Serious Thread

I would like to know what could a person do to push our cause (make western world great again, save white/european race, etc) if say this said person had at least 400 million dollars at disposal to spend at anything he wanted. What could those 400 million dollars do if spent correctly on what?

Just state on what to spend and why it would help to push our cause

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like, you know, if this person were a head of state who was recently re-elected and wanted to set up some kind of a charlottesville 2.0. you know just hypothetically.

I don't really think another charlottesville would do much, and I don't think the first even did anything at all, I was thinking more like funding political parties that share our objectives would be one of the first options to come up

The problem is this change can only stick if it comes from the ground up. No rally is going to accomplish what you want.

Use the money to fund programs teaching young people the importance of self-determination, the history of the struggle of mankind to achieve Liberty. Teach kids how to be assertive and stand their ground.

Focus all your efforts on school aged children. Teach them what America used to be, and teach them what we sacrificed after the civil war. (States rights)

There's no sparing this world the trauma of what's to come. We need philosophers and thinkers more than we need activists...

Could you describe in more detail how would you use the money to target school aged children? What would be the process from the money to the desired result?

>brazil flag


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Your opinion doesn't change my DNA, mutt

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Buy land. Any rhetoric that does not prioritize obtaining land is controlled opposition, deliberate or not.

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But buying land would help only those buying it, how would this have impact on the bigger picture of things?

That's not an easy question to answer because there are so many possibilities, and the scale is so variable. I'm afraid it's not going to be as simple as buying a result. You can only buy an impression... I'll give it my best shot.

To reach school aged children, you first have to reach either their parents, or their teachers. Then you need to offer something that actually interests them, or else they won't bother to bring the kids out.

For instance, you could use the 4th of July holiday, co-op with a local museum or re-enactment group and fund a community picnic. Host a Revolutionary War re-enactment, and hand out a free copy of the Declaration of Independence to every guest. Have games and challenges for the kids that reward knowledge, especially the knowledge surrounding the facts that support the existence of government tyranny and the necessity of taking a stand against it. Mix in some regular carnival type nonsense to balance it out. Make sure the pyrotechnics are amazing since that's what people want to come out and see... If it has a lot of explosions, and cannons, and soldiers, the word will get out and tons of people will show up with their kids. I'm sure there would be other organizations willing to share the costs associated with something like this too...

The idea that the White/European race should be saved needs to come from within each person. It needs to be a realization, not a suggestion. This one is more complicated since you can't be direct about it. You have to just plant the seeds and hope they sprout.
This requires more complex thought, and the migrant flows aren't even a generic movement. It's a controlled political event... You could create a private watchdog organization which simply maintains a record of migrant crime, have it a voluntary share program where the victims of a crime can file a report, which can later be used as a tool for political leverage.

You can also push and promote a mandatory firearms safety course in public schools. Argue that America is an armed society, and public schools should accept that reality and dedicate some time to preparing future adults how to be responsible with their greatest civic responsibility...

Guns and self-determination go hand-in-hand. This would likely be the single most effective way to spend your money...

Initiate a Crusade in South Africa.

That kind of makes sense, events for children that promote nationalism, etc.

That's seems really difficult, probably the work of a political organization, even then really difficult and maybe even pie in the sky

Create think tanks like a White interest version of The Tavistock Institute. Strictly no Jews allowed.

Create mainstream and alternative media platforms. (by Whites for Whites) An explicitly pro White version of InfoWars would be great.

Create a film studio that only makes movies starring White people.

>Push fresh produce and clean water
>Push green energy for local communities
>Push mindfulness and non-biased, non-religious meditation
>Push naturalism. No fast food, no sugar, no greasy kid stuff. Greens and whatnot
>Push for positive friendly energy both for individuals and communities
>Ride the fucking wave

Impressions are really the only thing you can buy, and there aren't a lot of nationalist impressions imprinted in children anymore.

It may be easier than you think since it wouldn't require any legislation to implement. It would be implemented by executive fiat from the state department of education. You could start with gun friendly states and then push for national adoption.

I'd be willing to bet both the NRA, and GOA would be willing to put some effort into lobbying with you as well.

As a human being in general; if you're afraid of guns, you're lost...


