Spread this shit, the war on our protection ends tonight.
Guns aren't the problem, its people. People like this out of shape CUNT bully.
Spread this shit, the war on our protection ends tonight.
Guns aren't the problem, its people. People like this out of shape CUNT bully.
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be honest Sup Forums
would you?
Yes, I would gas
would rather die a virgin
You already will
No bald bitches are gross you look up and it reminds you of your third tour in Iraq.
they deserved it
Who the fuck is he and why do I keep seeing his face everywhere
What do you even call that body type? Lumpy?
she really needs to grow some hair.
Good god, no. After child #2 came tummy tuck #1. Thankfully, that is an operation that never needs a follow up. This whore is washed up and she ain't even shit out another 56%'r, yet.
this is my "my friends got shot" dress la la la
No Paco I have self respect.
I'm too mesmerized by the girl on the left's footsies, desu.
>Skinhead lesbian
Nope, not in a million years.
She seems extremely mentally unstable likely borderline personality disorder
bald pudgy midget dike? maybe anal with no lube but only because of that obnoxious self-entitlement
Is that you, Evan?
>roughly 1/3 my age
Mmmm, no.
Am wizard, outcome likely
would need to see bare feet first...post 'em if you got 'em
So these kids created a self fulfilling prophecy then bitched when it came true?
>ywn be her end game
One on the left: yes
The mutt and the nigger: not even at gun point.
She's POWERFUL woman and you're intimated. Show me 1 (ONE) example how she has bpd.
Looks like a fuckin donkey, hell no.
She doesn't explicitly say she bullied him - She's just quoting other people. I hate this bald cunt but this manipulation of headlines and words is a disingenuous Jew tactic.
Please never use her real name. She's so repulsive that she doesn't deserve a real name. Please refer to her as any of the following:
>La Creatura
>Skinhead Lesbian
>Disgusting Cunt
>Bald Cunt
>Mutt Dyke
She says "we" you fucking faggot. You think you can call something a Jew tactic then get us to ignore it because it might have been used by some kosher gobbler? Fuck off kike.
Not really
>fupagunt detected
I don't want to go to prison and I don't really fancy her anyways
La Creatura is her official name as far as I know.
Yeah, probably. As long as I used my false identity so she couldn't track me down afterward.
She seems like the kind of girl that would want you to really degrade her. Like piss on her and spit in her eyes and shit.
She's waaaaay over 18
thisssss. I need to marry her quick before she is completely turned out. might be to late to be honest
>"Don't talk about how 'we should have not ostracized him'"
Literally a quote dude. She's wrong and a crisis actor ZOG agent but let's be honest about what's going on here.
If I didn't know beforehand it was a girl, I'd think this was a brown 15-year-old boy with extreme gayface.
The Gunt.
I'm sorry, I can't take seriously anyone who still uses a bunk bed.
But arent you the "suck it up sbowflake" guys?
Even if mass shooters are bullied they shot a bunch of people
We going to start excusing other crimes for bs reasons?
The new right is hypocrisy itself
She didn't bully him, this is simply a ploy to make it look more realistic, just Hogg's twitter "conversation".
She sure is smug and happy for someone who had 17 of her best friends gunned down right in front of her and who barely escaped death by mere inches just a month ago.
Plz teach me the path to wizardry
I am still a virgin so I have potential
I know...
Yeah, I wouldn't be proud
Early, and often.
w-why would you go to prison?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
her stomach is bigger then her tits
She's still justifying it.
She's saying bullying people with mental problems is justified because after years of bullying the kid with mental problems he finally broke.
Based on her emotional response, it seems like she was probably in on it.
For raping her.
The only way I could sleep with her is through rape
And even if she did let me, she'd say I raped her for gibs and attention
Fuck, Marry Kill?
1. Marry
2. (Hate) Fuck
3. Kill (hung from a tree branch like a nigger should)
I have no idea what i just read
Honestly, her and the rest of the Burger King Kids Club are latching onto every facile Democratic talking point they can. Their fifteen minutes of fame are waning already, so they're mounting every soapbox they can, including "WALK UP DON'T WALK OUT IS JUST EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION AND WILL PUT EVERYONE AT RISK MORE RISK OOOHHH I FEEL SO UNSAFE BEING TOLD TO BE KIND TO MY CLASSMATES LIKE A DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING OHHHH SO UNSAFE"
Seriously, she's aping half the Facebook posts I've seen on the matter. They're trying to marshal MEME HARMONICS in order to keep their PR campaign going.
