What do y'all think of the prophecy? Bullshit or no? What is your interpretation???
What do y'all think of the prophecy? Bullshit or no? What is your interpretation???
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come on man
The only prophecy I believe in is the return of Christ
It's real.
>3 branches will become one
united repub rule
>island will drift away
likely brexit, but possible cali, as it is in it's own bubble/island that's getting further and further away from the rest of us out of the bubble.
>killing bolt will shine in night but will not kill
idk yet, either than one false nuke or something to come, maybe its some storm analogy
>star will gorge itself on clay
idk, either china, israel/jews, or maybe US.
>idols will speak and move about
hollywood and pedogate, probs
>black flag will fly above dome
corruption rules over congress, isis overtakes something, or some faggot dies
>belly of the dragon will drip water
idk if its referring to china or its some fire/water analogy. maybe both
>two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
maybe nochin and mutt? bc we ALL heard them, they were everywhere, the guncontrol poster--children--
>rock will stand on seven hills
constantinople or rome, so probably a rock on immigration, aka italy/pol/ gets what it wants
>ravens will starve
blacks get cut off the welfare. Idk bc trumps gonna do a blue-apron thing instead if that happens
>bear will leave it's cave forever
russia fucks with the brits more than ever, or calexit
>rod and ring will strike
i d k
I already solved it.
kek confirms
i didnt update until i posted
not necessarily, i think putin being friends is wrong, given current state. Raven is a stretch imo/
you haven't been paying attention.
Q predicted this
no, also: where is that black flag? and most of the star gorging on clay happened before the weather cooled
this predicted q, chronologically
Israel is about to be wiped off the fucking map.
Double Checked
In order for prophecy to exist, free will cannot. Either all actions are predetermined and nothing matters, or no actions are predetermined and prophecy is bullshit.
You guys actually fear this, don't you?
I think it's vague and symbolic so as to be applicable to as many things as possible with no intended meaning behind it
It wasn't originally from here, and all remnants of it were wiped from clearnet after being posted here.
>In order for prophecy to exist, free will cannot
Or maybe time doesn't work how you think it does.
maybe, depends if Putin pulls through in btfoing western Europe.
it relates to political events, retard
kinda, and it's better than the 500 antifem threads when we have bigger problems right now (see: syria and russia)
thats all prophecies
i meant that this prophecy existed before q
bottom line meant for
>Three branches will become one
Republican majority
>An island will drift away
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Michigan meteor or Hawaii false nuke
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Turkish involvement in Syria
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Chinese economy in trouble
>The bear will leave it's cave forever
Russian expansionism