Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Where the fuck does rent cost $1181. Even in Vancouver, you can share half a mattress with a homeless guy for $5/day. Millenials are ungrateful for what they have and think they are entitled to the best of everything.
Trump is the only one that can actually help with that.
If you want free college join the military you beta soyboy who cant run more than 100 yards without cramping.
Lol, my paycheck is 1186€.
this is entirely true. they probably think they have to be in silicon valley to get the job they want, which is true, but they haven't considered that they don't actually deserve the job they want, which goes to .5% of the population
Try harder nigger. Also moving to wakanda is an option.
Well stop fucking posting the same shit. Sage and report
Do the math. This person is making like $15/hr.
This is with a college degree? In what subject? I'm sure it's Gender Studies or Fine Arts or some other useless topic.
All these millennials with useless education paid for with borrowed money have sooner or later got to wake up and realize that everything they learnt at school was wrong. It will be the biggest red pill in history.
>I deserve a two bedroom apartment all to myself even if I can't afford it
You should have tried better in life and got a better job. You are solely responsible for your being not successful in life
Lolz my mortgage is only 904 and I have 2 room mates.... Maybe if this dumb bitch wasn't concerned with having a party pad in midtown she would have some cash.... Either way... I'm not gonna give this whore any money, she's clearly retarded.
i love how the commies want more of this.
Oh, you love the environmentalism cult? You love more immigrants? Okay. less construction, less available space, higher rent.
Oh, you love higher education? You say it's worth your 5 years wages because it gives you a "chance". Okay, here's a huge student loan that will take decades to pay back with interest.
I don't feel sorry for these people. As long as Bernie just hurts his supporters, that's a-okay with me.
>It will be the biggest red pill in history.
These people are literally incapable of blaming themselves for making stupid decisions. They will blame it all on rich white men.
$1181 wont get you a studio apartment in many parts of Los Angeles.
>spend 50-60k dollars on college
>can't get a job that pays much more than minimum wage with that degree
Great investment, especially seeing as how you still aren't smart enough to figure out that's the problem after the going through uni.
>local nigger can't manage money and expects everyone to solve it for her.
I'm seeing some disturbing fluctuations in the almond dimention
Uhhhh anywhere any major city lol? I live over an hour outside of NYC and a 1600 sqft house is $400,000. Rent is EASILY $1200.
But a camper for $1,500 and live in it you bitch. Then that will justify you owning a car but it won't justify having a new car that you have to make payments for instead of just buying an older car in on go. There saved the retard almost 2k a month
Dude fuck off. Pretty much anywhere you want a job in Oregon/Washington (at least) the rent is skyrocketing because of the "Bay Area Exodus" of Commiefornia.
Who the fucks pays 1181 for rent?
>b-but i wanna live downdown ina niec big apartment
Fucking entitled fuckers.
not wrong. though the reason why he's gonna starve is niggers and jews, yet he wants to punch nazis. faggot should fucking join them.
i live in nyc. studio apartments cost that much if they're in a decent neighborhood.
>my rent is 1181 per month that I share with 6 other degenerates so we all spend the extra money on booze and drugs
lol I took on massive debt, bought a car I cant afford, and live in an area above my means. Its not my fault!
>spending $229 per month on a car when you aren’t even saving
>Not getting scholarships
>Living in an urban area that results in such a high rent
Here’s your problem
Literally all of Connecticut. That's literally a studio apartment in anywhere that isn't the ghetto or the country
Bitch living beyond her means, not a surprise. Let's whine about it instead of learning money management.
Why do these idiots buy expensive cars?
If you own a car in a city you're fucking retarded
Movie to a cheap area for a one bedroom house or just live In a car.
>punch more nazis
>12 year college debt
>single person paying 1100/mo rent
So much wrong here. Into the trash xe goes.
That's overpaying on rent. I'm overpaying on my apartment at around the same price but I'm on a 6 month lease and it's a nicer single.
That's a large payment on student loans too. Even on 50k/yr she can still be saving a 800-a grand a month easily. (Assuming ~3k after taxes)
Until that pill hits the bottom of their empty stomachs and they realize that they've been fed a box of maggots.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
I pay $1600 a month in rent, however, I live in a really nice area, and make close to 5k a month after taxes (not even 2 years out of school), so it's worth it.
Do you have a family, or need office space? That's a pretty big house if you're single.
