Alt-right figures are targeting vulnerable communities with videos and, unfortunately, it seems to be working.
Alt-right figures are targeting vulnerable communities with videos and, unfortunately, it seems to be working.
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A video on YouTube entitled “Advice For People With Depression” has over half a million views. The title is generic enough, and to the unsuspecting viewer, lecturer Jordan Peterson could even look legitimate or knowledgable — a quick Google search will reveal that he even spoke at Harvard once. But as the video wears on, Peterson argues that men are depressed and frustrated because they don’t have a higher calling like women (who, according to Peterson, are biologically required to have and take care of infants). This leaves weak men seeking “impulsive, low-class pleasure,” he argues. Upon first glance he certainly doesn’t seem like a darling of the alt-right, but he is.
Type “depression” or “depressed” into YouTube and it won’t be long until you stumble upon a suit-clad white supremacist giving a lecture on self-empowerment. They’re everywhere. For years, members of the alt-right have taken advantage of the internet’s most vulnerable, turning their fear and self-loathing into vitriolic extremism, and thanks to the movement’s recent galvanization, they’re only growing stronger.
“I still wonder, how could I have been so stupid?” writes Reddit user u/pdesperaux, in a post detailing how he was accidentally seduced by the alt-right. “I was part of a cult. I know cults and I know brainwashing, I have researched them extensively, you'd think I would have noticed, right? Wrong. These are the same tactics that Scientology and ISIS use and I fell for them like a chump.”
of course you have to be depressed to believe in an ideology of blaming everyone but yourself for all the problems
Do you poo in the loo?
“NOBODY is talking about how the online depression community has been infiltrated by alt-right recruiters deliberately preying on the vulnerable,” writes Twitter user @MrHappyDieHappy in a thread on the issue. “There NEED to be public warnings about this. 'Online pals' have attempted to groom me multiple times when at my absolute lowest.”
“You know your life is useless and meaningless,” Peterson says in his “Advice” video, turning towards the viewer, “you're full of self-contempt and nihilism.” He doesn’t follow all of this rousing self-hatred with an answer, but rather merely teases at one. “[You] have had enough of that,” he says to a classroom full of men. “Rights, rights, rights, rights…”
>leaves the 'alt right'
>joins reddit and posts about it
>self improvement and truth are a cult
>“I still wonder, how could I have been so stupid?”
That's not what it is, retard. How did I cause progressivism? Fucking loser.
>Jordan Peterson
Nice bait. Wheres the link?
everyone (and sometomes bots) are "recruiting" everyone all the time, for all sides of all isues, it's a thing people do. happens a lot on the left on peoples facebooks, extremism seems to be the goal on both sides.
>presumably an adult
>speaks of being 'groomed'
My disgust is immeasurable.
>Type “depression” or “depressed” into YouTube and it won’t be long until you stumble upon a suit-clad white supremacist giving a lecture on self-empowerment.
Because literally no one else wants white people to thrive or even not suicide...
>Jordan Peterson
He's just a classic liberal
jordan petereater is a shitbag in my book.hows hes viewed as a (((recruiter))) is is so fuckin moe,larry and curly stupid it is space orbital.we dont recruit shit we wake motherfuckers up to lies lies lies but i think again they want to elude that jp is handing out leaflets in a brownshirt uniform.
>wow that sucks, i'm depressed now
>Right: The left is wrong, black people kill whites 5 times more than whites kill blacks, illegal immigrants are actually very bad, and there is nothing wrong with being white. You did not cause your ancestor's doing and you deserve to live in a good country.
>wow, that makes a lot more sense. i'm not so sad now.
Good, I have nothing to lose, I am ready to fight for my country, people, and God
Disenfranchised white men are depressed that their society has been taken from them, but they don't understand the cause of their depression. We tell them what you are trying to perpetrate upon them and they flock to us.
What's your fucking point
Of course. Me personally, I just want to belong somewhere and I have nothing going on in my life other than working at walmart for the past 14 years.
>be depressed because the Left is destroying the country/world and demonizing me just because I was born a man
>be depressed because everywhere I go I must hear an endless tirade of how Trump is LITERALLY HITLER and I am worthless is I don't agree
>be depressed because I'm forced to hide any dissenting view due to fear of losing job/family/life
Gee I wonder why
Dont kill the messenger.
Classic liberals aka libertarians are not far left therefore they are literally hitler.
I'm depressed because I'm surrounded by niggers
Im a bit more depressed but nothing to do with politics, got the word that I may be ineligible to serve, fucks up my education plans.
Im only depressed that leftists are permitted to live
its obvious we're winning
>Type “depression” or “depressed” into YouTube and it won’t be long until you stumble upon a suit-clad white supremacist giving a lecture on self-empowerment
People who are leading cults do not want people to invest in themselves. It risks them leaving. Cults mostly operate on a sense of guilt. Does the alt-right or progressives operate on which one?
Almost as if making depressed people feel welcomed and wanted does something
If that was true they would be on tumblr
Constant anti white propaganda, 24 hours a day. White people get depressed and eventually decide they are sick of it, what did you expect, rabbi?
