State of the alt right in a nutshell

State of the alt right in a nutshell

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Pretty based.

Is assaulting a federal officer while being a federal officer "assault on an officer"?

My experience with Sup Forums leads me to believe this.

Exactly my question.

"Shit that never happened."

Sup Forums is full of white cucks that don't do anything ever

typical white people

the KKK is far-right, get your shit together op

Pretty much sounds like IBS, just more escapism from actually fixing problems

More like state of Sup Forums

I am red-haired and i am white

And then the Thread laughs at the Argentinian.

I would love to see a reality tv show where its all white conservashits society.
watching you losers kill each other over purity tests would be hilarious.

Hey, look at society purity-spiraling itself over how progressive they are.

I employ DIVERSE!
I get cucked by my wife by a precious man of color
I threaten my own biology by demanding to think like a woman
I never speak around women
I am a doormat.

>whiter than you muhammad

Liberals and the left generally like to play these mind tricks where they accuse other people of things they do themselves.

The Alt-Right is nothing more than a scapegoat created by the left to keep liberal minded voters in check.

He's not wrong. Hearing you jackasses argue over what is white is its own reward.

They rather stab eachother than breed a 80% white woman

did a black woman make this up

leave it to the jews honey

It's just inter-departmental sports

We know what white is. It is faggots like you that struggle with the concept

I wish I could have watched that. "Muh power level" (stab, stab, stab). Priceless.

>the kkk is relevant when it suits our narrative

Maybe they are just taking it slow, be patient, Ms. Venti.

So who won?

user's On Sup Forums Started Stabbing Each Other Over Argument About Who's The Most White

The feds. They all ganged up on poor Cletus and his cousin Cletus.

Well, there's white, swarthy and black and la creatura.

Caucasians (German, French, Anglos...)
Slavs (Pollacks, Russians, Ukrainians...)
Scandinavians (Norwegians, Swedes...)

Mediterrean (Italians, Greeks...)
Iberians (Spanish, Portuguese)
Most Eurasian Tribes (Turkish and other garbage)

African descent and anything below the Mocca-tone

La Creatura:

I may not like the polish, but i can't deny their white pigmentation. People usually call people like slavs nigger-tier because they act like monsters.

what's so special about being white anyways?

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>anglos, slavs

nice try

White gang hierarchy.

>Aryan Brotherhood
-An actual gang focused on guns/drugs/racketeering in and outside prison, a force to be reckoned with as only the hardest blood thirsty criminal whites can join.

-A dead gang that had powers similar to the A.B. but not for a number of generations, operated by retarded poor people.

-A civic nationalist front of varying ideologists prepared/preparing for a civil war where multinational communist invade home aid radical DNC politicos.

>Regular White Nationalists
-Sub 100 IQ, Jew-worshiping, fools who fall for Anglo-Slave Zionism, thinking it's the only thing making America great, while slowly self-removing their own race thru divorce or Jew breeding.

>Northwest Front
An actual meme created by cool shitposters from King/Pierce and Thurston county Washington. Made to fool angry whites into thinking a mythical homeland exists, all while said counties are filling up with muds/faggots/niggers. Best Meme of 2015.

A term used to describe right wing online users who pretend to be RWDS, while more often than not being nothing more than a tool used to bash anyone the Marxist Media deems subversive.

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Because white is being is linked with them being the pinnacle of civilization. The White man created western civilization, conquered lands and invented things for the betterment of mankind.

The Nigger did not do anything until the white man gave them purpose.

The deep Asian is honorable because he values his Traditions, great family Values like we used to and was somewhat adept at chemistry.

Real talk, Ashkenazi Jews are the REAL whites


get fucked, m8, i don't like them either but they're white.

It's dedication

>The Nigger did not do anything until the white man gave them purpose.

Lmao. Two blacks literally started and won the Mexican independence.

So it would be like COPS, but with whites?

So social worker Tom gets to bang that trailer park trash after all

More like this

Attached: AltRight.jpg (993x882, 106K)

more like one of them accused the other of being 56% percent and the other chimped out in a very nigger-like way

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No link
50000th time posted
1 post by this ID
Gay if fake
You guys are REALLY this stupid

Fake, but you know what isn't? Blacks killing each other over fried chicken.

