One Piece

Spoiler pics out.





Next time on NIGEROOOO Piece.

Why would brulee go into the mirror world.That's pretty dumb

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>He drew it again
Hackposter BTFO

>amande trying to calm mama down


>literally copy paste

So this is the current state of One Piece now. Constant running. Nothing happening. Recycled cliffhanger panels. I fucking look up to you Oda and this is the QUALITY you give us.

Will luffy ever stop running away?

>Gear 4 won't lose!
>Oh fug time's up gotta get away from Katakuri

Fix your eyes. It's a completely new drawing.

It's happening
He is dying.
It was a fun ride at least

It's like one of those "spot the difference" games.
>Hair is more kept together
>hand not prominent
>Smoke is more billowy
>Even more shading on the eye
>Smile smaller

>Big brother~~~!!!
>Fool, why were you there!!!

This. You retards need to compare the hair styles.

NIGERO and HACK in same chapter, one piece sure is going places

let me guess, the text also says no one piece chapter next week. truly we have been blessed with a great author

The Virgin cook vs the Chad Baker

The panel is identical to the panel when he decided to bake the cake because he is finally delivering the cake, a short callback.

Get some critical thinking ability, you fucking retard.

Smoothie and the others are apparently at the borders of tottoland as last resort in case the strawhats try to flee. Guess the smoothie does nothing meme will gain some wind when the chapter drops, geez.

>Nothing happens: THE CHAPTER
Best shonen my ass

They will just coup the burst over them, I don't see how BMP can prevent that

>sanji is unironically defeating big mom with a cake

I wanted him to shine again since the TS, but this is not what I wanted.

If this isn't proof that One Piece has been shit since the timeskip I don't know what is.

More like
>Nothing happens: THE ARC

You guys do realize the cake isn't done yet, right?
They still gotta do the decorating of it. All they've done is finish the foundation and make what I assume is the frosting.
The page may be about them deciding to decorate it on the go so they can meet up faster or something like that, or he's just saying it's time to decorate.

>we didn't get the last panel only as spoiler pic
Imagine all the people calling it an obvious fake.

Nothing happens once again with a break next week. Just fucking end it man.

They are different. Go buy some glasses, you blind morons.

>The page may be about them deciding to decorate it on the go so they can meet up faster or something like that
Sanji already said that that's what they'll do mayn chapters ago.

>or he's just saying it's time to decorate.
No he's says that they should go now, because his friends are struggling and it's time to take down Big Mom.

Wait, they'll take the cake outside? What are they going to do about Oven?


They are already on the ship. Not quite sure what Oda is going for with the Oven/Pound plotline.

I presume that Sanji will either be caught red handed and will be delayed as a result or, if he takes the time to check outside, will try and sneak out/disguise himself.


>missing the point

Ideo is making the two groups build a new ship out of the two destroyed ships, so they'll have to travel together.

>Luffy NTRs Katakuri

nice damage control

They are the kings of the longleg and longarm tribes, right? And they were most probably on their way to the Reverie.

>Luffy realizes that he can't beat Katakuri so he runs instead of pulling a powerup of his ass
>people still complain

Just read the post of this guy and shut the fuck up forever.
How is that not good?

>"I won't run anymore. That's what these 2 years were for!"
>"If it's for my dream I don't mind dying for it"
>"Oh shit my life is actually in danger here, NIGEROOOO!!!!"
Garbage-tier arc

How do you feel about the new Strawhat lookout?

Just end my suffering you fucking hack

>implying the Hack isnt gonna make Luffy magically recover his stamina and take Brule back to the mirror world for round 2

keep crying gear5thfag

>Clearly said he just need 10min
Exactly like he did on Dressrosa, moron.

How was Luffy even able to get out of the MW with Katakuri right there??

>how can I train my CoO mister akainu-san
>I don't know faggot try seeing with your eyes closed or some chuuni shit
>I understand

Brulee is actually pretty cute in that top middle panel.

Katkuri is faget

looking great so far

>Y-Yeah keep crying haha
The absolute state of hackoda's dick suckers

Katakuri doesn't run faster than Luffy. He just had to use G4 to flee then continue running. He got lucky he found Brulée on his way.

Do you guys even have a brain?

Are you just gonna keep running away?

>One piece has a shit writing
In other news water is wet

>tfw a manlet traps you in another dimension


Say something nice about the pirates Kang after reading the latest chapter

>the EXACT SAME panel
Oda really doesn't give a shit anymore

At least we like the manga we spent our time talking about. Why don't you make a thread about your favorite manga? It got axed? It's in hiatus again? Not enough people care for it to have a thread on Sup Forums? That's too bad.

did you forgot the part where Katakuri sent Luffy flying 100 miles away?

They just can't use their brains.

So running piece is on a break next week? Is it gonna come back on Thanksgiving week end? Now that this arc is about to end, what are we gonna expect at the Reverie?

>reverie and wano is in 2017
what the fuck happened since that statement was made?

>yfw Oda finally kicked the bucket and all future chapters will just be reused panels from old chapters

It was made by the editor. And it was wrong.

Oda's assistant's neighbor here, here's the last panel of the Katakuri fight. It will end in chapter 888.

Don't worry WCI has only 7 chapters left. I know people have been saying this since 20 chapters ago, but I'm 100% right this time



It isn't the fact this panel is 1:1 like some people are claiming (and they're wrong) because I agree, this is a new panel

However, the problem is the sheer lack of imagination, creativity and originality for Oda to completely reuse a previous chapter cliffhanger from a couple of months ago. It's really bad

>Luffy mounting Brulée

Hancock BTFO

it could be worse

Oda, where's my friend Zoro?


Can you just read this and shut the fuck up?

Do you think these threads would explode if oda actually dared to do that? Not the spanish meme, but taking a panel, turning it around and then making it a double spread.


and it's also the first time it happens in 880 chapters.Chill your tits

How is that an excuse?

>Why would brulee go into the mirror world.
Because she's just as cocky as the rest of her family and has been spectating the fight while leaving herself vulnerable to Luffy in the past.

That and Oda needed to give Luffy an out because he wrote Mochi man as being too strong.

>That's pretty dumb
Yes it is.


>it's SUPPOSED to be lazy

I was hoping maybe luffy tricked her by playing dead or whatever

Pudding makes a cute wife.



It's a callback. So, yes it's supposed to be similar. I hate you guys so much.

That would be a clever plan and this is Monkey "my idea of stealth is to immediately eat a house" D "and I'll announce where I'll stand for the next 12 hours" Luffy.

He is not a clever man.


>tfw Sanji is so shit Oda doesn't even want to waste his time drawing him anymore

If you guys could replace the last panel, what would it look like and what would sanji say?

I'm not running

>Why would brulee go into the mirror world
She's watching Big Mom destroying Nuts island. Why the fuck would she NOT BE INSIDE?

Do we really have to explain fucking everything to you guys?