Leftists create toxic society which leads marginalised mostly white males to support right wingers to fix that society. Then repeat. This is pretty much the west for the last 100 years.
The left ultimately created the monsters that will destroy them.
You mean liberals?
I went to a mental health clinic before and it seems if you are servely depressed and think about suicide these bitch therapist try to get you to join the army, I’ve been to a DV shelter and same thing they try to recruit people into the army.
2nd mental health clinic and they tried to get a girl into the navy.
I really don’t like people trying to take advantage of and recruit others into things when they are at their lowest point atm or on the verge of suicide.
>everyone who disagrees with liberalism is mentally ill
>Constantly countersignals the alt right
>Gets called alt right anyway
This is fucking great
Dude who isn’t fucking depressed
Yeah there was a time I was pretty depressed and I was really shitty at the intelligence agent watching me through the webcam for not checking up to see if I was ok.. so I decided cover it up and say goodbye to them.. now they just have to read crappy life quotes I look at on purpose to show them I’m getting better..
Uncaring cunts.
we /r9kpol/ now
Liberals are just lower IQ'd, and less informed Conservatives.
My Niece.
I want to get a gig at the walmart near me because it beats not having a job, is it fun?
Can confirm this is true. No one who is happy with their lives has the time or desire to begin learning new things. Or even becoming a fanatic about anything. This is why you dont see a ton of hot people in politics. They are just to cuaght up in their own life
How does one forcibly retake the bluepill?
when you're red pilled. you realize your country is in dire straits and that naturally brings depressive mood.
weed and a black GF
>I was part of a cult.
Obviously he's making shit up. But I want to say the Alt Right is not a cult. It's far too decentralized and there are way too many "leaders."
Who are these alt-right figures? You mean the controlled op Kikes?
Not really. It's not my dream job by any means. It's just the best paying job I will ever have as I don't have a GED or anything.
Why are soyboys all miserable soulless individuals then?
Why do right wingers actually have something they feel is worth defending and want to defend it?
Go shit in a street India.
These are the voices of your generation
>Jordan Peterson is alt-right
Jesus Christ. I was readying up a rebuttal about how modern society causes depression, so it would make sense that anti-modernists would be depressed, but the article has its head up its ass.
Just lie. Interviews are all about personality and selling yourself. I hate selling myself so im a poorfag, but I still know how it's done.
Explains the Christianity connection.
They're Kikes who mean nothing to me.
>Jordan "Clean your room" Peterson
Yeah na cunt
Those who dont serve their purpose or order are "depressed" or have a psych disorder.
Liberal logic.
Jordan Jew Jizm Dripping Down His Dreadle
>Jordan Peterson
Jesus Christ, these people are so radical they can no longer tell us apart from a normie like Peterson who largely adheres to the orthodoxy of his day. Peterson is a Boomer style Civic Nationalist who points out how ridiculous some of the Left's more colorful excesses are. If that's what the "alt right" is, then a majority of the country is alt right. Hell, I'm pretty sure most male minorities are alt right by this definition.
I’m not sure whether or not this has any truth to it but the fact they won’t turn this lens over to black lives matter recruiting low IQ dindu chimps looking to blame the white man for their failures makes me want to fight for my race even more. Fuck you, sage
>How does one forcibly retake the bluepill?
You can't. You can OD on blackpills, and stop caring, but you can't go back to believing in equality and all that nonsense.
>be depressed
>swallow the redpill
>having the knowledge about how fucked up things are makes you even more depressed
>an hero
I don't want to become degenerate, though, just bluepilled like the average cuckservative.
The only thing i lie about is the ammount of hours I've worked so I stay under 40 hours so I don't get written up for unauthorized overtime. I probably have thousands of unpaid hours I'll never see. I guess I'll justify it in my mind as an idiot tax.
>everyone is a kike/fed/CIAnigger
This is why we are losing to the left.
You sound full of shit 2bh. The military doesn't take people with serious mood disorders or individuals with a history of thoughts of suicide and self-harm. If you ever been prescribed SSRIs, and mental health clinics love to do exactly that, you can't join the military
>tfw complete and utter sociopath whos only with Sup Forums because you guys are gonna kill jews and niggers
>tfw even if you put me in front of a psychologist or in a brain scan I appear normal
Death to israel behead all those who would insult Sup Forums!
>Classic liberals aka libertarians
She’s secretly abusing ecstasy then
>wow society is shit
>hey we can fix society
>ok cool
>ermahgerd depressed people make up the alt right
this is how they pretend its all just a mental illness, a delusion, something to be treated with a drug, except one that gets rid of the delusion instead of encouraging it like they do with trannies
and this is how they dehumanize you, by putting you in the same boat as schizophrenics and trannies
Whoa, hey, kid, watch those edges around me, alright? Last warning.
