webm


>proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers

"Hurrr it will keep spics out cuz its tall!". I have bad news for you. Ladders exist.

>look at me i am mentally ill and want to show you a scary trick
>really i am just afraid of cartel so i will do like their little post boy anything they want
>i am enjoying this
>it could be me, but not as long as i do it to others
>mayans done it too, so it's ok
>btw i am not Indian, Christopher Columbus and other whites i prefer
>sincerely your favorite butcher and most based fearless man in Mexico
>P.S. be afraid

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please stop being so racist.
why are only whites so hateful and bigotted?
stop killing people from south america
stop killing people from latin america
stop killing people from central america
stop killing people from african america
stop killing people from north america

we are all american, this place is for everyone so take your orange painted president and his evil white family and get the hell out!

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This is true. Drug addicts are indirectly responsible for violence like this. All pot smokers and other addicts should be forced to watch every Narco execution video that gets released, maybe some of them would think differently about their habit.

Niggers should be erased from the world.


Most of these gore videos are fake.

This one is so badly fake

You need to read that one just a little bit better user.

Also, you may actually have a point. Maybe we should build bridges instead of walls. So long as feminists design them.

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fucking disgusting mate

Why do Mexicans kill each other like this? Whats the logic behind it? Are they enemy drug lords or something?

I think that guy screaming "ayyy ayyyyy ayyyy" is saying "owww oww owww"

>Once in a while I force myself to sit through videos like this to remind myself of why I vote.

You sure it' not because there's something wrong with you? I never watch that shit and I have no trouble remembering why I vote.

There were no planes.

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>implying my weed comes from mexico

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Rundown of video:

>naked man is chained around the neck, hands tied behind back
>clearly already been beaten, very dirty face and body
>two lexicon guys stand over him. It’s night. They wear masks.
>speak some gibberish
>cut his leg off at the knee. Sharp knife at least
>he wails and thrashes. Blood sprays
>attacker hits him in the face with his own severed leg
>they cut his other leg off at the knee
>he is weaker now. Lots of blood loss but still conscious
>they cut off his arm at the shoulder
>takes longer. He is still crying out
>his two arms are still connected by handcuffs at the wrist
>they cut his second arm off and the video cuts out

All brown countries are poor third-worlds. The Politically Correct establishment in every white country is working to brown out their white populations. What do you think the end result will be for those white countries?

thread theme

It's political terror that cartels inflict to their enemies by doing such heinous things and distributing the video. Think of ISIS.

That's what they gave him.

its cartel code for putting your foot in it


It's just some spic getting carved up.

Spics aren't human beings, so it's ok to watch the video.

They even beat him with his own chopped off leg. lol

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How can somebody just not know the reason behind these? do you think they are just neighbours figthing over whos trash was on the street?

I watch to remind myself that we need to build that wall and keep you guys out.

Why are Mexicans so fucking stupid?

Its just the start.....a monument to remind you that we are going to fuck your shit up you nigger

Mexico at its finest. The wall can’t come soon enough those sub humans belong on the other side of the wall.

Fix your fucking country and then maybe we can talk about getting closer. Until then, don’t break a leg.

You must be white. Only whites have thus level of empathy.

To not watch these videos is to dishonor our ancestors and death itself. Gore isn't entertainment. Non-whites don't understand this.

"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him," - Jose Angel Gutierrez, Chicano activist and university professor, from a speech reproduced on page 323 of "Occupied America," by Rodolfo Acuna.

What point are you even trying to make here? Explain why I can't bring a ladder or a rope to the wall and climb over it.

Can someone tell me what happens? I'm not a pussy but I don't want to sleep with gore shit on my head so a summary is appreciated

I agree. That's why I've advocated for the army to be on the border for 10 years now.

I estimate less than 100 spic goblins would have to die (less than a month's worth of cartel killings). So long as the shootings were recorded and broadcast in Mexico and central America.

doesnt sound very comfurtable desu

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no, he is a human being with a soul and it's not ok. if you take joy in watching it then you are not far off from being the butcher yourself.