Speaking of, ISN'T IT INTERESTING we haven't heard a fucking word about their "March Against Death" despite their initial plans to hold it in less than a week?
I feel bad for this girl. She's a moron kid, and CNN let her into a world she's not ready for so that they could exploit a tragedy.
It's fucking sickening.
ill just marry 1 and leave the rest for /pol to deal with
She's let herself this much into the political spotlight. She's earned herself the right to be criticized or even straight up insulted as much as any other politician.
I would do my best to reclaim the white girl on the left, the other two are disgusting.
Can we just take a moment to imagine looking like that?
Put yourself in her place, imagine having a body shaped like a lumpy potato, with nigger lips and a flat nose, even though you're not black. Your skin is the color of a leather couch, and most people need to look twice to tell if you're male or female because you have no tits and you shave your head.
Your gender is ambiguous, your race is ambiguous, your nationality is ambiguous, you're basically a sentient amoeba.
Is it any wonder they hate a people and a society that reminds them of that fact? They're fighting to make everyone as ugly and as dysfunctional as they are.
Easy, coast through life and don't make meaningful relationships with women. Now I'm 30 and hoping that artificial wombs happen soon so I can raise children without having to deal with marriage.
Absolutely not.
I wonder if that clip of her will show up on fox news.
Wow, what a hateful little spic.
Isn't it a shame that the nutjob shooter didn't blow her and pointy chin McCrisis Actor all away?
I should not fap in order to gain wizardly powers too?
pump and dump, user. pump and dump is the only real answer here.
Bunkbeds are awesome, user, as long it isn't a jail bunkbed. I can't imagine THAT being very comfy.
Im not into underaged boys.
Is "she's ugly so she should die fuck her lol"/"she's racially ambiguous so fuck her" not the same soylogic she uses to justify bullying/provoking the shooter?
Also that stomach is hideous.
I refer to her as Yo Queero Taco Belle.
Ready to mow these niggers down.
It's her own fucking fault.
Not sure, I fap now but didn't even do that until 20's. I highly recommend not doing it though. Waste of time
Would most certainly crucify yes.
> soylogic
Is this the new Shareblue tactic? Trying to make any disagreement with the left "just as bad as" soyboy logic?
No. Yappy brown cunts have to sit in the back of the gas chamber.
It has nothing to do with her looks. It's the way she acts / encourages other people to act. Don't try to twist my words, fuck.
You're fapping to that fat belly?
The left can't Meme. These niggers be glowing.
>accusing me of being shariablue
You should work for IMAX, wew that projection. Filtered
At least this is more justifiable than "dude idk she looks ugly we gotta gas her lmao"
> I highly recommend not doing it though
I think so
I think this is why the Irish druid class hated women
It doesn't excuse the shooter. The point of mentioning her bullying is that she provoked the shooter, and is actually hostile towards people that say she was wrong to do it.
Lesbians are vicious man-hating cunts, and she is proof of that. Just look at that other Mexican woman that dropped a bridge on people's heads in Miami.
>implying I have to be leftist to point out logical inconsistencies
I forgot that nu/pol/ has become diluted with the teenbro discord raiders.
Her ribs and belly protrude further than her titties.
>He doesn't think chubby bellies on thin girls is hot as fuck
> getting genuinely flustered by racism on Sup Forums
> "h-heh I'm just pointing out LOGICAL INCONSISTENCIES"
She's a brown clown, so fuck her and fuck you too, Shareblue.
No you're just glowing nigger.
nah guns are the problem
you need to bring her back to your country
Yo Queero Taco Belly
Sinead O'Taco
Your mom's stanky cunt Is the problem
Yeah probably, but I haven't had sex in almost three years
That's no excuse.
you american people dress very interesting
She wears this see-through dress a lot. Really makes you think.