Would newfags be less cancerous if they bothered to watch more old/oldish shows?

Would newfags be less cancerous if they bothered to watch more old/oldish shows?

There is a reason 300 completed is the minimum required to post on Sup Forums.

ZnT is still awful.

No, those pre-2000s threads are full of their own kind of autism. But people should still watch old stuff.

>ZnT is still awful.
It is, as were many mid-2000s anime.
Cutting your teeth on absolute garbage is something everyone should have to go through at some point.
I'd say watching Musashi Gundoh should've been a standard Sup Forums trial by fire if it had actually been feasible get more than a few episodes.

Seasonal trash is enough, at least you can make fun of it in real time.

You and the tripfag haven't watched enough anime if you're calling ZnT awful; not only that but you two fags obviously don't enjoy the medium in the first place. I think you guys should leave instead of flaunting your newfaggotry around.

All such utopian ideals for Sup Forums are dead and buried in the age when native English speakers have fallen below 50% of its total population.

>Sup Forums
>enjoying anime

Kill yourself.

I enjoyed ZnT when if first aired, that doesn't mean it was good.

After you.

ZnT was enjoyable and it is always good to see threads about ZnT.


>least cancerous
Not even ironically.

As true as it is, it's still one of the best Isekai shows in the genre right now, just by virtue of not having it be either a revenge fantasy or a badly written dragon quest fanfic.
That's how low the bar is.

Woah source on this artwork?
Lovely pastel colours

>not enjoying the board's subject
That's Sup Forums's meme.

It's a pixiv filename, copy-paste it.

Remember to not respond to or engage with tripfags.

Cancer comes from posting style not knowledge about anime.
Newfags need to lurk.
Though having lots of people with shit taste isn't desirable either.

Liked it better with the red background, change it back please.

Not really.
There's plenty of good Isekai from before it became popular.

old anime artstyle is too ugly
I tried to watch slayers but couldn't finish the first ep

Rayearth is my favourite because nostalgia.

Yes, but still relatively few in comparison to the massive amounts of shit that japan keeps churning out.
Every Isekai after 2007 is a mistake

No, that's fucking retarded. Newfags are newfags because they refuse to acclimate to the board, i.e. asking for sources/recommendations, bringing their shitty crossboard memes/language here, blogposting, emoticons and other nonsense. I see at least two of those aforementioned things regularly in pre-2000s anime threads; they're no more knowledgeable or cultured than anyone else. People who watch older anime can (and are) just as obnoxious as people who only consume current anime. In fact, the undeserved sense of superiority a lot of retrofags have is even more obnoxious in some ways.

Those threads are also filled with blatant ESL bullshit

I'll have you know it's perfectly legal to punch people for saying shit like this.

>couldn't finish the first ep
nu-Sup Forums everyone

Slayers is pretty bad but the artstyle is like the worst reason to drop it, it looks pretty good.

I regret watching this for one reason
>doesn't end in harem


Not in this day and age.

You kidding me? Nostalgiafags are fucking cancerous themselves.

>everything old is bad
>anime now is objectively better than it has ever been
>old anime looks like shit
You are wrong. Old anime can be great.

I dont think he said that


expected of a tripfag to confuse us with Sup Forums

Filtered you Sup Forums overflow.