Dragon Ball Super

Manga spoilers when???


The manga has been cancelled after Toriyama was accused of violent sexual assault against Toyotaro.
While the police was forcing him into the police car, he shouted that Gohan is a fucking faggot and that the long haired form is the true Super Saiyan 2.

Your average U6 hater

So are you going to prove him wrong or strawman

Almost everything he says is wrong tho.

There isn't need to prove him wrong.

he used the "reel dbz fan" card
thats auto lose

>There isn't need to prove him wrong.
He irritates you enough to post this every thread so you might as well.
Or maybe you can't and it makes you feel better to think everyone who doesn't like the girls are niggers?

>everyone who doesn't like the girls are niggers
this has been proven right
Just seasr Episode 114 rant
theres like 20 apes

and to this day I haven't seen any proof of that.
Just that one nigger no one cares about yet is posted all the time.
And even if it's right, only 20 faggots on youtube still means nothing. I've never seen videos giving them praise either.

>no Tien-"C L U T C H"-Shinhan


>Gohan is the MC now

I know this is from Kai but I unironically prefer this song.

>only 20 faggots
with thousand of subs that would eat their shitty rant
>I've never seen videos giving them praise either.
upset people are the most vocal even then i have seen a few defending them


Where's /ourguy/?

Left behind because of assholes like TFS and whoever else supports that dead meme.

>with thousand of subs
I thought U6 haters were in the minority? Which is it?
>I have seen a few defending them
Such as? That's what you should be posting,

I don't know what that is, I don't think that Toriyama senpai, Toyo and Toei know either.

>I thought U6 haters were in the minority?
when did i say that?

>That's what you should be posting,
can't spam youtube links or you get the hakai

They're hacks that single handedly ruined a fraction of the fanbase. That's all anyone needs to know.

TFS = Teamfourstar. They make a super funny DBZ parody on youtube, you should check it out. One of the greatest things I've ever seen.

Toriyama definitely knows, considering Super Goku/Vegeta are being written more in line with their abridged personalities than their original ones.

Who gives a fuck about Kekfla and her retarded zombie fanbase? Who gives a shit about the nigs that rant about her? The quality of this waifufag-infested thread could be improved by discussing Vegetto. How strong is in base? God-tier?

forgot your /s user

>Super funny
>One of the greatest things I've ever seen
This post is not okay. Get out.


>he thinks TFS invented the Yamcha meme

They make fun of Krillin more
>B-but that's because yamcha was never around in Z
It's almost as if Toriyama didn't give two shits before TFS memeing

In the manga he blows up half of fusion Zamasu's (in the cell homage scene) body right as he transforms. His base is strong enough to compete with SSB Goku or Vegeta.

I don't watcher youtubers, I despise that that kind of people.

>Vegito Blue

Not canon.

>gohan got ss2 when goku died
goku confirmed for dying in top to unlock ssblanco


Japan is aware of the rest of the world, you fucking retard.

>Assholes like TFS and anyone who supports the meme
>Didn't say TFS themselves invented it, just said they supported it

Honestly, I think base vegito at this point would be around SSG tier at least, if not stronger. Vegetto blue would be stronger than UI Goku and Jiren. This is just considering how strong Kefla is, and the magnitudes of difference between base form and SSB.

He's probably as strong as Toppo in base. He would lose to Kefla.

Stay away from Goten with your STDs.

Assuming that Saiyan Beyond God is still a thing, he's at least SSG or beyond in base.
I don't think he's Beerus level when he's Blue though. Shin isn't dependable.

>Glossing over the fact that they've been slacking off on that since they revived Yamcha
>Confirmed themselves that they do this because Yamcha is never around


keep your aids to yourself

Nah, Goku in base at this point is as strong as SSG was in Battle of Gods (evidenced by base vegeta taking no damage whatsoever from SS3 Trunks). Base Vegeto would one shot Toppo.

>Shin isn't dependable.
Why not? Toyo was even told by Tori to draw him in a more dignified manner instead of the total moeblob he is in the anime for the Zamasu arc.

Caulifla is love
Caulifla is life
Caulifla a cute
I want to hold hands with her and have consensual sex in the missionary position for the some purpose of procreation

Cauli is sleeping

Shut the FUCK up.


Videl looks like Bulma and Vegeta's daughter in that pic

You know what Mommy wants

*saves your series*

Enjoy your AIDS.

How does Goku abuse Instant Transmission? How would you abuse instant transmission?

Shin is new to his job, he's not that knowledgeable.

They're the Studio Ghibli of web parodies.

