Opinions on Varg Vikernes?

European hero or giant larper?

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"""white""" amerimutts probably hate him but he speaks the truth. His ancestors are smiling down upon him

Giant European Larper Hero

Varg's son is going to marry a brown girl and Varg's grandkids will be brown

Cant be both? Varg is BASED

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He's a scumbag who has an overinflated sense of his own intelligence.

Doubt it. Varg raises his children through homeschooling and the teaching of thule.

Citation needed

Reminder that Varg belongs to /leftypol/

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He is right
T_Dahnald needs to fuck off already


Artistic genius, most importantly

He's no capitalist . but surely not a socialist or commie.

He sees flaws in both systems.


ur welcome

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He's a weirdo, but I respect his decision not to raise his kids in the (((public school system))).
Imagine walking through the woods alone and you see him and his family.


Also leftists might want to destroy the current system , but they also want to replace it with something 10 times worse. A socialist/communist state with freedoms.

douche bag

>moves to France and becomes a migrant
>French taxpayers now have to pay for a convicted murder who does nothing but shitpost all day
yeah, real hero

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>Chimped out and killed his best friend

Worse than a nigger

? is it true? He live in FRANCE ?

And we happily pay for him

Advocating for a total reset back to anarcho-primitivism is one of the things that sold me on this man. I wouldn't call him a hero but he's not that big of a LARPer either.

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He's an idiot. His views are all over the place, and he has changed his views A LOT over time. He used to believe Europeans had the most Neanderthal ancestry, but this was proved patently false. He also keeps making wrong claims over and over again.

He also does not respect the suffering of other beings. Killing his neighbor's cat and saying he or she was an "African immigrant" was wrong. Even if the cat causes environmental damage, humans still far surpass the cat. I think capturing, spaying, and/or neutering the cat is the way to go, not slaughtering them. Moreover, having one less child saves 20x more carbon footprint than choosing to live a green lifestyle, which I can share the study. If he cares so much for environment, then he should have less kids. 6 is way too many.

>Not abusing the dumb modern system

Any given second in any given video.



look up the top 10 successful socialist countries
notice anything? see, we can have socialism, as long as we also have nationalism

>Having one less child saves 20x more carbon footprint
Who cares. Varg cares about the enviroment , not stupid climate hoaxes.

Nice example.

Far from that.

>not stupid climate hoaxes
Anthropogenic climate change is not a hoax. It compounds other issues such as ocean acidification.

>It compounds other
It is compounded by other*...


>Anthropogenic climate change
Jesus christ. Carbon is good for plantlife in fact.

Get your liberal bullshit out of our board.

Sociopath and murderer. Working his two bit Youtube scam from what is more or less a hobo encampment in rural France. Best thing about Varg is his dog. Worst thing about Varg is Varg.

>Carbon is good for plantlife in fact.
Learn to read, you knuckle-head.

It is compounded by other issues such as ocean acidification.

I thought Sup Forums would have looked at this fucker like a heretic and go full crusader on his ass considering he thinks paganism is the true religion of White people and should break free for Judeo religions.

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christians are the actual larpers kek

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>The guardian

You probably we should have less children too.

Christianity is Judaism for non jews.

Didn't he murder a man for some base reason?

Anyone who doesn't understand basic philosophical dialectic is the LARPer. Once you get deep into philosophy, you'll even question the nature of identity and whether LARPing is inevitable or not. For all you, your identity may be a construct masking an amorphous flux with no real core, which is kinda what Hume's bundle theory gets at.

Regardless, one needs a basic grasp of the dialectic of epistemology, metaphysics, meta-ethics, and normative ethics in order to be awake.

Post the original with context.

Lying chr*stins kek. You'll go to hell for that sinner

so jesus wins?

>dismissing something based on source

>You probably we should have less children too.
All your children will die due to new environmental catastrophes and war, and I don't give a single fuck.

biases towards source*

Callum Roberts has a PhD and was giving the interview for that Guardian article.


White intellectuals kinda ushered in the whole anti-christianity thing in America in the early 2000s. So a lot of whites have a distaste for the doings of christian empires.

No. It means your religion is a joke and you're a pagan larper

Fuck off with all your bull shit terms. Thia kind of lexicon is used by pseudo intelligent people

That's not what I am saying, you philistine cunt.

no ;_;

k....keep me posted

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Callum Roberts is a viable source*

You're a philistine piece of shit that should consider hanging himself or getting onto my level. If you dare challenge me to a duel, then tell me what are your top 3 favorite films, writers, and aspirations in life. I bet you are a piece of shit who has mundane tastes, for your mind is crap just like yourself.