This is also how they shut down arguments as conspiracy theories even though its just the process of using unbiased evidence (even if it may sound crazy) to come to conclusions. Thinking critically are you? Might as well be that screeching alex jones amirightguys hurrr. Thinking isn't even allowed unless its rehearsal on their doctrines whereas Sup Forums tears each other apart on whether something is true or not. Goddamnit Sup Forums why are you always right.
Former Walmart employee here. My mother was an unmedicated schizophrenic who self-medicated with crystal meth, and my stepfather was a meth dealer (and user) who was in prison so often, he put the 'pro' in 'probation violation'. They raised me til I was 11, when I was put in a series of foster homes that were actually worse. And in adulthood, I have been homeless twice. Not once, but twice.
I lay out my biography so that when I tell you that working at Walmart was, bar none, the shittiest experience of my miserable goddamn life, you have some idea of what I'm measuring it against.
Do not get a job at Walmart.
>alt right is a thing
every time i am depressed, i visit Sup Forums
Maybe we are depressed because we are sick of liberalism.
>media and leftists spend a decade blaming white men for all the evils on planet fucking Earth
>shocked when those white men start moving to an ideology that tells them that they're not worthless scum that need to cheerlead their own destruction
The alt-right doesn't exist. There is user ("russian hacker", "nazi", "winged faggot extraordinaire", "400 lb hacker", "hacker on steroids", etc), and there is GOP.
The "alt-right" is a disingenuous honeypot for useful idiots (that mean well), that is used to easily isolate, concentrate, and tear down anyone who self-identifies. It's classic fucking Alinsky.
How do you know?
Me personally, I too enjoyed this film.
— a quick Google search will reveal that he even spoke at Harvard once.
He TAUGHT at Harvard, as a professor and he's currently a professor at one of the major Canadian universities. He's a PhD in psychology and also practices it for decades.
I agree with you but since Boomers were mentioned (if only as Boomer-style), Boomers must be at least 63 years old, or born between about 1945-1956.
>These are the voices of your generation
No they aren't. We are.
God I wish we had control of a few large media sites. I'd love to write articles like "Leftists are recruiting idiots, and sadly it appears to be working". They're constantly trying to figure out what right wing ideas are gaining traction, then they try to head them off at the pass. They're trying to get out ahead of any memes that seem to be working.
I fucking hate the media. Especially these internet shitbait sites that are constantly doing this kind of garbage. They'll be the first to go. They go before everyone else, but first they need to know that they lost.
Well there was a study done where they gave people braindamage with magnets and they suddenly became much more open to refugees.
Other than literally destroying parts of your brain there is no option. The so-called "red pill" doesn't actually make you more right-wing. All it does it reworks your mind to reject dogma, be skeptical of what shit people say and seek the truth everywhere. You can't put that on rewind, you will always think this way now.
yes its so disturbing that a generation of lost and betrayed men are learning to better themselves
on that note, yall would be amazed what you can do with even nothing but a single dumbell with interchangeable weights and a single year. the first little bit of gains comes in you become addicted and start to enjoy it
if youre a fatty with a high meat and carb diet you can even put it to good use
>Alt-right figures are targeting vulnerable communities with videos and, unfortunately, it seems to be working.
Kinda like the alt - left bolsheviks do ?
>they gave people braindamage with magnets
Now, what are headphones?
>giving depressed people hope again for the first time in their life.
Oy vey shut it down. Where was the outcry when all the autists were being manipulated by racist assholes? They're just willing to get rid of us in that case. After all they are trying to work on a cure for autism now to ethnically cleanse my people, yet not a single fuck given by the Lugenpresse.
Depression is a side effect of redpills.
>proud walmart employee
jfc that is humiliating. They just make you wear that shirt while you're mopping up the wild shart at large on aisle 5.
>Jordan Peterson
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for the best for you. I can't say I'm in such a great boat either, but I would think that your upbringing would be a hell of a lot more mentally damaging than this employment
Don't know who you're referring to, but I hope at the very least that my story ends on a good note.
Maybe as a meme Force, but I really can't take the word of shitposters as gospel.
It's pretty much one of the only things I hate about this job that isn't too damaging mentally, although it is kind of bizarre to have a article of clothing in a uniform speak for me and what I'm proud of. That's just globalization at work I guess.
>“I still wonder, how could I have been so stupid?” writes Reddit user u/pdesperaux, in a post detailing how he was accidentally seduced by the alt-right. “I was part of a cult. I know cults and I know brainwashing, I have researched them extensively, you'd think I would have noticed, right? Wrong. These are the same tactics that Scientology and ISIS use and I fell for them like a chump. Fortunately, I found the real source of my depression. I am a transexual. Now that I am on hormones and presenting as a woman, I am much happier."
wow it really is some egomaniac's cut
It doesn't recruit depressed people. People who understand what the world is actually like are depressed.
>spend time with cousin and her 1 year old kid because family is important
>feel jealous about how fucking happy the little bastard is
I want to be a baby again Sup Forums.
Hi Walmartbro, I've seen a pic of your staff room before. Why are there plastic covers on the plastic tables?