This is your KING
This is your KING
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I don't get why she couldn't just be a queen
In those days, if you wanted to be serious you told everyone to shut up and call you a king
Prove she's the king. Let her produce her futa penis so that her subjects may all service it.
'The realm needed a king'
>Questioning Merlin
It's shit
This is your EMPEROR
Pulled for Okita got her instead, why does god hate me.
A shit this is the best emperor true nukige master
Whore of Babylon.
She fights for FOOD
>*it's canon
Mordred pls
I'm more amazed Nero's wearing panty under her bloomers.
Thanks Merlin.
Well I didn't vote for you
Of course you plebes wouldn't be able to recognize a true king. Now kneel before Alexandros King of Conquerors.
>literally Aristotle's fuckboi
Will you vote for her if she were to personally demonstrate her knowledge on how to please a man?
That’s not Iskander though?
Pay debts
Shut up Merlin, you fucking nancy fairy.
We all know why you gave her a cock, fuccboi.
Hey man I would totally be down to fuck with Iskandar.
I didn't vote for her.
Strange women pleasing old men is no basis for a system of government.
Oh, king eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society.
This is your ki-
Will you shut up?
No taxation without represtation you limey dyke
Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Because you're a footfag.
How do you know so much about swallows?
Bloody peasant!
Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about! Did you see her repressing me? You saw her, didn't you?
Really? That's a cute KING
The cutest.
>tfw American and I can't vote for her.
I don't think you guys understand how monarchies work.
Man, DEEN Saber is beautiful.
As expected from my're waifu.
Reminder that Artoria is better when summoned under any class that isn't Saber.
Here is an idolmaster discussion thread
We can talk about basically anything from idolmaster
No way, fag.
You don't vote for kings!
>Gayass Caesar
Did Merlin intentionally manipulate Humanity's foundation value just so he could watch Saber and the ginger sword autist fuck or is he just making it up as he goes along?
Sshhh... your king is sleeping.
I want to hold Artoria so bad.
Too bad she's not allowed any
Now that's not nice.
i want too
same here Shirou
is that a vanilla doujin?
It's part of a Pixiv imageset.
That's my Once and Future waifu, king part is irrelevant.
Keep the Emperor give me the sweet autistic tomboy to the right of her.
Saber is getting married to Gilgamesh! What have you brought as an offering to celebrate this wondrous union between two kings?
kys crackshipper. Saber is only for best boy Shirou.
It's a nice reversal an early twist on the novel.
Nobody expeted a "her" to be King Arthur, so when it is revealed it does surprise the reader.
It uses the trope of girl masquerading as boy to be taken serious in a nice way
He needs something to do to pass the time. It's not like he can just hop onto Avalon-chan to sate his rampant autism you know.
Why does Saber make every female who sees her fall in love?
Too bad it's been spoiled everywhere the same way the Redman being Shirou is.
The rightful king
Mordred is Mordead
That can't be legal.
Shortfused treacherous bitch with 'daddy' issues, who doesn't have enough everything to be the king.
Do you really want this aho to be your king?
The most important thing about kings is that they are cute.
She just wants to be loved by her dad, is that too much to ask?
It's no use to keep it a secret now, the franchise has grwon too much after all these years.
Back then when the frist anime aired, it was still quite a surpreise to me, same as the Redman twist
Her dad loves her, that's precisely why Arturia rejected her, because she didn't want her to repeat the same mistake of throwing the most important thing, being betrayed and dying alone in the end. Mordred was just too thickheaded and stupid to see that.
Huh so Mordred is Horus and Artoria is the God Emperor. Man a lot of these fiction writers seem to have daddy issues out the ass.
I don't like it either, but it is considered to be the "main" project of TM now. Not much we can do about it.
Is there some website that has the story parts, so I could read them without bothering to install and suffer hours of gatcha shit?
Yeah, but she didn't "love" her. Merlin would've been happy to assist.
Don't expect it to get updated anytime soon though
I'm pretty sure Arturia never saw Mordred as just a tool to use until it was finished with and then discarded like a useless trinket. Arturia is a better father than the Emperor.
So what do you guys think Shirou and Saber do in Avalon? You know, besides fucking for most of the day.
I'm sure they have a whole lot to catch up on, if not just enjoying the sights and scenery.
That's from The Master of Mankind isn't it? I don't remember Big-E being this much of a twat from older lore.
She doesn't. The only reason Manaka is looking at her like that is because Saber is basically related to her beloved.
Hilarious coming from a "king" whose kingdom collapsed days after his death.
A single man keeping an entire kingdom together is pretty bad ass. No one else could do it.