Stone age Europeans were in America first before stone age asians

Early Native Americans were European, prove me wrong.

Attached: wha-813x418.png (813x418, 564K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The Asians stole American from us and genocided our people!
I want reparations. Pay up, China!

everyone came from the children of noah, end of thread

Fuck off Christ fag

thier was no government then genius

hehe, nnNNOOOO

Grug rememeber when slant eyes invade

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 38K)

That's a Tarim mummy, she was an Indo-European Tocharian in what is now Western China. She wasn't a native Native Native American, but Tocharians were the easternmost IE tribe

Take not of the red hair and blue eyes of pic related, it's a Chinese depiction of Tocharians

Attached: VitarkaMudra.jpg (200x269, 23K)

*Take note


So?, the fact that early native Americans on the east coast are found with European DNA prooves we were here first so the indians can suck my white cock.


She has lip prints on her forehead. Whoever burried her was sad

as a Shoshone-bannock, i dont really give a shit, we're all decedents of noah's children, ergo, brothers and sisters, end of thread.

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What's really sad is Americans will probably end up looking like american indians in a few years with the niggers breeding with white women. Though to be honest I prefer the noble savage to the nigger savage.






Attached: 1502965440207.gif (218x228, 1024K)

btw, get recked by muh ancestors, European races aren't nothing without thier guns.

welcome brother







Solutrean hypothesis huh op? check out

You get internet in your teepee on your reserve?

Grugkowski no like slant eyes, they burn our caves

Attached: grugowski.jpg (500x643, 71K)

Attached: images.duckduckgo.jpg (175x152, 4K)

i dont live on the rez, & the rez has wifi

Frank Hibbens 1946 Sandia Man theory and the 2012 Solutrean Theory are the same theory.

Attached: hibben.jpg (316x234, 34K)

Just ask the Mormons. They are Jews! LOL

I’m 100% Cree but I consider myself a European. My ancestors most likely came from Lappand a long ass time ago.

Attached: 28C318B1-F8D6-4512-9922-515ADED2A17E.jpg (720x960, 89K)

according to jews, only they came from noah

Came here to post this.

Then were did goyim come from?

European tribesmen and women chasing after herds of mammoths across the glaciers 15,000 years ago during the Plasticine when sea levels were low and the ice caps were a lot bigger. Allowing them to walk cross the Atlantic.

so your saying whites in america got RICED by the BAC?

asians confirmed master race

Solutreans got run out of europe, drew boats on el Costillo Cave and boated along the ice 24,000 years ago.
The Cinmar tool alone dated 22,760 years old. The ocean was only 240 feet lower then.

Turkics subhumans where a mistake. They took over all of Scythia and central Asian Iranian(unmixed with middle easterners)

Attached: image.jpg (311x481, 63K)

Calf killer is back.
Only an asshole shoots a cow and her calf.

We are Atlanteans

Attached: Solutrean Atlantis Civ.jpg (4132x3151, 3.72M)

Wrong, see this

Is that Lauren Southern?

Cough "bullshit".

Attached: monte-verde.jpg (350x357, 43K)

Still, it's interesting how many mammoth/mastadon bones they recover off the coasts of both America and Europe. seeing the shelfs under the oceans on google maps it's kind of easy to see land having been bigger when more water was ice.

Attached: shelfs.png (1905x929, 3.47M)


shartistani faggot

I did them a favour.

so much misunderstanding of anthropology and genetic sciences in this thread I'm too lazy to sort it out

eurasian sapiens were generally the same peoples around the time that large migration waves happened including the small group that eventually populated the americas. there were some previous outward migrations that were absorbed by technologically and likely intellectually superior sapiens(including most of the wave where PNGs and abbos came from), there is even evidence that the abbo wave made it to the americas 30-60k years prior to the wave that resulted in 99.9% of the american sapiens genome. most of the variation in genetics between eurasians(indo-europeans, arabs/north africans, SE asians and east asians has occurred within the last 30-40k years, and around 40k years ago they were the same group centered around the middle east(cro magnids). when you're looking that far back literally everybody that isn't a australasian or a sub saharan african were the same people. the image in OP is from 15-20kya later and isn't really relevant at all, just shows some steppe people more closely related to europeans made it pretty far east and there are still plenty in western china, it's not shocking to anyone with basic anthropological knowledge. you could argue native americans being 'european' as much as you could argue them being 'asian', neither really make any sense as they were becoming distinct at the same time that asians and europeans were. not gonna dissect stuff anymore than that.

