A question that will plague the minds of philosophers for centuries to come

A question that will plague the minds of philosophers for centuries to come.

Yui or Ui?

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Ui is far superior, that is known.

U & I

Yui has a better voice, is smarter, knows philosophy, and is the protagonist so gets more screentime thus more character development.

Ui is the stereotypical waifubait character that only knows how to cook and clean.

>better at guitar
Ui is objectively better



>Used to be seen as cool and the best by younger sibling
>as they get older they realize that you're kinda a loser spazz

Yui hits too close to home.

a girl from a decent non moe-trash show/manga
>this one for example

Does Yui have some form of ADHD or something? She's not stupid but can clearly be sucked into a task and motivate herself if it requires her.


Yui is just what happens when you never really have to work too hard at anything because you always have someone else taking care of you. Ui does basically everything for Yui around the house, and even helps wake her up. Her friends at school help her study because she's basically useless on her own without them. For the rare instance that Yui finds something she actually enjoys, and can't just have someone else do for her, she applies herself and surprises everyone with actual competence (guitar/singing). It's not that Yui is incapable of applying herself, she's literally just a lazy sack of shit that has good friends and family to take care of her. If she wasn't so cute, I imagine she'd have a bit more trouble getting by in life.




>If she wasn't so cute, I imagine she'd have a bit more trouble getting by in life.
But looking at your point she would do better in life because the people around her wouldn't enable her.

Yui in the butt.
Ui in the baby-maker.


I want to be Yui so Ui would be my sister.

I fixed this image. It was blurry and yellow.

Look on your keyboard between the T and the O, and you'll find the answer.

mio is the plebeian choice and a trap for people who've only watched k-on once

Yui is cuter and wears pantyhose.

That's some abysmal taste you guys got.
Let me show you how it's done.

Yui = Ritsu > Mugi = Mio > Asuza >>> Ton-chan >>> sensei

>Jun is so terrible she doesn't even make it to the list
You have the correct opinion. But only if you put tanned Azusa equal or higher than Mugi.

Best taste ITT

Yui is better as a friend
Ui is better as a girlfriend

Perfect forehead for covering in semen.