I pay 1,050 for a small two room apartment in New Jersey. Avg rent around me is 1,200-1,400.
True, but if you dont want to live in piece of shit NYC and want to live in a suburb outside of it, you need a car.
Like this user said, I'm in CT and there is 0 chance getting a place to live that will cost you less than $1000 a month that isnt a disgusting hellhole.
In a suburban area btw
studio apartments are much more than 1100 a month in nice neighborhoods. more like 2000+
Their student loans are like $4800 a year for 12 years. Thats more than $50k. What the fuck did they go to school for? Probably something fucking useless that doesn't get you a job.
Given thwt rent is over a thousand dollars a month, I'm pretty sure they're either living way beyond their means, OR they live in California, in which case the housing market is so shit because of policies passed by the leftist party they elected.
Basically, instead of whininy about it, punch more nazis should have voted Trump. Theres a reason why people are leaving blue commifornia for blood red texas.
For me personally as a single 29 guy with no spouse or children, it would be perfect for me - but the point is if you compare that house to 90% of the rest of the country it would be $230,000
I make 12k a month and I dropped out of highschool. If you're older than 25 life cucked you hard
>too stupid to cut costs but thinks she deserves a job for smart people that pays a lot
What did this stupid bitch study if she cant earn a minimum of 15 dollars an hour
$272 rent each week
$102 student loan each week
$52 Auto payment each week
$426 total weekly payments
$426 / 40h = $10.65 an hour for a forty hour week. maybe she would be better off getting tongue punched in the mick by Nazis for $20h instead of punching them. Just a thought.
Why did you get a loan for a car if the payments are too much of a burden? Take the bus or buy a clunker for < $1000.
Why did you get a degree that won't get you a job? $445 a month isn't even that much.
Why is your rent so much? You clearly don't make enough to live where you're living. Move somewhere else and stop being so irresponsible with your finances.
Why does an account named "Punch More Nazis" have a "verified" blue check mark? This fucking world...
Isn't Kendra James that ballbuster on Pornhub?
Anyway, why is that dumb cunt buying a car in installments if her expenses are that much? Buy a fucking beater you dumb cunt
If you can’t afford to move out, why did you?
If you couldn’t afford a car, why didn’t you buy a bike or a bus pass?
>I make 12k a month
i too larp for free
>>Thats more than $50k.
It's weird to me that I constantly see people on here totally blown away that people have over $50,000 in college debt. How much do you think college + room/board costs? Even if you go to an in-state public school like Uconn in Connecticut you're paying $30,000 a year.
> auto payment
Found the idiot with poor financial skillz.
>wanting to live in a suburb
Fucking yankees
I feel for you, that side of the country has some rough rent prices. There are quite a few states with easy access to major cities where you could find spacious two bedrooms in safe neighborhoods for less than $800/month, but may not seem like glamorous areas to some. Guess I'd be making the most of my time living somewhere rent is that high.
Move. Buy a bicycle or a Yamaha WR250R. Finally STFU.
LOL this dork acting like $100,000 before tax is chump change haha
Somebody fucked up, and it appears to be the gal who likes to punch Nazis.
I just went on Craigslist right now and there are people looking for roommates in the upper west and upper east side for less than that each month.
She should knock out all of her own teeth so her blowjobs are worth more money then
>Enjoys eating
it's twice the average wage so he isn't doing that bad.
>living in a Third-World shithole created and operated by liberal scum
No thanks.
23, actually. Looking at a 30k/year raise by the time I'm 25. Turns out if you're good at what you do, and do what you're told, people with deep pockets take notice.
>Where the fuck does rent cost $1181
You have to be 18 to post here.
Housing isnt even that bad in CA if youre willing to commute 45 mins to work. Shit, I live in LA and I'm buying a 200k home on the outskirts of San Bernardino. 1k square feet on a 8000k square foot lot. My mortgage will be less than 900 a month for my own fucking home with a huge backyard.
Most millenials are just incredibly stupid, irresponsible morons. But hey, we need more burger flippers and starbucks baristas to replace the last generation of losers.
>borrow money
>oh no I have to pay it back
Americans lmao. Also if you're paying so much for rent living in the middle of a big city you probably don't even need a car.
Blame the Jews for your student loans, bitch! They are the ones ruining higher education.
>haha one day the liberals are going to wake up and be redpilled!!!
