Are they afraid Persians could actually finish what Hitler started?
Why are kikes obsessed with Iran?
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Considering Persians are the OG Aryans, yeah they might be.
Iran and Syria and NK and Yemen are four Nations that are free of Israels hand.
Because the ruins of Babylon are there
Because The (((Rothschilds))) want to control Iran’s Central Bank
will you sandniggers FUCK OFF from this board
Because their Ayran
le bank maymay
Iran is the arab version of israel. they both fund terrorists and bomb their neighbours
>Iran is the arab version of israel. they both fund terrorists and bomb their neighbours
Fuck off JIDF. Do you faggots even think anything you say works? Do you actually think people buy your bullshit? Israel is about to get fucked up and Palestine is gonna take all the land back. You can't do anything to stop it bitch.
Gas yourself you stupid hooknosed kike.
Iran aryan
This idea that Iran meant land of Aryans isn't true. Ar was a place and yan implies of. Aryan means of Ar, the biblical mountain Ararat. The people who dwelled there called there land Ar.
Armenia and its people which were the original inhabitants of Ar have left the name fairly similar.
Ar (place) men (people) ia (of)
The proto Armenians which are still nearly genetically identical to modern Armenians spread to Iran and a couple thousand years later, formed its own culture.
they're genetically similar too
The term Iran was coined during Sassanian Empire as "Iranshahr" and meant "Kingdom of Aryans".
>let's argue Iranians into being white
I just hope a war starts and Iran actually puts up a good fight.
the true cross of christ is located there
Reminder that Iranians are either the most incompetent people on the entire planet, which have never been able to produce a nuke, being always 2 years away from nukes eternally or they already got their nukes or they never intended on getting them. Either way, what ever the case is, you shouldn't go to war with them.
If they are truly that incompetent, then they pose no threat.
If they got nukes, then you shouldn't risk going to war with them and start a nuclear war.
If they don't intend on getting nukes then there is no reason to go to war.
Anyone who still pushes for a war with iran is a kike.
Because Iran hates Israel and wants to nuke them, and have recently became nuclear capable.
This scares the jew.
nice pseudhistory, Khachick
>JIDF using aussie proxies a lot lately
time to change tactics retards
The first recorded uses of the word "Aryan" are used in description of the Persian and North Indian peoples.
I didn't say they were white. I said they were Aryan.
>most incompetent people on the entire planet
Amazing what Islam can do to a nation.
Fuck off kike
Because those evil kikes are seeing they have no chance against Persia.
Israel is a just an outpost that barely bites the shore. Just look at a map : it's a thin strip of land along the coast. They lack of any serious strategic depth. All their actions aim at creating an artificial strategic depth, that is to politically reshape their neighbourhood.
The kikes have studied why the Crusaders failed to keep that territory and understand that it is because they did not manage to control the mountains wall along the Dead Sea.
This is why those kikes are not even considering to let a meme palestinian state exist. They want all of Palestine but, more importantly, they need to control all of Palestine.
So now, you have Persia. The kike outpost is, as usual, overplaying its hand and want to stop Persia from becoming the Middle East powerhouse. But Persia has a gigantic strategic depth. They can harass the kikes at their borders while the kikes can't even dream of getting close to theirs.
The kikes want to rule the Middle East by playing one side against another, forever. This parasite has cost and will cost millions of deads to simply exist.
Those kikes are at war with the whole world, 24 hours a day.
Imagine if NK ruled the world. It would be so much better.
Because Iran supports Hezbollah, the Lebanese/Syrian army. Israel wants Syria destroyed so (((they))) can take it over. It's why (((CNN))) keeps trying to destroy Assad's reputation.
Because Persians created Judaism when tgey brought Zoroastrianism to Levantine Semite pagans. It's Oedipal.
did 'yahu get his nose reduced?
not just the kikes but also the Saudis who view Iran as Shia apostates. more pragmatically, they're interested in Iran for the same reasons they were interested in Syria and Iraq, getting rid of the competition and using their goy meat shields to do it for them. Semites, both Arab and Jew are cancer. Iran/Persians are the chemo.
Bc they aren’t total shitskins and can actually confront Jewish power.
Yes, it's in the Bible or Old Testament. Iran will wipe the Jew from the earth.
Nice try JIDF. The only reason the Israelis care about them is that they’re competent.
What, are they afraid Gilgamesh might come back?
debatable sources but better than anything out there
Iran has been funding Palestinian terrorists for almost a century now.
Iran has too much masculinity. It's toxic and needs to be shutdown.
This was really insightful, thx, user.