You Austin faggots need to leak some details here so the weaponized autism can find your degenerate bomber.
why should we stop him from bombing niggers?
Die in a fire.
We don't solve federal crimes
.gov can fuck off thanks
a bloo hoo hoo
Uh huh. Tell me moar.
Somebody is doing Gods work bombing niggers and getting away with it.
Be ready to counter the narrative. We've got some Goymorphs on our hands here. Probably some (((white nationalists)))
At this point, if the feds haven't made any arrests despite the massive NSA-monitored security state, we can probably assume the bomber is some sort of federal asset or program.
Its antifa or blm . Didnt they threaten to push the limits while trump was president. Austin is a antifa hub. Hope they catch these people
It’s ridiculous. Seems to me this guy is easy to find.
Fuck off FBI, do your own homework
Greetings fellow magapedes, i always lurk /politics/ and also enjoy gassing my bike as do you. PRAISE SHREK LOL. I voted for GOD SULTAN TRUMP but have become worried that he is a jew puppet turbonigger and am having regrets. We cannot let him get the nuclear codes! You should all join my discord server where we can share personal contact information and discuss how to spread our message of 1388 HIMMLER DID NOTHING WRONG IT'S OKAY TO LIKE KITES
It's Alex Jones
I don't support anyone who wastes perfectly good bombs on niggers instead of Kikes.
>why should we stop him from bombing niggers?
You evil monster!!!! Why did you just assume bombers gender?
we need bigger bombs to get rid of austin btw. maybe a fucking nuke
fuck that place
What has happend here? I’ve been accused twice of being an alphabet nigger on this thread. I mean, yeah, we be watched, but holy shit. We knew it and helped. You alphabet niggers have a lot of faggots counter shilling or something? You hate Trump that much? Fuck you.
Nukes aren't real
Only feds or jews would want to stop a bomber from actively killing nogs
Eat dick you massive homo and enjoy the fireworks
The targets are random, you mongoloid.
>implying you cant find instructions online on how to make one
>Implying that you've done it and it isn't all complete BS.
They're not random. They're niggers.
>implying you need instructions
Just hit uranium really hard with a hammer
>implying you cannot find woods to test them in
Nigger detected
>tfw people don't even care
looks like all the shock propaganda has finally backfired.
Niggers are the symptom, kikes are the disease.
Only feds would actively promote it. This is what they want.
It makes normies hate us and gives the feds a justification to smear us and crack down on us. It accomplishes less than nothing.
i never said i have, i said the instructions are online and the reason theyre posted is because finding the required materials to make is basically impossible for the average person
It is not even remotely impossible. Now we live in a time where people can be identified. And ahould be.
t oldfag who used to have a bunch of bullshit on her computer about how to blow up the world using common household items and nobody knew she read it
any burger in the area to let us know how worried folk are there? seems pretty mad there is a legit mad bomber on the loose.
I unironicallly think that the alphabet niggers are letting him run amok to keep stoking fear in poc communities. Then when this white supremacist is caught, there will be massive chimp outs all over the country and more anti white sentiment
im in san antonio, one less person in austin is a win in my book
Maybe people in austin care, no one else does.
Bump. I do not trust our media. Anybody there? My initial request was for a leak but honestly this would do.
its fucking bombs, no one cares until it becomes a gun.
>no one cares until it becomes a gun.
and only if the media tells them their child is going to die if they don't care.
Sadly, you are probably correct.
just saw an interview with a resident who said the bomb was attached to a trip wire on a for sale sign at a house that wasn't for sale, she said it containted nails and the 2 guys are in a stable condition. The atmosphere seems one of confusion as ATF and FBI stream into the neighbourhood not one of fear.
Hope you get lynched nigger lover
Kill yourself. Terrorists are worse than the worst hoodlum
it's a black guy who knows the families in some way or another. He is military-trained, loves ISIS, and read Dabik. He learned from Dabik how to make these bombs with tripwires. He's sending a message to LEO but we don't know what that message is yet.
He is definitely trying to pin it on white supremacy, although there's ZERO kkk members in the area.
he's not a terrorist he's a nigger fighter
>wanting normies to like you
>thinking the feds give a shit about a Cambodian rock collecting board
Ghost is gonna freak
so this is the power of Wakanada
Xi's doing Gods work user. Leave xer alone.
It's Ted Kaczynski
The abaolute state of this place.
Pfff. We should try. Lord knows the Feds don't solve federal crimes. 168 days, and still no motive.
When they catch the spic behind this everyone will forget it ever happened.
CIA Niggers stop creating diversions. You are all going to Gitmo!
Its probably an illegal so he has sanctuary
>mfw it's Dorner finally coming out of hiding
Live down the street from second explosion. It's old negro town and is being browned now. Old blacks not too happy about this, so most likely a negro.
I hope the bomber keeps at it and that he is not portrayed as white when they find him.
Kek let this be true.
It's very crudely constructed bombs. Only victims are dipshit who don't know about the situation (illegal beaners) and package snatches.
Jesus, wtf is going on in the homestate? I leave for 2 semesters in KY and the state goes to shit.
Austinite here.
Lots of blacks and hispanics at my workplace. I'm friends with most of them and keep up with them a bunch, and since the bombings have started, most of them have brought up being stressed out from not knowing if they'd become a victim. If the bomber's goal was to incite fear, then they definitely succeeded, not that I care much though.
Hopefully it makes people move out of the city and drives down the rent.
you work at oil can harry's?
I live in Austin and I don't care because it's just killing niggers and spics, one of my spic coworkers was saying his mom bought one of those doorbell cameras for the house though, so I think it might be a conspiracy by the doorbell camera manufacturers
>(((doorbell camera manufacturers)))
What if it's a WN women? Remember that Syrian NatSoc girl that suicide bombed a kike convoy?
Why do they say this? Honest question. Our media always demonizes white people.
Kek. Have a (You).