Share you black pill stories

what was the final straw for you?

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the final straw for me was when i found out women actually can't love you the same way you love them

We don't have free will. We are biological puppets and our fates are sealed.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

Meme thread.

How do you mean?

No matter what happens during life/after life is completely irrelevant because the universe will eventually implode and everything will end

Why do you feel you need a statue of your accomolishments after you died and cant enjoy your status? Live in the here and now

I was told by doctors that I had cancer a while back. A couple weeks later it turned out to be a misdiagnosis, but it made me realize that someday the same thing will happen but it will be real. For those weeks I thought I had cancer I felt like my time to live was suddenly limited, and even when I found out I didn't have it that feeling never went away.

How do you fucking mean? Let me tell you.

Women will have a relationship with a man. But man will let the woman become a part of him.
If that woman becomes sick, dies, or leaves the man... part of him dies as well. Do you know how they say that people who lose one sense gain more ability to use the other? Well, when men lose this part of them- this emotional bond... they use the pain to create great things. Beautiful books, love poems, and artwork are created by men who were hurt in such a way. You don’t see Stacey painting the sistene chapel.

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this thread is coming along swimingly

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mine was heat death/entropy/2nd law of thermodynamics

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Yep we're all going to die, best come to embrace it so life can be led without fear
Their loss

we are all eternal beings so even if you kill yourself you are just going to get a stern talking to and a reincarnation into even shittier circumstances.
you've already died multiple times
its relative
from your point of view, if there is ANY WAY for you to survive, thats what happens
swallow that pill boy

When I realized I was sent to iraq not to find WMDs but so the (((Rothschild))) could take over Iraq’s Céntral Banking and a lot of my fellow Marines lost their lives and came home with PTSD for THE JEW

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The ultimate blackpill becomes the final whitepill.
European descended whites will win in the end because we are better.
Humanity will touch the stars.

When i tried to kill myself when i was in third grade and failed
Most recently, it was when Trump appointed the CIA boss as his sec of state
Mr Bones was right

Niggers like to fuck their family. Its weird all the shitskin coons are inbred. The niggers always busy fucking stray dogs and then they move on their to sisters or any nearby livestock it doesn't matter to the subhumans.

Shit, this is how people become schizophrenic. Stop.

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Exact story of a hs teacher I know

Oh, that's easy. See pic.

Of course we'll make do. What other choice do we have? But she doesn't have to live next to them...she doesn't have to fight with them at the supermarket, and she doesn't have to avoid them at train stations. I'm done...fucking done.

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A nigger acted like a nigger one too many times and I broke.

I just don't understand why we can't do what we trained for. I lost my best friend for some old Jew.

Freewill is an illusion.
If your destined to be born with degenerate impusles than there's nothing you can do

>Mr Bones
whats mr bones

Beautiful words my friend, I'm screencapping this

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he's pretty wild

Thats not how that works

Its not saying that shit just magically does what it wants because it can, but that shit cant properly be observed because our eyes/measuring tools use light to measure things which fucks with the thing were trying to measure.

Imagine trying to observe a meteor by bouncing a ball in it. Now imagine trying to observe another ball by bouncing a ball on it

Everyone gets hurts, and the fact you try to draw these conclusions shows that youre jaded. If theres evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of men. Its easy to place blame. It takes a man to take responsibility.

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Not the final one
Just a major hit

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Devil’s advocate but I don’t think the Sistine Chapel was motivated by heartbreak but religious fervor instead. But even then, you don’t see Stacey doing it!
Civilization goes in cycles and collapses hard after degeneracy. Rome couldn’t just pick itself back up after Diocletian. Look at what modern Britain is compared to the Empire. We just have the luck of being born right before the crash.

Everyone gets hurt...but different people get hurt in different ways. When’s the last time you heard a woman whining about oneitis long after the fact? Our biology is not the same, so why should our psychology?

That idyllic white picket-fenced middle class dream you guys envision can never achieve fruition.

A childhood of no socialization produces beta cucks.

Nationalism is a fraud.

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Fucking. This.

We have limited free will at the individual level, but it creates hell because we are incomplete and therefore imperfect. The choice we must make to be truly free is to sacrifice our will and submit ourselves completely to the higher Will of God. This is the true meaning of the death and resurrection.

Go another step further, desu. Realize (or admit) it was the Jews that committed 9-11 in the first place. They then used their dominance over media to blame Iraq.

I'm not trying to enflame you, but this is the reality of it.

Milk truck just arrive

Where’d you fight brother?

That whites will never unite and the white race will die.