British hate thread
British hate thread
fuck this bitch and fuck her brain dead pop star underlings straight from her shit encrusted snatch
get cancer
like any of you mongrels can talk
>T R I G G E R E D
She’s not British
The brits love smelly pakis
> that picture
the actual state of amerifats
brits *are* smelly pakis
Oh look another brit hate thread. Like five of them isn't enough already. Never thought I would actually say that I have enough of brit hate threads but the constant shitting up of the board with them is a bit much.
Brit chicks are fucking inbred
One mutt to rule them all..
god you are fucking stupid
In the spirit of Saint Patty's, Anglo filth and Commonwealth bootlickers must apologize for the famine.
I've always wondered how Brits don't feel constant shame, and not just for being cucks. There is NO country on the planet that the phrase, "our best days are behind us" is more true than the UK. How can they live with themselves, knowing in their hearts the UK is worse than it was? I imagine they wish they were born in the past than today. France is probably in 2nd place, as their best days are also in the past, but the UK is worse. I mean even the US we can't say with 100% certainty its best days are behind it. The UK - 100% certain.
Why's that?
>Saint Patty's
please stop this
you just are James
2 world wars
1 world cup
used to have an empire
then they fucked up.
I prefer it. Reminds me how dumb the average mutt really is.
Brits are unpleasant haha
Rude 2bh
t. northern Irish Paki transplant
shut your mouth you slag
I stayed some months in England to study
the people were really nice but extremely dirty and eat like shit desu
Also they had their dogs in their appartaments. the fuck?
People were much more open than here and i had more sex in 3 months there than in 3 years here
Sorry ;_;
*They are here and they are non white.
Ruining pol with white hate. Not European. Not white.
>picture of Stephen fry
>none of the stories mention Stephen fry
British food is fucking disgusting how can you conquer half the world to trade spices and then eat that shit.
apple pie is British, your national dessert
I met mongrels whiter than the average "brit".
Cant wait for the russians to turn your shithole nation into a glass crater.
>Cant wait for the russians to turn your shithole nation into a glass crater
Why, so you can fill it you food, you fat fuck
No i mean they eat like shit
Their breakfast is litteraly half of their fridge and they take a lot of things(fruits and other food outside the fridge)
I usually eat the thing my mom ship to me, things made in home
Cucking Brits is a well-known hobby. Hell, I'm actually the product of two war brides - English and Scottish. Two Canadian men went over, fought a bit, fucked their girls, and took them home with them.
fuck these threads. sage
Except over there it's called "Flaky-slice", is made with mushy peas, and instead of ice cream is served with a buttered quarter of a potato on top.
€13,95/slice, plus 20 euro deposit for knife if requested.
Good banter fair play
>Also they had their dogs in their appartaments. the fuck?
No one living in Britain 'truly British', scientists find as Stonehenge builders were replaced by European immigrants
There are no British to hate. All illegal aliens.
>a third of young adults UK doesn't know bacon comes from pig
Okay you fucks are hopeless, I don't even feel sorry for you anymore. What the fuck?
All I can think of when I hear UK is Muslims and Jimmy Savile. I think Britain needs to go, needs a fresh start with a new name/flag.
My experiences with the British leave me believing that a lot of them do not like Americans and that they have a highly dysfunctional culture. A lot of not very nice people.
Yes, was originally Muslim.
So ousting all illegal aliens.
And you think that's true?
Le 50%er
Make us a republic ffs. I want a president
That is an extremely gay article. It's only written to try and deconstruct the idea that British identity even exists in the first place to make disgusting non-whites feel welcome. Even if we didn't build Stonehenge we've been here for over four thousand years now, British people are real and distinct from other peoples
Out of all peoples alive today, the Britons have the most legitimate claim to the British isles.
fucking lel
>looks like a crude voodoo doll hastily carved out of a slab of expired ham
Australians today
>when you secure your freedom from British tyranny only to vote in a bunch of leftist cucks who suck EU cock and beg for more non-white immigration
Kek, so true
Hey, Ireland's faggot poo leader and cuck government is not the question at hand.
Why because you are insignificant?
You have no heritage.
So please, just leave.
Brits suck
Honestly, when you look at their women, you can hardly blame them
We still have 4000 yeas of heritage on these isles if you insist we're in no way related to the builders of Stonehenge. I'm not going anywhere.
and freud dies a little more on the inside. no cocaine can bring him back. the poor little sod
>British men hug
>articles get written about it
>French and med "men" often greet eachother with kisses
>old news, nobody is surprised
>when you fight and die to prevent national socialism taking over your country then immediately throw Churchill out and vote in a socialist government
Chad celts built Stonehenge not some dirty anglos
Hmmm, even please, that Magic word, failed.
At least fix SH heritage literature to the truth.
> British hate thread
Brits hate everyone.
Brits don't exist.
But this exists.
I'm a celt.
Brits exit
The muslim hoard of Britain needs to be whispered Anti-British Crown & Government lullabies to convince them to wage a calculated jihad against the entire criminal British goblin legion.
Wow what an original thread.
come one guys, that's enough. is this butthurt over the 56% meme? cause that's just banter.
Eh, I got most of it out of my system.
Thanks though.