Attached: black kfc chicken.jpg (567x601, 83K)

The KKK were started by democrats to serve democrat interests. The only reason the party broke with the KKK was because Johnson figured out it was easier to control blacks through welfare than fear.

Proof that race supriority does not work in the long run. We turn into Africa that way. We will just recreate the striff between the British, Italians, Irish, Scotts, Vikings, Spanish, French and those god damn dirty Canadians.

>The White man created western civilization, conquered lands and invented things for the betterment of mankind.

Nope, the Mongols got you beat by a thousand years, they Created worlds first paper fiat currency, United Asia and allowed for the creation of the Silk road, opened free trade fro every one, had the most progressive civilization on earth. Women where allowed to fiddle with each other wile the west was burning witches.

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I like this one

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And now they spit and shit everywhere and run over kids.

KKK is straight up 90% feds and 10% sub 80 IQ retards whose prime "beliefs" are "niggers suck XDD".

Why are you people trying so hard to associate obviously non-alt-righters with the alt-right?

To imagine they used to be feared and had political power.
People really worry scared because all their Grand Dragon and Wizard names, until they were revealed?

>post of the year finalist

Feds are getting more agressive.Waco wasn't enough for these fucks?

Holy christ, you replied to that? See, this is what I'm talking about.

Actually what brought the Mongol empire down was Muslims, and Asia became a dark divided place again.
If the Mongols held on, Asia wold of probably colonized the world.

The fact that there was an empire way more advanced and civilized before the Europeans proves white supremacy wrong.

Look up City of Heaven in china, it's remarkable.

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They will be checked again by the next American Patriot Timothy McVey

i have yet to see any superiority in any area whatsoever from these fucktards

Looks like sockpuppeteering to me, i'll act completely oblivious to what someone with a jihadist flag has to say.

You know, you can be part of that "evil white supremacist collective" and you can rule yourself out by deciding to be special like this one.

pussy liberals would just collapse by looking at knife.

One one the left is alex jones

Just for you to check up on:
If race or white does not exist, then why is diversity important?
Why is my culture oppressive when we are all the same and our culture has gotten this far into modernity banning most archaic systems of society (Theocracy, archaic punishment system replaced with a rehabilative system, leaving most people to their own devices, letting them learn what they want to) while the muslim is sooo great?

Is it perhaps that you hate yourself or the host nation that brought you up? Is it that our civilization collapses because we enabled people like you to speak and showered you with liberties so you can shit all over the foundation of what thought you'd use your right to speak with responsibility and dignity in mind?

Maybe western civilization will fall, but it will fall only because of you and because the right wing will have to establish an authoritarian state to bring yourself before the idea of decency and shut up.

Maybe, maybe... really makes you think.

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Son, your flag might as well be a white woman taking a BBC.

can't compare kkk to alt-right you fucking retard

The same could be said for dozens of empires that predate the mongols, what if babylon had not fallen, with if the western roman empire never fell etc.
If they reached it too today they would all be facing the same self destructive lefties that hate what built they country and culture.

You are talking about Liberals, very creative, not Intelligent.
Case and point, he thinks about turning 56% into 54% and his tictac weiner just turns rock hard.

>knows its bait, still replies.
Why man, why?

I almost pity these people - not even strong enough to have a mind of their own. It must be a shitty way to live.

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Yes, technically a prosecutor can file that charge.

>I saw you giving that beaner directions to Missouri you wetback lover
>Oh yeah well at least I don't let my kids go to a school fulla niggers, I bet you want her to bring back a little niglet don't you jigaboo lover
>You son of a bitch
I like that

I am the most racist

>he thinks the KKK really still exists

yeah, they should have let them kill each other.

you would think being against the status quo would be an indicator that you are thinking for yourself...

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This thread made me think of this image.

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Only the least racist one.
the wheat must be separated from the chaff

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>implying otherwise

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Doubt that ever happened.

I am so racist i will not have a coloured television in my home.