
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Tucker: Men In America pt1 3/7/18
>Tucker: Men In America pt2 3/14/18
>Tucker: Men In America pt3 3/16/18

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #48 3/17/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady @St Patrick's Day Parade in GA 3/17/18
>This Week @State 3/16/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump welcomes Irish PM Varadkar to WH 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets JPN FM Kono 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets SoKo FM 3/16/18
>HHSSec Azar @Natl Assoc of Comm Health Centers 3/16/18
>StateDep Readout: Heather w/AssSoS Evanoff 3/16/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Leg Affairs Dir Short 3/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/VP/2nd Lady/IrishPM @Shamrock Bowl 3/15/18
>Pres Trump/Irish PM Varadkar @ Friends of Ireland luncheon 3/15/18
>Pres Trump meets Irish PM Varadkar 3/15/18
>Pres Trump greets Irish PM Varadkar 3/15/18
>AG Sessions @Chief of Police Forum 3/15/18
>NatlSec Space Program Budget hearing 3/15/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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How can people possibly think Trump is racist when Melania is so tanned? She's basically the darkest skinned woman to ever occupy the position of First Lady.

The master race..hahahahhaa

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Explain this

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She's got heels on

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I love women. I cherish women. Hillary says you shouldn't cherish - I do cherish. My mother was one of the great people of the world - possibly the greatest. My daughter is constantly telling me "Daddy, Daddy, talk more about women's issues" because she knows how important an issue this is to me


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not sure if retarded or not

I'm a brainlet. Is there a way with 4chanX to make the page autoscroll so I can keep lurking while playing vidya?

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Manlets, when will they learn?

wait till health isn't being corrupted by design and majority will be beautiful

we've only just begun our repair

eh he he, was hoping no one would notice

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Apologized for the fucking truth
America is just so chock full of nigger lovers

witnessing sweden kill itself for (((globalism))) is still painful

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>tfw this cesspool thinks it's "ok" to fire a man 2 days before his retirement.

This man served our country for 22 years of his life. Cadet Bone Spurs felt extra pissy and fired him on Friday to deny him the right to appeal. The fact that flagposters from other countries will reply to my post proves that America is just a game to other people . This is my fucking COUNTRY. Yes Hillary is a shit stain but Donald Trump is just a sleazy billionaire with no ethics the fact that you retards cheer makes me so disillusioned with my America. You retards arnt even republicans. You make me embarrassed to associate myself with a party that was glorious 100 years ago. Just to end on a note the Office of Professional Responsibilities is part of the DOJ who answers to Sessions directly, the FBI didn't suggest his firing.

You need to go back to storm front you edgylords


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How is it not?

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sorry little wolfgirl

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It's all right, user. One day it will be freed again


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What's the expected narrative for the upcoming week?

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Serious question: why call it Globalism when you know it's Zionism?

Just click your mouse's scroll-wheel down and set it at a very slow speed.

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is this from plebbit?

>they still think the president can be charged with OoJ

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Trumptards now think the reason they are ugly is because someone is sabotaging their healthcare?

kikes exempt
muslim schools exempt
All this is about is banning christianity & forcing integration of shitskins among whites, specifically to harm whites

What are you idiots talking about 60% Of Adults and 75% of kids on stamps aren’t white. Lol how can we even be arguing about this. Lol the white working class is 10% of the US mostly over 45.

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Know the guy in the middle, it's an Australian wow streamer, my cousin was watching the guy when I went there to visit.

umm, is REAL AWOO HOURS in half an hour? or an hour and a half?

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But then how can I play vidya?

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A reminder, for anyone considering travel abroad. This never stopped being a thing.

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Possible collusion

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Any Mexicans here? How come you guys never took everything till you reached Costa Rica?

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Stormy Daniels has actual real legitimate proof of please believe us already, also the russians are behind it

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I was told Mattis is going to resign because of Tillerson. WHY IS THERE NO TURMOIL

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Great news! Welfare cuts are not racist

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that like saying the just have nukes. NK used to "just" have nukes. Did you read the wiki I posted ? If I am not mistaken there a more countries with nukes than with ICBMs. ICBMs aren't easy to design.

Just give spics their shounen chinese cartoon and you can control them.