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Identity Europa or those ram fight club guys would probably get a lot of propaganda milage out of a couple millions. Identify and generate local candidates in all manner of races, and to coordinate cooption of the republican establishment. Counter-currents publishing would work magic with a mill. Create a think tank that doesn't involve Spencer lol. Basically find people killing it with no resources and empower them. Hire a pi to ruin political opponents. Sky's the limit. Give me money and I'll create an environmentalist right wing slow boiler to convert millennials...

>Push belief and faith and hope
>Push happiness and beauty over coping
>Temporary cleanse of drugs and medications
>Open with your feelings
>Push to never be afraid to speak up, speak your mind, speak your weaknesses and vulnerabilities

>Push to treat others the way you'd like to be treated
>Push to end industries like massive wide-scale animal slaughter, fast food chains, etc
>Push that you never have feel fearful or anxious because FUCK people who get off on making others feel that way

>whites-only fim studio
An easier solution would be to fund films with the criteria that they only contain white people

Empowering people that are already onto it without the resources would be a good idea

Use the enemies ideas and tools against them. Make things that compete with google and apple and silicone valley. Retake control of the means of production. Retake control of the narrative. Stop using the enemies creations to try and get ahead. You just make them more rich and powerful.

Very very smart

Pay protestors and bribe media for coverage.

I'll volunteer to run for congress in Virginia's 2nd district if you want to fund my campaign. It's something I've planned on doing within the next decade anyways. I have a long respectable family history in the area, I could actually win here.

I won't be afraid to turn shit upside down if I have to either.

I dont have much family but yo id love to get involved

probably would create an ethno enclave with very strict controls and anti subversion elements (heavy vetting) INSIDE a city center. Or near one of some major city so that nobody can wacko them. There are a lot of very high IQ right wingers here, so if they got together, and if they got a boss who is also into ethno centric things...well then they could probably outcompete most kikes in the information industry. Right wing silicone valley lol.

I'll talk to a few people I know about it and see what kind of support I can get in the local political arena. If I decide to run next cycle, I'll announce it. Only risk is I would have to run on an independent ticket since there's already a republican incumbent in my district. Still, I know I can pull support...

You'd know better than me bro but I got plenty of ideas/energy/motivation if ya ever need a helping hand

Ask Tim Murdock aka Horus the Avenger of I'd trust his advice at least for a million or so.

u dont need a lot of money to help

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Stop immigration...stop banker cheapen or make free college...create term limits in washington...stop doing israels bidding

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Teach kids actual history make them ethno state


Pay 400 trained mercenaries 1 million dollars each to start "solving" "problems" very visibly. This would be the spark that gets all of the armchair "when can we start the purge?" people off their asses.

Make whites mad. It's widely believed nowadays that the crack epidemic, for example, was engineered to disenfranchise the black race in America. It's easily demonstrated that this is happening again with opiates, except the crosshairs are now on OUR backs. Angry people aren't just loud, they're motivated.

gib me the mones pls

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I would say the best thing a person with that kind of money could do would be to start an alternative one stop shop website that is an alternative version of Youtube/Twitter/Facebook/Reddit all rolled into one that doesn't censor any speech that is legal in the United States.
I honestly think it would take over or at least rival their market shares eventually.
Another thing would be to start your own payment processing business that will let anyone use that isn't using it for any illegal activity.
Both of these things would not only be of a massive help, but in my opinion would eventually both become profitable.

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Scouting if done correctly hits your marks. I am concerned about the cucking to wimunz rights. But each pack and den is self run. By the time they are real boy scouts it is largely self run. Remember 5%. You dont have to reach everbody and you cant. You want to reach those closest to your goals, and those most likely to be succesful.

Theres a video about what it costs to run you tube. They have never made a profit.

>our cause
since when brazil is a western country? Brazil was and always will be a muttland.

slowly establish a defensible location and foster an usury-free society

I don't buy the larp but the best way would be to fund good right-wing online news outlets that spread the facts without a Jew filter.
New media is the key word.

And now say how you dumbass

Yeah and the problem with YT is that their interface is understood by the widest audience, and all the little 'widgets' are patent-protected, so you can't copy it.
As bad as it is it's the best and the typical High Tech 'stakeholding' tactic. They don't care if they make money as long as they own the space.