How do we make this happen again?
How do we make this happen again?
Say we are expanding for the Jews. Then Jew them in the back.
Remove Sweden from Europe?
They're doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
>being german
>no thanks
>Part of the Reich
Are you retarded?
Kek. Finland sided with the nazis m8.
remove sweden, remove germany and the UK
Co-belligerent =/= "Siding With the Nazis," you dumb Roo-fucking Whoop-Whoop stubbie skuller.
Yanks, Brits, Estonians and to a significantly lesser degree, Swedes, all assisted Finland until 1944, even buying German equipment for them. The Soviets cried like bitches getting their asses handed to them by Lottas and demanded the Allies stop helping the "Evil Finns" and then Finland even kicked Nazis out of their country (Lapin sota), remaining the only nation on the frontier with the Soviet Union to not be occupied by Commie faggots after the war because Stalin was too much of pussy to try a 3rd time, poof.
I think we have to accept that finland is a ultra super powered stronk country.
make swastika tattoos mandatory on your face
>How do we make this happen again?
Ending America.
looks great turn Sweden and Switzerland into a lake.
Blue division was based as fuck, plus primavera is an awesome song. Didn't even know they kicked that much ass
It starts in the mind.
Finland is Winland, for sure, meme flaggot.
white based. is right. care less!
european shitskin takeover by cuckistan
To think the only nazi occupied place in this world now is this stupid fucking imageboard
A sad state of affairs for all of us.
well we need to change that then
Hitler was an Islamic prophet. Hes returned again under the acronyms A. M. and has conquered Europe again but this time from the south east.
we don't, its what merkel wants
Stop praising merkel pls.
What loose a war and get your nation leveled ?
sleep tight MUTT
My first and last name is A. and M. Am I hitler?
by hanging the jews
By shilling for Swedens NMR and Golden Dawn.
simply with the truth anons...
Put a Star of David there instead and we dont even have to do anything
Thats changing
56% german at it again. Also, sometimes I think it's specifically german boomers who ruined america.