How would you handle a manga set in the stone age?

How would you handle a manga set in the stone age?

You don't have to tell me twice!
But during the stone age...

there is one already but i cant quite remember the name right now

some highschooler's plane crash onto an island that's locked in that time period for whatever reason

wait nevermind i remembered

The caveman saga was the peak of Dragon Ball

it can be fun

>a manga set in the stone age

That's actually quite a good idea.

Anyway, to portray rivalry between clans would be a nice thing.

Also, the mysticism and wonderment of an enormous world filled with forests, stars and animals, a world where stories about gods and deities told by the fireside still had the taste of truth in them, on those cold and dark nights without any lights and drenched in the howling of wolves. A world where sex was not yet considered sinful, were the proportions of Earth were completely unknown and everything was perpetually shrouded in mystery. A world without social classes and humans possessing other humans (although there was violence between rival tribes).

It could also contain the protagonist evolution in arts like hunting.

Time travelers

That's a nice illustration,i've never seen it before

i vaguely remember that little blue guy

something like kemono friends but with cave-chan instead of serval

neanderthal waifus

Lots of rape and murder. Raiding a nearby tribes for their women is a rite of passage for every child.
Child characters have a 75% chance of dying before they are 9. At which point they are considered adults and join the hunting parties and rape raids.
Female characters all give birth less than a year after their first menstruation and have a 20% chance of dying with every birth.
Prosperous tribes are polygamous due to all the women they've kidnapped and gangraped into submission. Ill-fated tribes have to share women among family members.
Characters die of infections to minor cuts. People who can't walk anymore and babies with malformations are mercy-killed.


>Lots of rape and murder
because it exists in anime

Like this.

Just make a manga adaptation of the Flintstones.

girls cant love girls

There is no way it is better than the current Flintstones comic run, though.

>mfw this will never be an adult swim cartoon, and we'll have stoner comedies as western adult animation forever

Holy fucking shit it's flint... I used to LOVE this show

I wish Dragon Ball had comfy stories related to Toriyama's art

Does this count


Chrome a bro.

Think there should be some kind of ancient gods or monsters and that they should kill the gays lesbians and transexuals.
They're basically useless and homosex can be passed along to any children.

Dr, Stone

But during the stone age

Is this actual concept art?

The ancient people have no notions about your Chrisitian sensibilities and wouldn't have cared about homos. Sexuality as we know it didn't exist yet.

First post best post.

Has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with useful and not useful.
They are not useful and would be killed.

Has everything to do with religion and more precisely ideology. The greeks were A-Ok with pedo homos having sex with kids half their age for example, as were other civilazations. Even your own conception of what is "useful" and isn't is dictated by ideology.

Yes, doctor stone is great.

Just dub out senkuu for a more inquisitive and inventive chrome and you've got a stone age mango.

first things first I wouldn't have animals that have been extinct for 66 million years coexisting with humans

Did you know that you wouldn't be thinking this if it weren't for christianity and Darwin, that comefrom ages past the cavemen?

make it a harem manga of course

Who's that girl? What's her name?

Why not?

How okay the average roman was with homosexuality is overplayed by the academia.
Lastly, this is a stoneage village. Not a city filled with the wealthy roman elite.

What good are homsexuals and transexuals in a stoneage village that depends on reproduction social harmony and survival.
They are a logical detriment and will lead negative population growth and epigenetics state that there is a greater chance that any children(as unlikely as that is) created by said homosexuals will be homosexual as well.

the hentai with the guy who travels back to the stone age and fucks a bunch of chicks

Homosexuality wouldn't matter because the leaders of the clan would have 3 or more wives anyway, meaning birth rates depend exclusively on the number of females in the clan. And lesbians get no say on whether they take dick or not. Moreover, reproduction is still an instinct present in homosexuals, so male homosexuals would be likely to claim a wife while keeping a buttbuddy on the side.

Transsexuality as we know it wouldn't exist because gender roles would still be heavily linked to physical attributes (females are objectively worse warriors, males are wasted as berry-pickers unless they are wounded) so the arguments to convince transexuals to behave as the gender role dictates would hold strong.

it's just the cover page for one of the chapters

Then what's up with the girl?
Could db actually have had a female who was integral to the story besides bulma?

The leaders of the clan would not keep lesbians as wives as they are inferior women both in look and personality.
So they would be seen as useless and either killed or thrown out
Homosexuals would more then likely be incapable of having children or being with women so they are useless as well.
Transexualism has always existed but since this is an ancient stoneage society they would be treated as strange oddities and killed.
The lgbtqa would be mercy killed alongside the cripples, very old and retarded children.

>implying transgenders exist because of social norms
>implying it's not a mental illness or an illness with other biological mechanisms
>implying many hunter gatherer societies don't regard homosexuality as wrong or unsanitary
Fuck off back to tumblr

Damn the new flintstones is deep

It would be something like this.

That was pretty fun until the concept changed and the ending shit itself.