Wow rude, don't flatter yourself, Pajeet, most people in the world don't know about your crappy insignificant videos.

why pedros like caulifla so much?

Yamcha after saiyan saga was not a fighter, he went back with sick Goku because he knew he was useless where as Krillin stayed to fight the androids (even if he did shit all).
I stopped watching TFS during Namek, but if you didn't see that Yamcha was a joke /no longer a fighter during the 90s then I don't know what to tell you.

nu-males like caulifla
pedros like gohan
Got to get your memes in order user.

Reminder that Caulifla is the son that Goku never had

Worse yet, it is koreans.

Good thing he likes incest then


Then why did he hide his GI under his clothes in that ova? And why does he believe he can do well in a universal tournament after seeing what U6 could do? And why was he able to tank SSB Vegeta, Champa, and a GoD fight?


>How does Goku abuse Instant Transmission?
By sneaking off to train in King Kai's planet instead of working or spending time with his family.

>How would you abuse instant transmission?
I'd find a way to get to the toilet without standing up, but I'd need something with ki in the bathroom. Do goldfish have ki?


> And why does he believe he can do well in a universal tournament after seeing what U6 could do?
He just wants to go in the name of his pride. He doesn't think he's going to do well. Hell, he retired; who knows when he last trained?
>And why was he able to tank SSB Vegeta, Champa, and a GoD fight?
That was a gag filler user.

Nice fuck up Toei.


Based nords

You got it wrong, idiots like pic related like Caulifla.

>He just wants to go in the name of his pride.
If that's the case then why didn't he do that in the U6 tournament?
>He doesn't think he's going to do well
He still thinks he'd be good enough to compete
>Hell, he retired; who knows when he last trained
Pic related?
>That was a gag filler user.
Isn't filler nonexistent in the anime?

>the state of caulishitters

It's still a mystery on how exactly UI is supposed to function. Is it a transformation or a state of mind/technique? There seems to be a power requirement considering Goku can't just use it at will again.

Younger edgy Vegeta a cute

what about the balkans?

Alright let me be honest with you guys here. When I started posting about them it was mostly ironic. I was addicted to those (you)s let me tell you and they brought them in at a blistering pace. As the arc went on however, they began to receive more attention and development. I found myself actually enjoying the scenes they were in and I started looking forward to their next moment. Before I knew it, the posts weren't ironic anymore. I genuinely liked them as characters. Caulifla's cockiness and the way she doesn't let anyone walk over her, Kale's timidness and undying loyalty to her sis. They were traits I began to cherish and hold dear as underpinnings to the story of Dragon Ball Super. Now at episode 114 they've obtained strength beyond imagination and it makes me happy. I look at the way they trigger the niggers and spics, and it makes me warm inside. I never would've expected that Dragon Ball could have such great characters but here we are in the year 2017 and the future has never looked brighter. I just hope that everyone here can show their appreciation for the girls who have brought this series to new heights and ensured it will last well into the future.

Isn't Cauli middle aged?

Does she look middle-aged to you?

u6 saiyans are not teens.

This is good pasta to combat the pedros

She's 56 years old.

Saiyans don't look their age.

Reminder that Caulifla/Kale haters are the loud minority.

Reminder that GODhan's fight against Lavender had 6.6%

The nips want CHADhan and SMARThan only baby, Caulishitters should stop tanking the ratings like this and leave the entire anime to be GODhan's GODLY adventures on space

Prove it

>blue twitter faggot
Like always, your opinion is shit.

Based user reminding me to filter shit like Chadhan and Chadlifla.

>still sperging about nip ratings
Truly unmatched levels of autism.



>ruined legendary super saiyan with broly with boobs nightmare fuel
>ruined super saiyan with caulifla
>ruined super saiyan 2 with caulifla
>b-b-but muh goten and trunks
>we actually saw them training unlike shitty caulifla who is special because vagina
>ruined fusion with the shittiest design possible that is Kefla
>pink pants and blouse, seriously?
>ruined Dragon Ball Super fanbase with public masturbators and femdom fags
>shitty clothes and fanfiction-tier personalities

Simmer the fuck down, Pajeet. Keep your waifu shit to your gay anime. This is a show for men.

>twitter echo chamber
try readin TT comments

Don't need to.

How many years of war did he go through before his first battle against Vegeta?


>This is a show for men
Shonen isn't for men, it's for preteens.

Majin Suu is gonna raped Caul & Kate. And is gonna annihilate everyone in the tournament in 2018.

Remember Android 18 is beautiful.

U6 saiyanjins are janitors.