No they are not. They will always hate white people, they will always hate the west. There's no infograph or meme spicy enough to save them. They will never be on your side. They don't want to save you the way you want to save them, they want you gone.
There are neets ITT right now that post on Sup Forums every weekend and never go out but think it would be too boring to live in a "flyover state"
>college educated
>doesn’t even make $2000 in one month
>that’s 24,000 a year
Why are millenials so fucking poor? I make twice that in a job that requires no degree
You're right - but I was sort of focusing more on living on your own. How long do you want to live with roomates for? But yes you're right, if you are young and just need a place to stay near NYC you can do it for not $1500 as long as you try not to be lavish about where you're staying.
>Turns out if you're good at sucking dick, people with deep pockets notice.
>Ruined my social life paying my way through college
>I paid twice as much for my 2 bedroom condo in 2017 than my parents paid for their double car garage 5 bedroom house in 2004.
>I'm 27 and my Dad is bugging me about saving for retirement.
Motherfucker why do you think I became an accountant? I know most people my age aren't able to save for retirement so I might as well get a job I could do until I fucking die.
My retirement plans are either working until I get cancer/heart attack, buying a motorcycle at 50 and getting killed on it, or putting a gun in my mouth at 30.
Have no clue which way it will go, but I'm less likely to do the latter because that's what people expect of me. If I don't respond to texts from my parents within 30 minutes my cop brother gets a phone call to check up on me.
not that unreasonable for someone on the west coast, they didn't say net
>buy mobile home
>dig well
>out in septic
>hook electric
>place trailer
>repeat 19 more times
You have to go back
same my weekly paycheck is around 1100
>Weak genetic stock subconsciously seeks it's own extinction.
Makes sense, would explain all the hungry skellies and soys who joined Antifa
>going through uni.
Eurofag detected
Lmao no
They will always be bluepilled as long as they are poor and can hold out hope for a socialist revolution
Give them a good, high-paying job and tax them
Nothing redpills like that
>Overpaid for basic shit
>Became an accountant
Dude you suck at life and your career.
Pretty much any non-garbage apartment will be at least $1000. The population of my entire zip code is 1450. Other than the dilapidated inner-city (as far as inner-city goes here) apartments, nothing is below $1100. The only way you'll find lower is a low population area of a state that also has a low population (my state's overall population is fairly high)
debt comes out after uncle sam takes his share dipshit, jesus this thread is full of ignorant children.
>My retirement plans are either working until I get cancer/heart attack, buying a motorcycle at 50 and getting killed on it, or putting a gun in my mouth at 30.
right there with you buddy.
this is truth, they will redeem themselves in death
Moreso saving people from really bad situations. That they themselves created. Constantly. In front of their customers.
Blame the illegals for your school loans
The amount they steal is well over $120 billion a year now....more than enough to make every college free of charge
Mine is $400 and I have a lot left over.
>Student Loan
Am I supposed to feel bad because you fell for the Uni meme? Fuck off.
Good on you tho bro but I don't have to suck dick
damn man. got to change something... get your head straight so you don't put a bullet in your head
Seriously, I want to know how a college educated person can’t make more than 24k a year. Even counting taxes that’s less than 30k a year.
There are two things the average person is simply incapable of doing, that's taking advice from others and correcting their own flawed thinking. It's why there are so many bronze league retards who have played over 1000 games.
Having a good life is literally just a matter of spending less than you earn. This is possible at nearly any income level. There are people who earn next to nothing in Appalachia; those people are happier and wealthier than many of these college graduates.
You would think that people could learn this simple fact of life but they can't.
My rent is 1600 a month but that's four bedrooms, two bathrooms. Paying 1600 by your self is some retarded money management. Also car payments are for retards. Buy a used car.
go on a shooting spree.
>i'm 27
>My life is ruined
Just kill yourself faggot you still have ten years before middle age
Why do you need 4 bedrooms and two baths for yourself you retarded nigger?
You think people want to make 15 an hour!!!~~~?
Fucking kikes gave out a dirty loan to aid someone get a degree that wouldn't allow them to pay it back.
Also, why is rent so fucking expensive?
I shouldn't have to work 3 jobs just to live in a city, it's not right.
In the USA, a normal stuido apartment in a city, near a job, will be $1000/ month.
Candians have their government controlling that shit. The idea that you can sleep on a $5/mattress in a shelter and have a career to help you or you country is fucking dipshit tier thinking.