What is the socially acceptable amount of time to change your bed sheets?
What is the socially acceptable amount of time to change your bed sheets?
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No answers? I change mine every month but I got called gross for doing
1-3 mins depending on how much experience you have.
Change them every day. Five minutes including pillow cases and mattress topper
if you have a sex life then change them every other week.
if you dont have a sex life then its once a month.
My mom changes mine when the brown stripes start becoming visible.
>not changing your sheets 3 times a day
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>being this poor
nice politics irwin. i hope your sheets poison you. sage
Every week or two depending on if you shower in the morning or in the night
I agree with this, also change them whenever you get over a sickness
>implying i use bed sheets
>not changing your sheets every Planck time unit
found the nigger
Not politics
Sage goes in all fields
Move this shit to Sup Forums
after every rally
>even using sheets
>not levitating above the bed due to the power of your smugness
When they smell.
Why do people call it "changing" the bed sheets? Do people actually own multiple bedsheets? Just wash and dry the bedsheet and pillowcase and put it back on.
They do that?
Mine are stuck
>Do people actually own multiple bedsheets?
yes you meff, you probably don't even have a matress cover