Will there be less anime unce upon a time?

Will the bubble burst? Will it ever go to how it was before the late 90's?

How the fuck do you read the X?

Pray and hope it makes sense

No, because cheap anime is getting cheaper to make.

No, because the market is increasing while production costs drop due to increased outsourcing, increased use of CG, and decreased effort.

hour of the day when a show aired maybe

user I am interested in this data but I have no idea what the columns/rows mean

The real question here is still what is the only anime ever that aired at 5am?

an anime that didn't matter

But user, maybe it's the best anime of all time but no one knows it since the airing time was shit.

nah man, its an anime based on something that is already popular (manga etc.)

year/hour of day/total number of anime episodes airing within that hour (?)

year - hour - number of shows airing

How is the number of shows counted? Is it the total number of shows airing at any given moment, or does it count by season?
And is it based on MAL? Because that's unreliable for stats, because old and new anime are counted in different ways. So it's somewhat useless for tracking trends over time.
MAL also includes non-Japanese cartoons, and while their numbers are small enough to not matter much now, that could change in the future.

What the fuck is this graph representing, I get the years, but what's it comparing?

I think it's number of shows in a given timeslot by year.

bump for epic

To me it looks like things are starting to spread out nicely, actually.

2014 YR
14 @ 10 pm
11 @ 11pm
14 @ midnight
42 @ 1am
17 @ 2am

2016 YR
22 @ 10pm
27 @ 11pm
25 @ midnight
26 @ 1am
20 @ 2am

The fuck happened between 2002-2005? Like half the shows aired until 2006 with a huge spike.

The biggest problem I see with this chart is that we are already in a transition period where TV will inevitably fade away.

If that means we get more stuff like Yuasa adapting Devilman and Netflix funding Trigger shows, then I'm all for this.

Probably more work, so they just shoved that shit into after hours since no one will be home to watch it anyways.

Adventures of the Little Mermaid is the 5 AM show, by the way.

who would watch anime at 1-3am?

It might burst but it won't go back to pre 90's if anything it would return to early 2000's when the bubble bursts.


Toonami general on Sup Forums.

>Will it ever go to how it was before the late 90's?
And there are people that pretend Evangelion didn't change the entire medium.

>MAL also includes non-Japanese cartoons
Such as? I didn't think they did.

Thank you, I was wondering.

Where does this data come from? Can I get it?

I'm almost certain they have some Chinese and Korean stuff there.

Somewhere along the line anime went from prime time entertainment for the whole family to after hours otakubait for NEETs

Around mid 2000's is when the Anime Bubble hit it's peak.

Maybe around 2006-2008 is when the bubble popped. Saturated market, a lot of derivative anime scrambling for niche markets to survive in (and finding it in the Otakubait category).

This never changed, deluded nostalgiafag. Before the 2000s, most money was in shitty and gritty OVAs, now the market shifted to late night anime.

One major thing that changed is that the US stopped licensing mainstream anime. Kiddy shit like Pokemon and Dragonball was really popular in the US, and this stopped completely.

This period was the golden age of anime where KyoAni dominated the market and created their greatest works. Kanon, Clannad, Haruhi, and K-On! were all produced between 2006-2009 and are some of the best anime of all time. Now they just make faggot shit.

>Kanon, Clannad, Haruhi, and K-On!
>not "faggot shit"
How can you be so retarded?

Keion would've done well with a prime time slot for sure

Aside from K-On! these anime contain heroic male protagonists that possess masculine virtues and themes that promote work ethic, family, and struggle or sacrifice.

Bubble is a hoax so they can take all the money.
Do you think shit just depreciates on it's own?

Yeah, why wouldn't it?

Weren't many of them isekai and fantasy though?

Clannad and Kanon both have massive cop-out endings that burst the bubble.

This is the shittiest fucking graph I've ever seen

Because everything is controlled by the gov and can't go down massively that fast.

Super neets/poorfags without DVR