A human in a hunter-gatherer society is even more "expensive" cost-wise than a human in a more modern society due to the high infant mortality and the high frequency of conflicts with other tribes over women and territory. Deformed children and people who can't walk are killed because they are a liability, not because they are inferior. Killing people for being inferior only makes sense when you are running out of resources and have no enemies left.

Killing homosexuals effectively wastes wombs and spears, which are much more valuable for most hunter-gatherers than food, because the spears make food and the wombs make spears.

>homosexuals won't have children
Historically they did. All the time. You could probably google for thousands of famous modern homosexuals with kids. And that is today when the pressure for kids is lower than it was at any point in history.

Frowning upon homosexuality is common among hunter-gatherers. Killing homosexuals for being homosexuals is rare and it is a bad idea in general outside of feudal and communist economies (note that marriage is also theoretically bad for theoric communist societies)

I do think transsexuality is a terrible case of dysphoria in most cases, but people have to justify that dysphoria on something in order to turn it into a defining feature of their identity. There is little justification for transsexuality outside modern post-industrial capitalist society.

It is mind-blowingly great.

Ancient societies would have absolutely no reason to consider homosexuality as unsanitary because they had no concept of what sanitation was in the first place. They would have no reason to consider it morally wrong either. Do you even read the tripe you type?

a modern classic

How would you handle 18 in a loincloth?

>Killing homosexuals for being homosexuals is rare and it is a bad idea in general outside of feudal and communist economies (note that marriage is also theoretically bad for theoric communist societies)
>I do think transsexuality is a terrible case of dysphoria in most cases, but people have to justify that dysphoria on something in order to turn it into a defining feature of their identity. There is little justification for transsexuality outside modern post-industrial capitalist society.
Yeah, I suppose that's plausible. It wouldn't make sense to kill homosexuals if you needed the extra man power unless said tribes culture required it. For transexuals I suppose it depends on how strong said dysphoria is.
>Ancient societies would have absolutely no reason to consider homosexuality as unsanitary because they had no concept of what sanitation was in the first place.
Are you serious m8? They absolutely had (and have) a sense of basic sanitary measures. Or do you think they would just defecate where ever they were?
>They would have no reason to consider it morally wrong either.
Sense when does a tribe's sense of morality need a reason? Plenty of hunter gatherer societies have strange and z'pointless" taboos. Many of them that are around today consider it off limits. why wouldn't any back then?

Homosexual men and women can reproduce anyway. A man not having offspring isn't necessarily a liability, since, from the other men's standpoint, is not part of the competition for women (or resources, since he would never have to take care of a child) yet still part of the workforce.

Lesbians wouldn't fare that well. I guess that if Rog thinks you're hot and wants you to have children with him, it's guaranteed rape (though the image of ancient times as full of rape is highly exxagerated and varying from culture to culture), but on the other side, from the point of view of the women, she's just like the gay man, someone that can help but not be part of the competition for men or resources.

They would be busy trying to not die to come up with reasons to kill homos. They wouldn't care about homosexuality, just as they wouldn't care about rape.

>For transexuals I suppose it depends on how strong said dysphoria is

Well, for starters, they wouldn't probably bother anyone with things like pronouns or shit like that. And back in the stone age there wasn't even differences on clothes, so I don't even know how could they express their dysphoria. I guess that a woman pretending to have a penis could freak them out to some point, but not enough to kill them.

Having a manga set in the stone age and not having it have dinosaurs would be a giant waste

dr. stone is a great example

Fighting shonen about three kids on a tribe. A brute warrior with an otherwise good heart, a girl that rides a dinosaur, and a nerd who comes up with new stuff. The warrior would have punch fights, and eventually get weapons from the nerd, the girl would fight other dinosaur riders, and the nerd would come up with inventions to fight the inventors from other tribes. They are running away from a mysterious cold wave, having to fight for resources and discovering morality in the process (while evaluating if they should leave defeated enemies just to die, for example). Sad moments when the girl realizes that dinosaurs are getting extinct and that her partner won't reproduce. I think that a good ending would be that they realize that running away from the cold is impossible, and they realize they can cross over the frozen sea to new lands. They find out a lot of new land, and eventually develop agriculture and domestication, which makes way for them to settle down.

Mammoths, Smilodons and other prehistoric mammals would be better than dumb dinosaurs.

It would be nice to see how they develop different kinds of morality, at least based on empathy.

You can have both. C'mon, dinosaurs are fun.

Dr. Stone is kinda particular, but a manga about getting from Stone Age to Bronze Age could be fun.

Better yet, have impossible animals. Like , but with the mysticism having a little grain of truth.

pic related
underrated manga. not exactly stone age, but somehow close.

Have a manga written in the style of science fiction, with a mad scientist that discovers things like working iron and agriculture. Then he ponders the ethical implications of his inventions (after inventing ethics).

A comic called Iron Man. It's about a guy that discovers the secret of working Iron, and realizes how dangerous it is. So he clads himself in pieces of armor and goes away to hide his secret, fighting evildoers along the way. Eventually, other people catch up and he has to step up his ironmaking. After he dies, he is remembered as a god of smithing.

the only noteworthy about this manga is the panties and boobies