Why does Asiatics hate the Earth?

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Chink genocide when? We must end them before they end Mother Earth

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what's at the bottom of that thing?

what the fuck is that

that's russia you retard

An iPhone mine


That looks like Hell on earth. How do Slavs enjoy living like that?

horror movie plot


What's so bad about it? It's just a gigantic hole. If I had grown up there I'd have fond childhood memories of throwing shit into that hole and other hijinks.

>not made by super aliens from outer space millions of years ago

nice try, but you won't fool me

looks no different than the tar sands

do you not see the Russian church there?

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Bullshit. Tar sand is only a few meters.
Also in canuckistan 80% of our deposits are more easily exploited with underground methods, not surface mining.


wtf I want a view of a giant pit

It's empty.
The boomer dug it up and worshiped it

Oh and also bitumen exploiters are forced to eventually restore the area. How are the ruskies going to restore a 100s of meters deep hole?

who cares, they have a giant country

Asiatic does not mean asian

Asiatic is just east of Europe

its fucking russia you fucks
and that hole is fucking awesome

looks like sim city desu

The Mir Diamond Mine in Russia

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Why are you so afraid of Holes mutt?

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Yes, I saw the church my fine Mexican friend. I don't understand why you're in such a lather over something so trivial.

It is a borehole dug down to the mantle to release warm air to heat Russia.

>ywn dig a hole that big

What? I never said otherwise.

>Criticizing others for hating the Earth
>When Mountain Top Removal is a thing
Ignorant or just hypocritical?

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Lyza the Annihilator.

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So do we, so the other's leaf's self flagellation is retarded.

Germans BTFO

how many people either die, commit suicide, or have their murdered bodies thrown down that hole a year?

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yo moms cervix

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>City looks like a circuit board.

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Do not let the purists slow down the effort towards human success. Let the force of consciousness drive onward into divinity no matter the cost. We shall devour our mother in matriphagy, to further our grasp for ascendancy and power as the human race.

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>what the fuck is that
Someone divided by zero.

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>An iPhone mine
Best post.
But this is now a mining thread.

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The hole that Russian communism dug for itself.

>Criticizing others for hating the Earth
>When Mountain Top Removal is a thing
>Ignorant or just hypocritical?
Mountain top removal is for little babies. You've got to dig deeper to really make environmentalists cry.

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its a mine you dummy

The chinks have one too.
We've got to keep up. You don't want to have a gap gap, do you?

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half the people you replied to already knew it was russian you stupid mexican moron

it's russia

No, its a MINE, you dummy!

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You're... kinda special

How has this not been the central plot / set piece of a movie.

>throw shit into the whole
>its accelerate to max velocity
>murders a worker at the bottom

hole, fug

Agreed. That's flippin' amazing. I wonder how often some portion of adjacent town breaks away and tumbles in.

They made an anime about it

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Poor Earth. How long can she endure with this flesh-eating parasite called "Humans"?

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She'll outlive us, don't worry.