tl;dr these articles were written by foobtards who understand very little about prehistoric human migration

Lauren Southerns were in the Americas before wild poos!
The Trad Thot empire.
Some poor Eastern European version was making me cringe telling me the smelly thot had organised a
>'Trad Thot Deffence Force'
The question is are they trying to reclaim American as their rightful realm?

the youtube video was made by an anthropologist.

So you're saying it WAS trad thots?

Wolves wouldnt have eaten that calf. Stop lying to yourself. Indians are just assholes that shoot anything that moves.
Your next hunts will end up in an injury and no more kills.
Karma works .And I hope all your hunts are skunked in the future. Maybe you pile that new ski doo into a tree and eat a branch in the face.

white thots, roasties, and basic white bitches fear the female samurai.

They chiselled pictures of their asses of stones to trade with beta wild poos


16,500 is old but not as old as North America. And all you have are fake chert points? Those designs were never found in South America or Siberia.
Pedra Fudra is older than Monte Verde.

Attached: StanfordClovisPoints2.jpg (1600x1062, 246K)

What are you a fucking vegan?

Attached: jew fears the samurai.jpg (1265x1431, 445K)

I can pull up yt videos of anthropologists saying that gender dimorphism magically doesn't apply to humans. this is just something made for TV to "rly make u think" about some guy dramaticzing a rare haplogroup that we don't have enough data on to draw any conclusions from found at the windover site who's genetics were primarily the same as the rest of north americans. read some books and papers instead of watching clickbait videos for your education.

There were no mammut left in Iberia but some fell off bluffs in North America and the bloated carcasses floated to the Bay of Biscay. Solutreans knew another continent existed. Trees with needles and leaves show up in the bay of biscay today from America.
Chesapeake Bay was a valley when people first found it.

Attached: cheasapeak bay.png (663x714, 442K)

Your trying to pull dates out your ass. You wrote complete bullshit.

Did they found european DNA in Pedra Fudra?

Or just in the 12.000 years old sites in east north america?

Attached: monte verde.jpg (900x1789, 388K)

I only shoot old dry cows or 50 inch bulls. Only an asshole shoots a cow and her calf.



Attached: Cro-Magnon_migration.gif (503x443, 127K)

I killed this calf last week, lol. Go cry faggot.

Attached: 4553048E-2D0E-4577-9014-3313D29F4434.jpg (452x711, 81K)

We were Indians and stuff

Attached: mutter.gif (480x228, 263K)

Looks like a Jew

Were the original aryans jews?

13,500-24000K years ago are when the Clovis lived. Before the YD.
Yep all the pre YD North Americans are European, with European tools, eyed needles, atlatls , and most important, the skulls.
The oldest sites are on the East Coast.
After the YD huge waves of migrating , angry Asians started arriving, and now your here too.
No humans are indigenous to the Americas.

Perfect example of why Indians should be banned from owning firearms.
Ive seen you fuckers waste more animals than Africans. Please go home to Siberia.

I own them all. Read them all. I even order in the old books by Frank Hibben.

Attached: AAI.jpg (242x346, 18K)

Don't get your panties in a knot. If our ancestors would have done the right thing and finished the job we wouldn't have these problems today.

this whole idea of "were the original X this thing that exists now" is the retarded thinking that caused this thread. the original X don't exist anymore, only descendants of it do.

Shut the fuck up nigger.
Thinning herds is healthy as shit for herd animals. Less competition for them to eat and reproduce each year.

then why are you confused about my dates concerning cro-magnon and human migration? I even broadened them to account for multiple hypotheses. please, correct me if you are so well-read instead of saying 'no u make up!11!!"

you eat the remains of millions of animals and insects annually, even if you are vegan.

