Left or Right?
Left or Right?
can Rave fanservice even compare?
Probably not.
Right only for me, please.
Someone else watching CraftsDwarf huh?
Rave is better in everything but the art. Both are pretty average though.
Left easily. FT high points was crap compared to Rave's.
I only ever read the first volume of Rave, how is it?
Right because I would fuck Lucy with the force of a thousand explosions.
That last video was fucking great.
Nostalgia factor or not, i fucking love Rave.
better art and better T&A
Right just because the madman got away with this. That deserves respect
Dun mention ecelebs
I require more Lucy. Please provide.
Rave has a much better story.
Fairy Tail has much better fanservice.
Personally, I love anime tiddies a lot more than a good story.
FT had potential but ended up being shit.
Left was good and had a decent ending.
>plebs posting Lucy instead of Ellie
Left by so goddamn much
It was good, but Mishima made a smart move with Fairy Tail by having like 30 sexy characters.
It's good. That's it. Not great, not bad, just good. Worth a read for any Battle Shounen fanatics
In retrospect Rave had a better storyline, better characters, better emotional moments and a better ending. Fairy Tail had better fanservice.
Left is better overall but right has better sloots