He has legit concerns but his solutions are not practical or even realistic. Larper.

any nudes of him?

The Mahayana notion of Buddha nature and Shunyata are more interesting, and they have interesting parallels with David Hume's Bundle Theory.

>Killing his neighbor's cat and saying he or she was an "African immigrant"

How stupid this man is? He is fucking growing crops himself, those cats take care of pests

Talk about European religions bhodi LARPtra

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Anyone that dares challenge me to a battle of wits must tell me their top 5 favorite films and writers. I bet you have shit, mundane tastes. All Blockbuster films and all shitty writers.

Fuck Valhalla. You are little bitches that wish to fight, but your intellect is like that of a mouse compared to me. If you dare challenge me, then tell me what are your top 5 favorite films and writers.

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its not larping when youre actually living the life youre preaching. it sure beats the tradthots

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Real men begin with the nitty-gritty details of epistemology, metaphysics, normative & and meta-ethics. They do not pick and choose religions like window-dressing.

If there be an abyss, then look into it, soak into it, the well of blackness. If there be light, then look into it, soak into, the Infinite.

But don't try to manipulate and twist reality to suit your biases.

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his ancestors are.. like.... dead....

You do know you have been doxed on greaterchan correct?

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>spends 15 years in prison
>the rest on welfare
has this snownigger worked one day in his entire life? he's a lazy bum

thicc welfare moocher

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Real men don't resort to intimidation. Use your intellect. Read the Greats like Descartes, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, Leibniz, Spinoza, Wittgenstein, etc. Be honest in your constant inquiries, but don't be a scoundrel and resort to intimidation. Bryan Magee has a nice Youtube series on the Greats I recommend checking out.

Do you think Varg is aware that he's a meme?

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Stop embarrasing yourself.


look at this cuck

Giant larper and therefore hero.

murderer and an arsonist that lives in a cuckshed

I'm pretty sure he gets on Sup Forums occasionally, no?

>Real men don't resort to intimidation.
Aw are you intimidated?

varg is an oldfag x5

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Low Iq snow nigger who doesn't believe space travel is possible and thinks there's no difference between chemtrails and contrails.

The more a person or a movement opposes the Jew, the more valuable it is. If someone is attacked by the Jews, that is a sure sign of his virtue. He who is not persecuted by the Jews, or who is praised by them, is useless and dangerous.

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He wasn't his friend actually.... They hated each other... so he killed a snownigger he hated cuz he threatened him to death and didnt want to pay him and was laughing at him cuz the recordlabel Euronigger owned also owned the right of Vargs albums... so .... he most likely went ooga booga at Euronymouse apartament and Euronymouse panicked and tried to scape to the forest whilst Varg was chassing him.. then , because Euronymous was a manlet couldnt run to much and Varg catched on him and shaked him to death... pretty much it.... The lesson is dont treaten a guy who looks like a fucking viking... they are weirdos who can chimp out

How come whenever Varg is mentioned, 90% of people who get absolutely SEETHING have American flags?

Does he? I wonder if he has any friends.

Christcucks everytime

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LARPaganism is judaism for non-jews.

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Toothpaste, go spit.

Either post your top-5 pro wrestling finishers or fuck off back to your dormroom

>they are weirdos who can chimp out
Yet you continue to push us


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I like Varg and most of his ideas but we can't wait around for an ice age or a collapse of civilization due to no resources

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First of all... I bet you dont look like a viking... second of all If you like black metal you might as well suck cock

((((((((christian history)))))))))))))

I have more important things to attend to... such as harnessing the light. I have devoured it, I have devoured Christ, when the three Magi visited Christ, they devoured him and caught the moon. I read children's books. I have caught the line.

You are just dreams, phantasms, i have caught the light, I laugh towards this nightmare. I am perfected, I am unreal, I am no longer anchored to you world.

I have dreamed, I have cried in dreams, when realizing the dream figments of people are more real than you. This is all insubstantial. I dream to the point it is more real than this world.

I speak to no one, but the babble of my own mind. There are no others here. I see nothing but void, just endless dreams within dreams.

I am strong man. I am beyond this, no longer affected by it. Suspended in aether I laugh...

Buhalala, buhalala, I am crow.

So what you're saying is that sandniggers are literally the prayers Europe was hoping for, and Islam is the absolute ""GREATEST"" movement there is.

European Jews are literally leaving Europe and moving to Israel because of them.

kek we have reached the bottom of the meme barrel already

lol, varg got cucked

He's basically calling himself a national socialist in the video and you think he's yourguy
