Dies Irae

Arbeit macht frei! Does user have Arbeit? If not Rusalka will punish him.

Too early for a thread, should have made one 12 hours before the episode.

Which one of you faggots did this?

anyone know the name of the song Schreiber sings to rusalka at the tower in kei's route?

>It's real
What the fuck

>unironically getting it up to Rusalka

>just a bunch of woman and nazi.



I want to fuck Marie

Time has been stop.


You mean God's cancer tumor

>implying Gil has no time cheating gear.

>rewrite the law of the multiverse to remove the concept of time
>time cheating

so nothing moves ever again?

Have you actually read DI? It's called the Eternal Hell of the Great Crimson Lotus for a reason.

No. I'm waiting for winter holiday before I read it.

He tanks an attack that one hit every thing with history because nothing in his world can process to have a history

Then, you should refrain from discussing powerlevels until you've read it. Surely you don't like when secondaries do the same with Fate, right?

I love your persistence

Honestly i just did it to start a war.

*outrun Ea*
*gibberish German screeching*

Even a little girl beat EA. It is hardly a feat.

Astolfo steals Schreiber's NP. You move.

Astolfo can't steal NPs, user.

Yes, it's literally his endgame, he sits his ass on the Throne and time stands still forever and nothing moves again. A eternity of nothing.

She can't steal pure autism.


It's his craving aka autistic desire so strong it warps the world to suit his desire of never being touched again, we're talking "Schreiber makes himself explode on contact with anything" tier autism, not that means much to him since as part of Reinhard and along with his absurd stock of souls he can just regenerate forever.

>18+ still delayed
>still no Rusalka gangbang

>Still no Beatrice x Lisa yuri
Patch when

Schreiber's "your speed+1" thing is his autism given form
The most he/she/xe can lost is the motorcycle

There was an update today, it says there is no release date for the 18+ content patch yet, rip...maybe next year?

I love all and everything!


Fuck, I don't want it to end yet.

Pantheon soon™

Which fights make up your top 5?

Wilhelm vs Schreiber
Wilhelm vs Shirou
Wilhelm vs Baka
Wilhelm vs Rusalka's child
Wilhelm vs Ren


Three Colors
Finale Ren vs Commanders in the castle
Wilhelm vs Shirou
Machina vs Ren (any route)
Eleonore vs Kei (Marie's route)

Just bash your skull into the wall until you forget everything so you can reread it without remembering anything.

Three Colors.
Trifa vs Schreiber.
Ren vs Battalion Commanders in Rea's route.
Any Wilhelm vs Shirou fight.
Beatrice vs Eleonore.

Mexican God Standoff
Wilhelm vs Shirou
Machina vs Ren
Cain vs Kei
Trifa vs Ren

Why is there no worst girl in this pic?

Mai waifu is perfect.

Because DI basically gave everyone enough characterization that they could each be a protagonist on their own. Even Spinne.

Read Rusalka end

Why are SS girls so sexual?

Eleonore is ded by that time

Yeah, I'm going to. I hope it's long.

dear lord kasumi route is shit

It's fairly short. Lots of spaghetti dropped though

Shirou saved Dies Irae

>literal infodump that Masada only added after Light forced him is shit
what a surprising discovery


After everything I appreciate Kasumi route's Trifa. That's about it.
Also Wilhelm vs Shirou is a decent fight

Can I still get punished if I work 7 days a week?

imagining imaginations

She could punish me any day desu

>tfw ywn be punished by rusalka

Why even live?

Last one is either Kagura or the final Seijirou/Shiori fight, not sure which one I like more.


If it's you shitty edits user, could you make a Trifa version of "absolute madman"?

I want to FUCK this Nazi until she reveals all her high level secrets.

Is this series good and enjoyable? Serious question.

Yes to both.

VN? Yes
Anime? Nope


Only if you like chuuni shit, if you hate chuuni stuff then you won't like Dies Irae at all.

Both as in "good" and "enjoyable". Obviously I am talking about the VN.
Why would anyone even consider watching a VN adaptation?

I like Steins;Gate's adaptation

Reminder that kkk is canon

No. I am just a leech, I took it 2 months ago.

Is it worth watching for qt murderous nazi girls?

Well there's noo qt murderous nazi girls, for nazi girl you only have
>a whore who steal a route for her own
>an aho
>also an aho but blonde and dead
>a corpse fucker who's best mom
>a raging dyke who's actually pure