
Chomsky was interviewed recently and basically he said that the us government is wholly controlled by multi national corporations and we are all completely fucked if we are just regular people, and it's just gonna get worse. I have always hated this fucker and I hope he's way off base but I get nervous when I listen to him because he can be pretty convincing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

so basically he said things we all already know
wow, what a genius

Well why don't right wingers say shit like that?

>communist jew says what?

They do. This is why they want a flat tax and de regulation.

Wow it’s like he understands basic concepts. What a smart kike.

Because they are controlled by the Jew. Chomsky said nothing wrong.

Based rare flag

Based rare flag


because in these times almost everybody is just a fake, selfish and greedy cunt that only says and does what will benefit him directly

> multi national corporations
> international banking cartels
> globalists
They have many names.


Globalization was the only way to subvert and defeat the United States. Multinationals, through foreign influence, now control most of the important functions of our government. Can it unfuck itself? Maybe yes, we'll see


>multinational corporations
The PC term for "Jew".
Corporations don't operate on their own. They are proxies for the Jews. The whole system is fucked because Jews don't have morals to start with.

I feel that nationalistic conservatives aren't as critical of wall st and big biz as they should be. Seems like the only people who brings this shit up are the ones I hate the most like Elizabeth Warren and Chomsky.

Hey is a half baked intellectual commie faggot. He’s been saying edgy shit forever. Nobody cares.

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In other words, Chomsky is now saying stuff we already said except he is getting paid by leftists to say it. Not like it surprises me , since Chomsky made his entire career or literally talking about nothing/stealing other people's work. ASU doesn't want him, no one sane wants him. As a teacher he might be ok. But as an academic, he's an idolized demagogue.

literally out done by Black Economics Man

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Don't forget Black Economics Man Jr

> black guy that thinks
> white guy that speaks
> black guy that researches
> white guy that assumes
Opposite ends of the intellectual spectrum if I'm being honest and bias

>Right wingers say multinational corps control the world and that's why they want to help the multinational corps control the world
wtf mate, u retired or something?

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Well that's because corporations benefit from regulation at the expense of small business and market entrants....duhh, everyone who's been here longer than the 2016 election should know this by now.

Corporations are State created, protected and propped up fictions.

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>wholly controlled by multi national corporations

But he'll never mention who wholly controls those multinational corporations.

>half-baked intellectual
>poltard talking about noam fucking chomsky

This. He's just a capitalist scrambling to collect a few last shekels before the end comes. His politics and his linguistics are both shit, and he's going to live just long enough to see everyone wake up to that. Or almost anyone--he'll always have some sycophants like Amy Goidman and Norbert Horstein.

It isn't that hard to know the score if you are able to think for yourself. Sup Forums isn't a bunch of geniuses, we are just able to see through the blinders that normies can't.

Chomsky is just diet-Sup Forums, only instead of Jews, he replaces that word with "corporations"

He isn't that bad. Probably the only leftie that I kind of respect. His works were cited in a Holocaust denial book once, and instead of chimping out like any other kike, he defended the guy

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He's also banned from entering Israel

(((multi-national corporations)))

>he can be pretty convincing
only when you don't understand economics, otherwise he just looks like an old fool taking out of his ass.

>>poltard talking about noam fucking chomsky
would that be noam fucking "pol pot did nothing wrong" chomsky? noam fucking "free trade doesn't exist because money flows between businesses and not people" chomsky?

Ask him about Venezuela. Socialism or not true socialism?

Chomsky got either threatened many years ago or is one of (((their))) gatekeepers.

He ridiculed people that believe in 9/11 being an inside job.

I read a very interesting paper on him being just a front. They basically blackmailed or threatened him fairly early on and since then he's forced to tell the public what they want him to communicate and since he's an authority, the message will come across way more tolerable.

INteresintgly enough, this is the guy that brought me into the alt right after I wanted to enquire who the "they" are.

>Noam Chomsky =Lyndon Laruche = Webster Tarpley
Have they ever been seen in the same room at the same time?

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Sounds like what this commie kike has always wanted.

Regulations are not explicitly pro- or anti- big business. For example, harsh manufacturing requirements like FCC regulation harm small businesses who only manufacture a few thousand products, but barely touch a business that churns out millions of products per day.

Calling them state created is a bit of a stretch. They grew together with the state, pushing for increases in state power so their lobbying could be more effective.

we know these things because people like him research this and expose it.

you don't get the full picture

After 1945 the goal for a global government (to stop autodestruction) started, at this point is at a transition between symbolical to fully functional, it has some branches that are actually powerful, and others that just shitpost and get duplicated by media into citizens minds.

What you are talking about is happening and has been happening for hundreds of years now. At this point is not "inevitable", its already done. Its not also creepy and fear inducing, it has also optimized our way of life (decided by blood in WWII) with unprecedent growth, the world is getting significantly better very very fast, if we continue this way, people under 30 might see a world that has conquered all our limits and find ourselves among a midst of new ones, which will be very scary due to being new.

