OPT - One page thread



This is a one page thread not a more than one page thread.
It's supposed to get you interested in and start reading a manga from seeing a single page.


Actually called Macho Manlet?

Looks like the same artist as Parasite



No, the source is in the image itself.


I love this one.




Google search has been neutered user. Chilling effects, and such. I'll give it another try.



No I mean the name of the manga is literally shown in bold text on the page itself you dummy









This still ranks up there as one of the best axed endings.





Is this hentai?



this should've been better

this series has gone on too long

No, it's a kick every reader in the balls series.

Is this supposed to be the new teppu?

new Teppu?
I might be interested does it have eyebrows?

I only ever read the first few pages of Teppu. In this one though, the taller girl confesses to the shorter guy first.




so it's romance focused instead of sadistic brutality?
says the man with a rabbit waifu

not a page, but jaden smith did an anime

God, why did they have to make the MC look like such an unappealing, spineless, lanky goofball, especially with that stupid bandage on his nose all the time. Like, do you really expect to believe that a girl that confessed to that short loser?

Teppu is a fighting manga, Saotome Senshu is a romance manga.

Yeah it's romance focused. There isn't much boxing, actually, but it's still there.

Self insert.
Also I don't doubt that a social skill-less dead eyed monster COULD go for someone cuter or smaller or nicer or whatever.


>first chapter
>pussies out of confession with the most selfish excuse of "I'm not good enough for you."
>dropping out of his club even though he clearly loves the sport
MC is tripping a lot of my red flags.




Ah, I remember this one. Took a damn long time for the MC to find his balls.

Teppu sequel when?


why is there a pink haired brown boy riding a man in a white robot suit holding an umbrella over an unhappy looking woman in a red hoodie?


If a cupcake falls from a tree how far away would it be from down?



Can't believe i wasted my time reading that piece of shit.

Jaden smith is a disillusioned exorcist in Neo Yokio who has a robot butler/babysitter/jet pack

Its actually terrible, but I watched it all anyway


why was it shit, user?



I understand some people like to self-insert, but how can anyone ever want to see themselves as such a pathetic looking guy?

I remember reading this a long time ago. Liked how it handled the "main character is OP" theme, might re-read sometime


It has a sequel thats ongoing right now

huh really? what's the name? or is it your pic?

Pic was from the original, Aiki isnt a playboy anymore

Not him, but he's talking about Aiki-S. It's not bad, though last I checked there was a tournament arc going on, which wasn't all that interesting.

Maybe it's less they want to see themselves as him, and more they want to see a girl loving someone who looks like them.

Someone translate the sequel when it's out please.

>rub a dub, thanks for the grub
who even says this? they should have left it untranslated as "itadakimasu"

I once saw a Kansai dialect translated so bad, a line was,
"Gomen, pardner"










I like this guy

>who even says this?
Back in boy scouts I did. Occasionally use it as a joke at family reunions when they ask me to pray over the meal.






>Think a page looks good
>Reverse image search it
>Manga has Isekai in the title

This one has potential

Well, you got me. I hope this isn't shit, i'm expecting a good realtionship developement and i want to fucking enjoy it.

Ted has a bleak future ahead of him.


Isekais are comfy though