I am not going to watch OP's vid because the last video of the cop and his son being killed is still fresh in my memory. If I did it for joy, I would watch OP's video too. But I don't, I hate these videos. I just think it is important to truly hate them, to have a real seething hate. Its easy to hate them superficially from just hearing about what they do, but to see it gives you real hate. I will never vote in any way to allow barbarians into my country, and I need to make sure that when someone asks me why I am such a "racist" I have the conviction to tell them why I hold my views without pause.

The guy said Nueva Italia so I assume it's in Michoacán

It’s a race to the bottom.
>You skin our guys alive
>we disembowl your granny
Etc etc etc
Depressing isn’t it.

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>implying that anyone should treat a non-white on the political far-left with good faith

British weebs are the worst.

They cut both his legs and beat him with them and they cut one of his arms

Thats a sharp knife he cut his leg off breddy quick


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I wish you guys would stop interfering with out economy and political domestic policies. This type of violence began as the state began militarily engaging the cartels in accordance with the US' War on Drugs. I shouldn't even have to mention what NAFTA did. Look to fix the causes, not merely the symptoms.

They're sub human animals.

The same sub human animals the anti-American traitor democrat politicians are willfully importing into California:


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

The mexicans we have infesting our beloved America are just as violent and sub human as the shitskin muslims infesting the UK.

It's willfully engineered white genocide on a global scale.

You need to find Hitler and somehow resurrect him.

He's our only hope or preventing these commie kikes and their politician puppets from completing their white genocide plan.

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Welcome to the juggle, we got fun and games.
>I'm gonna build a walkway from the Mexican boarder to Canada, I'mma call it the spic span

Prohibition is responsible for all of the violence associated with illegal "drugs"

The Final Solution To The Spic Question

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Sorry I come from a peaceful country so I don't understand shit like that9

Why are these disgusting Mexican and Latino subhumans so dangerous and cruel? Even Arabs don't do this shit. It's always some Mexicans or Central Americans behind grosteque videos such as these. Is it because of their Amerindian Aztec and Mayan ancestry?

Jesus Christ Cortez should have wiped out every single one of those savages, man, woman and children.

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Typical stuff: "This is going to happen to anyone that comes to our territory" then he mentions some narco and says "Keep sending us people this is what it's going to happen" blablabla

>beaners fight and savagley murder each other over drugs which are less than trash
Youre right, theyre best are so much worse than even AIDS ridden hobos.

so he basically he was right 'armless

So we're suppose to feel sorry for every fucking spic and nigger that dies in a violent way by their own people?

Get fucking real you hippie.

You know the only reason evolution is taught instead of creationism is because whites were created by Him and nonwhites weren't, right

Because trained military couldn't, and especially your fat ass couldn't. Those prototypes are more than just walls, they are specifically designed to make it impossible to cross them. By the way, do you remember the berlin wall? Do you know about Israel's wall? The great wall of China even? They have a track record.

>attacker hits him in the face with his own severed leg


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>no, he is a human being with a soul and it's not ok. if you take joy in watching it then you are not far off from being the butcher yourself.

Mexicans are not humans. They're violent sub human animals.

I can't even begin to count the times I was almost robbed or shot by these shitskins when I lived in California.

Trust me, I know from personal experience.

They're not human.

I got tired of the white genocide in my home state and left.


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

Whites are fed up with the mexican infestation brought to our country by the anti-American treasonous politicians.

We just want to live in a nice, safe, white neighborhood - free from mexicans.

Is that too much to ask?

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Damn. Makes me want to grab the ass of every girl i ever run into and them tell them “SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY WITH YOUR FIRST WORLD FAGGOT HARRASSMENT PTSD”
Literally, this video should be shown to every girl who gets sexually harassed, and then the girls should be told to stop crying and to shut their faggot vaginas.