Now, the issue though is that we are approaching more and more another barrier of no return, and thats an issue that has confronted liberty and human nature. There's a side of human nature, its autodestructive, violent side, that has continued with us even as we reached higher and higher levels of power over the rest of nature.

We are now against that questions, we have two sides, one sides wants to re-engineer humanity, the other side claims theres a way to achieve self-control via the wielding of the spirit. Now both of them have very very big drawbacks. The first option means we will have to give over our liberty to the state, coupled with where computers are leading too, this will mean we will end up with a techno-hivemind ruling us all, using us as material for higher and higher levels of functional organization. The second option, implies a very proximate need of apathy for the pain and death of those who won't make the spiritual evolutionary step, and will ask of us to do things to survive that would bring chill to the bones of genociders.

Those sides have also splintered into many variations, and they all coexist in the current world. Some are more extreme than others, but both sides logically imply their extreme solution if given enough leeway to accelerate.

The role of the conservative, in any movement, is to provide friction to slow down the acceleration and allow for the situation to change, the people to adapt, and allow them to think longer about the new problems posed by the new situation before enacting changes that can lead humanity into autodestruction.

>Well why don't right wingers say shit like that?
>Entire career of Steve Bannon

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The candidate in any given election in the United States that has the most funding wins 98% of the time. That means whoever has the most money owns the election.

Right wingers love corporate cock

Multinational corps and state governments are symbiotic with each other.

Well Noam Chumpsky is an idiot.
>Noam Chimpanzee

chomsky is mossad controlled opposition.

>>They grew together with the state, pushing for increases in state power so their lobbying could be more effective.

This guy knows what's up

chomsky is a libcuck of the highest order but he’s intelligent and straight forward. he’s also mostly right with what he says. so there you go you uneducated fatass.

>>people like him
He was all fine and dandy with all of it when Monsantobama ruled the world.
He's just going through the motions now that some meany voted by the meany right wingers is in power.
He deserves a stoning.

this dude is right about like 90% of what he says

fuck off /leftypol/, your subversion is weak.
Chomsky isn't saying anything he hasn't always been, as have Bernie and countless other left-"libertarian" ideologues before him. as with every other left-libertarian, he peppers his speeches with the talking points of civil libertarians (ie; free speech, opposition to drug prohibition, war and the surveillance state) to cover up for the fact that he wants a net expansion...not a retraction of the invasive state he claims to oppose. likewise, all of these promises are fiat in nature, they are all contingent on the state being cooperative with the demands of a society even when it has a direct incentive to do otherwise.

well it's fucking lucky we voted for Trump who financed the majority of his own campaign.

Kim dot com just fucking released a video, Trump being elected is anti-globalist: walls, nationalism and tariffs aren't neo-liberal policy.

What do leftists and globalist corps love? illegal immigrants, no borders, disarmed population, anti-white.

can't see you counter-argumenting

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Are you still here?
I also really want to know why right wingers don't talk about multi national corporations if they don't really talk about them.
I am a conspiracy theorist, and America being controlled by multi national corporations is common knowledge among conspiracy theorists.
I thought most right wingers know about conspiracy theories, but I guess I was wrong.

Republicans are more corporate controlled than Democrats. Fact.

This old fag has been saying this since his doctoral thesis. Fuck off

Yea, probably, but let's say everybody knows Alex Jones.
How can it be possible you know Alex Jones but you don't know America is controlled by multi national corporations?
Are republicans that stupid?

chomsky thread and a bunch of leftypol faggots. saged and reported.

>>>poltard talking about noam fucking chomsky
>would that be noam fucking "pol pot did nothing wrong" chomsky?
Fake news

He actually disliked Obama. There's a video about it.

t. Plebbit

>at first I was like based Chomsky
>then I was like..he just fucking denied 9/11 was an inside job
From 2.05
Remember this and don’t forget it. Every time you hear kike shills like Chomsky stating that conspiracies don’t exist and that (((logic))) dictates that there would be leaks..
Let’s look at a conspiracy that has been admitted to. The widespread Muslim gang raping of white childeren
>Thousands of people knew about it
>probably more like 10’s of thousands
>many of those did go to the authorities and media
>the “leakers” were simply not given airtime
Even if you have thousands of people willing and able to whilstle blow, all it takes to stop them getting information out to the wider public consciousness is the complicity of the (((msm))). How Chomsky alledgedly doesn’t know or understand this? Nope, the kike knows full well that unless “truth” is written on the front page of one of his tribes newspapers, that nobody will believe you. Because society has been so brainwashed into only accepting subjective “truth” as objective reality, when delivered to them on a plate by well spoken (((white people))), through the media . Nobody will believe you if the police are not arresting Muslim child rapists for decades. People will laugh and scoff at you and call you a “racist” and “conspiracy theorist”. Chomsky is a fucking despicable kike liar.

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>and we are all completely fucked if we are just regular people
>he can be pretty convincing.
Yeah man you should totally leave that shithole called USA.
How can anyone even live there? No one wants to go there.