Hey NotRacistWhen, fucking love the work but please use politically correct words when doing this, it'll keep you unbanned for a little longer and confuse the fuck out of the SJWs
top-tier potential
fuck obama and fuck all niggers
Thanks /user/ *tips helmet*
Hey guys, I'm going to keep spamming this until you follow my shitty twitter bot.
This is hysterical awesome job
Go jump in a volcano, faggot.
Fucking lel.
You must really love op's twitterbot.
found the shill
Want some advice? Slow it the fuck down. Damn thing tweets every 30 seconds.
t. bongo
I just realized my ID is literally pozzed, so I'm going to go ahead and jump in a volcano instead.
Ciao niglet.
I'm okay with this.
Followed and this
>implying I can program AI advanced enough to filter and replace like I do
I'm an autistic genius but not that much of one
Will do though.
Good job bro.
How does your bot work? How does it even know to change the words?
Keep it up! Let us know when you get some assholes seriously defending their asinine "it's ok to say white people are bad but not black people" thing
this is good
Lel, nice
Fuck off nigger
We love you user
>slow it down
Fuck that shit, make 30
How long until the (((Twitter))) bans this
>communist Jew
see attached
Last bump
I think this is funny as hell
It sucks when some puts a mirror up to your racist bullshit and calls you out on it
This should never be banned...they are doing nothing wrong
How the fuck do you read twitter? it puts the reply above the thing being replied to
I found this one pretty good.
Have a bump
what in good fuck is that photo
If you are going to do this, you should really stick only to changing the skin color. Don't give Twitter any ammo to claim that your comments are somehow more racist.
Sounds like one of our guys trolling but could be wrong.
Finish him.
100% /ourguy/
Not even subtle.
Have a bump but (((they))) will ban it. The second account you open should be titled "it's not prejudice or intollerance when...."
Fashwave cover photo, definitely one our guys trolling
thanks good idea
You're not too bright are you?
Get in there faggots. Keks will be had
This. Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?
Dunno but I'm hard now.
What's the name of the extension that let's you choose the replacement word to be a selection of Black, Muslim or Jew?
Keked proper
Such a good idea. I hope twitter fall for the bait and ban the account
one of the main reasons i never used that shite, kept having to scroll back up to see new comments, everything was upside down, fuckin dummies
Even my wife enjoys it. Kek. Hypocrisy is best exposed.
Bet this account gets banned within a week.
This is brilliant because they can't ban you unless they also ban whoever you are retweeting. Good work
>This is brilliant because they can't ban you unless they also ban whoever you are retweeting. Good work
What a rosy view of the world.
this is everything thank you
Well? They'd be open to lawsuits. This is a double standard and that can be easily proven.
better spread my hard work then hmm?
it does at least make it more difficult.
they will hesitate not to apply the rules equally when their unequal treatment is exposed and linked simultaneously so blatantly.
Fucking jew.
I like it. Nice work op
mfw Manson's crazy Helter Skelter race war yada yada is coming to fruition
>dedicate hours if not days of your life to reading twitter
>ask for BTC
>Well? They'd be open to lawsuits. This is a double standard and that can be easily proven.
Double standards aren't illegal unless they are about race, gender, religion, and a few others. But political views in general I think are legal to discriminate against. They would just argue they are discriminating against right-wingers.
I agree with you in principal.
You are doing Gods work OP, I had this idea for a website that takes all the thinkpieces and changes the race from white to black and just say it was Fair Use because it was satire. This is basically this idea in action.
Lol, wtf is the politically correct term for colored?
>using tarbaby unironically
>expecting to be taken seriously
Cognitive dissonance forever.
>Lol, wtf is the politically correct term for colored?
Culturally (and otherwise) superior beings.
>And if anyone tries to argue this doesn't match with reality they're a nazi.
Ive thought of this too. Lots of work to do!
keepem coming
this is hilarious but I'll bet it gets shoahed almost immediately
I’ve been through 3 accounts already since there’s no fucking way I’m verifying with a phone number
they can ban and will ban him and only him. have you been living under a rock, user?
We should always do this, just reverse it every single time blacks talk shit. I'm so sick of how blacks can trash talk whites as much as they want.
do this in real life and they definitely make a bigger fuss than you
I am racist because I'm a good person. Thanks Sup Forums.
Isn't this dystopia amazing? We are afraid to even call it racist when people are racist to us to the point where we won't attach Personal Identifiable Information to accounts saying such because we're afraid they will ruin our life.
He was sarcastic.
Do this in real life and you'll get attacked, recorded, and have a host of liberals calling your work that your a racist nazi to get you fired. Like hell anyone should do this in real life. I hope you all are smarter than that.
well in high school i was more ambitious
I own a business that requires social media otherwise i wouldn’t give a shit about how i look
i understood that reference
If that happens, we win. We push the double standard narrative at full force.
You could just use a skype phone number right??
Is that a thing?
The Obama profile picture doesn’t help, gives off boomer vibes.
Brown. It's brown. That's what they are. Brown people. "Colored" is a stupid term anyway, white people are much more colorful.