Hour and a half

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the good news is yes

the bad news is i am just too lazy to explain

just google it

With a second mouse.

> forcing integration
Not really, it's a complete replacement. It would be less of a problem if they integrated.

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>the largest beneficiaries of food stamps are working class whites
>2/3rds of food stamp receivers/user aren’t even white

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neurotic jews aren't a monolithic entity, and that good goyim on these fractured but powerful jews complicate the isue further

2 burgers. 30 fries.

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please no, Mattis is based.

Thanks AWOO

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Repeat ad nauseum

>Ivanka still calls him Daddy
is this hot or degenerate?

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So you’re telling me Asians are the best examples of self sufficient Americans

I am just concerned IK to kikes 60% Seattle is too white but I’m surprised they would say 60% Non White is “mostly white.”


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of course, we're being poisoned and bombarded with dirty electricity, how are we supposed to align towards natural perfection?
just wait, we'll be beautiful soon enough.

>New Trump Tweet: Maybe I should have let Rubio retire too?

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Trump is a Ziofaggot and a traitor to us all. Undisputable proof:

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Oh it's that time again, Ameribro. You got me to make fun of Sweden again with one of my favorite books.

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It's weird as fuck because she isn't 5 anymore.

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you're right. I fucked up
>am idiot.

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Nevermind. I found it. I was checking in the settings, not the drop down menu.
Yeah, just found it,

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Integration is how you do the replacement, you dismantle any sort of racial or white group identity because they grew up around shitskins, they had shitskin friends, they think letting some shitskin harass a white girl is fine, they see race mixing as fine, etc

Then when 20 years later the neighborhood is all non-white, nothing can ever be done.

To think only 10% is beaners, when they are upwards of 20% of the population, obviously something is very wrong here.

dk, are you a fed?


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It's like Chechens in your army.

Not really the number of white people on stamps has fallen, the number of Asians has risen this is 2010. There are more poor non whites and less poor whites everyday and the majority of people are welfare aren’t white.

Meanwhile, at the Antifa Adonis competition...

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they're literally wearing John Oliver's Drumpf hats

lol this nigga serious?

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They're against the first and 2nd amendment, Asians bring the slave mentality wherever they go.

>Get another monitor
>set game to fullscreen borderless
>have /ptg/ open in other monitor

That's how I bake and game at the same time

from MSM?
>Trump is a Russian puppet
>Russia is evil
>Assad is evil

from Trumpworld?
>Assad is evil
>Iran is evil
>Israel is based!

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Stop being scary, Roosya.

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What a fag

Trump reminds of a decadent Roman emperor so I'm not even that bothered by his incestuous leanings

>Louise mensch

>Hitler fixes Germany in 4 years
>Trump is still involved in Twitter drama after two and nothing fixed


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That explains why the Finnish are so miserable.

Man this world has too many jerks allowed to throw in their 2 cents. I feel like previous generations didn't have to deal with all of this constant crap. The President said something and everyone assumed it was true and never undermined him. Now, that said, it is true perhaps Trump lies more obviously than other presidents. However, it is known by almost all reasonable adults that all president lie and have lied and yet only in THIS generation do people act like the current presidents statements must constantly be challenged.

This is what makes me disillusioned. If Republicans wouldn't constantly fight so often, we might see a R Senate and R House but one reason to lose it is because the popular Trump is betrayed so often by unpopular Republicans.

All they have to do is Jewgle obstruction of justice. It's really that simple.

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Donald just keeps kicking them while they're down

>UK anti-obesity drive at risk from new US trade deal, doctors warn

>Britain’s post-Brexit trade deal with the United States could lead to even higher rates of obesity through the import of American foods high in fat and sugar, children’s doctors have warned.

>US “hostility” towards measures aimed at promoting healthier eating habits, such as traffic light labelling, is also a major threat to the government’s anti-obesity drive, it has been claimed.

>The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is urging ministers to resist pressure to unwind key public health measures in their quest for a future transatlantic trade deal.
>“We’re concerned by the evidence of US hostility in trade talks towards countries that want to set their own domestic agenda on reducing sugar intake, particularly the push [from the US] to keep traffic light labelling voluntary. We can’t allow trade talks to undermine efforts to tackle childhood obesity,” said Prof Russell Viner, the RCPCH president.


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fuck off

bub cnn bold me so

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