Are you jews

Moose dont run in herds dumb ass. These Northern forests like the Boreal and taiga support the least amount of life on the planet. Dont need listerine chugging cree shooting calfs because they are lazy hunters.

Actually that infographic I posted includes those two sides stone tools the "european tools" dated at 16.500 years ago and they were DNA tested as amerindians.

Attached: monte verde_0.jpg (435x406, 43K)

Geology. You have to take in account for 3 different glaciations, and to explain Neander you have to identify the Toba eruption.

Attached: IceAge europe.jpg (736x625, 152K)


Looks like the Mormons were right

Fanged demon God with multiple arms?

What about him?

Attached: viracocha glp.jpg (960x384, 101K)

He was white.

What's your life like for the most part? What province (or territory) do you live in?

He also killed the mud giants he made himself by turning off the sun flooding the earth.

Attached: viracochagoldmask.jpg (480x640, 46K)

Probably faked. No bi faced overshot, fluted Clovis tools ever came from South America.
States like Tennessee and Kentucky have hundreds of thousands of older tools. The bulk is on the East Coast, and the oldest are on the East Coast.
Atlatls, eyed needles and woven cloths like windover are European designs too. Not just the mega fauna spear points.
No mammoth in South America. Guaranteed those tools were salted and came from North America.
They are salting another site now.

Attached: clovis lithics.jpg (389x500, 34K)

Attached: solutrean lithics.jpg (617x394, 47K)

Chachapoyas were white. And they actually helped the Spaniards fight the Incas lol.

Watching you being reduced to name calling it's lovely.

I have no doubt there was light skinned people in the americas cause east asians are fairly white.

Attached: 15000 years old spear from marga marga.jpg (818x620, 75K)

The skulls dont lie.

Attached: skulls-lovelock.jpg (1037x324, 74K)

But, Chachapoyas had blonde hair too.

We had members of the Mammuthus genus.

Polynesians do too.

Attached: molares de mastodonte.jpg (820x620, 110K)

I live totally off the land in Quebec. This winter I ate moose, baby moose, moose fetus from a pregnant moose i killed, beaver, snoeshoe hare, ptarmigan, fish. That’s about it. The last time I ate Goyim Feed was when I went to Montreal for the sole purpose of fucking white women, asian women, arab women, not niggers tho, lol. If you’re a hunter you can pretty much fuck any woman you want.


Good to see you again user. I capped all your posts on this.
What a fucking scam from the Alaskan tribes.

Not at the same time of human occupation. you could say you had dinosaurs too since they find them in Patagonia.
There are better sites than Monte you should study up on. But it gets older as you go North.

> My ancestors most likely came from Lappand a long ass time ago.

This is so wrong it hurts. How did you come to this conclusion?

Where did they find those?

Peru user did a good job listening. Enjoy Peru I would love to see that country of all in South America.

Fifth region Chile, specifically in the Marga marga coast.

They also found the spear here

Attached: inca statue quilpue.jpg (820x620, 130K)

if you're 100% cree you're not european you fucking idiot.

go get some discount smokes richard rattlesnake.

Oh my god he's right, Polynesians do have blonde hair and it looks freaky unnatural.

Attached: blond-hair.jpg (600x600, 66K)

>it gets older as you go North.

Not really, Monte verde and pedra fruda are some of the oldest, and the ones that are older are considered scams or poorly dated, while the north american east coast has plenty of old findings, it's obviously because it's on e of the most populated regions on earth and there's many digging going on there, while places like Puerto montt or Brazil have almost no archaeological teams.

Any theories on this?
Is all that sotry of Blue eyed gods a LARP from the Incas or do you believe there could be an older civilisation on South America?

Attached: Incas.jpg (692x455, 285K)

with all the bullshit comments here I want to clarify this

this is partially true, but not the whole thing

there were three waves of native americans in to the americas

1. the first wave spread across the continent, we don't really know much about them
2. the second wave were distantly related to eurasians, coming from siberia
3. the third wave were east asians/tungusic people, they're pretty much only the in the north, which is way inuits look clearly asian