itt: C-capitalism works, goys!
Itt: C-capitalism works, goys!
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What do you think is responsible for this?
They could cut each of 31000 employees a 500$ check but why waste it? They would just buy cigarettes and gasoline
>we could pay our workers but they'd just spend it on goods and services
>it's better if we jerk each other off on wallstreet doing nothing good for the economy
And the executives are going to donate it to starving families or use it to fund community gardens?
the industrial revolution was a mistake
The executives are going to save it to give to their idiot children, who will save it to give to their idiot children, who will save it to give to their idiot children, who will be chinese and gone from america.
A min wage retail job.... Having severance pay?
Why did anyone think this would happen
Modern day kids dont even play with toys anymore, Im seeing young kids all walking around with ipads.
Executives usually have contracts regarding compensation while your average employee has jack shit.
why would you even let them, majority of that shit comes from china and its covered in lead.
Bane did this.
Lead paint is tasty though
I mean a job's a job, you should still give benefits to your employees regardless of the kind of job it is. Especially if it's shit tier retail. That's just how capitalism is supposed to work
>merchants have money
>buy products to create industry
>hire workers
>give them money in exchange for work
>they reinvest it into the economy
>you take your money and invest it into social services or smaller buisnesses so you can have more capital
>do this so you can pay your workers more so they reinvest into the economy
>everyone gets more money
literally ez but everyone got too greedy.
Crony capitalism is not capitalism what's your biggest gripe with capitalism please tell me?
Yea this. American business law it would appear doesnt require severance for redundant staff. If you want protection invade of redundancy you have to have it put in your agreement.
This would not happen under Nat Soc government. Nationalists would be outraged of the unfair ruling
I mean I can just show images of capitalism for Detroit and go lolol capitalism, that's not really trying to discuss anything, it's just shit flinging.
Every ideology and economic practice has it's flaws. It's important to criticize them so we can work to a better solution.
Since nobody has yet to catch what I'm getting onto, Bain Capital got a leveraged buyout deal with the company years ago. The debt ended up being too much to handle any longer so they've been forced to declare bankruptcy.
You can thanks Mittens for that one.
The Leftist Jeff Bezos is the one you should be blaming for this.
I did.
>donate to planned parenthood
>go out of business because there arent enough kids buying toys anymore
I see nothing wrong here.
buy buy baby and amazon
>overrun with niggers and socialist unions
The modern economy exists because of capitalism, fuck off you ignorant nigger
Yeah life was way better before.
>top tier bantz against infant murdering communists
>rescuing white farmers in SA
Australia declared the new leader of the free world when?
Please do what we can't anymore. Bring your biggest knife to the UK if you can.
In some ways it was
Unironicly was for many demographics.
>small nigger community represents capitalism
>all socialist countries fail, but are not evidence of it's failure
For example?
>implying capitalism isn't currently working right now
>implying communism has EVER worked
>implying "capitalism" exists
Commie detected.
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
Roasties knew their place or more precisely, were told their place
Interesting statistics, however, consider the following
Fuck wagecucks. You should die in the street.
double yawn
jesus you guys are truly boring
how can several of you across multiple threads be absolutely destroyed by autists in cell phones?
> employees don't request severance or bonuses when getting hired
> executives did
> It's the executives fault that they made contract negotiations
>7 people in NZ
>1 of them must be the PM
go to bed Jacinda
the problem is that as an employee, all your fellow employees are too dumb to negotiate, so if you negotiate during the time of hiring they just will hire someone else who doesn't
the retardation of the fellow worker is pretty much why i completely left cuck employment and now only do self-employment
Free market capitalism is fucking great.
Corporate Oligarchies with massive barriers to entry is complete horseshit.
It's also not a free market at all.
anticollectivism and the idolization of greed
>its not real capitalism
>pseudo-capitalism still provides the best living conditions in history
To be fair, capitalism has also never been tried.
>if you criticize corruption you must be a communist
Part of this is due to inflation and a $50,000 income isn't what it used to, but by "part" I mean somewhere around 5% growth
I don't give a fuck what that shithole company does with their money. It only matters if they received a tax-payer funded bailout like the automobile and banking industries in 2008...
but muh stawks and my 2nd florida house user
And the jew executives are just going to turn it into gold and hoard it
I want tripfags to go and stay go.
Sick of it yet, goyim? This is what Jewish dominance and control looks like. They get 16 million in bonuses, and the goyim get the pink slip and no more toy stores anymore. They are going to do this with everything you have ever cherished and enjoyed, until nothing is left - and when nothing is left, you will be murdered like the white farmers in South Africa.
Their plan is your genocide!
>implying they won't reinvest
>That's just how capitalism is supposed to work
So says you but nobody who has every written about capitalism has ever said this.
>workers reinvest into the company
No they work at the company, they don't invest in it. Besides that would be nonsensical. If you give someone 5 dollars and they invest 5 dollars in you the next day you didn't make any money or create any real value.
Yeah Jeff bezos could use another billion. The stock market is an inflation machine.
You misspelled corporatism, kike
>Government bankruptcy protection
>government OKs payout
Oh yeah, capitalism is to blame... yes sir....
>Jewish Courts okay payment to Jewish executives of bankrupt company.
What was capitalist about that, Steinberg?
Just because you refer to fucked up Jewish tricks as "capitalism" doesn't make it so.
The lowest form of wit.
oh and you forgot to stay on topic.
good goy
The executives are taking the biggest income losses if the company is going out of business. It’s also their money. Their employees get compensated for their work. The company going out of business doesn’t mean free money for everyone. Why are libshits so entitled?
>toy store donating millions of dollars to pro-abortion group
fuck you.
I guess those Rose Tico and Finn Star Wars figures didn't sell.
really activates my almonds
Running a business into the ground and cashing out is not so much capitalism as much as boomers doing boomer things.
>Company offering toys goes under when demand for said toys drops
>Employees find a new job in other established or growing industries
Whats the problem?
No seriously what's your biggest gripe with capitalism, because I know what mine is and I think you might be similar.
i don't think you understand the words you're using
But muh capitalist overlords can do no wrong
She didnt win the Election tho. She is ruling in a minority government and was only put there by a 70 year old "Nationalist" who thought siding with a culutral marxist was a good idea.
They wont survive another term.
People need to be allowed to fail. If you're content with minimum wage job and think it'll last forever you should be euthanized
Thanks Trump
Nah, Toys R Us took on a retarded amount of debt that they wouldn't be able to pay off. * Kinda like the current bond system in Illinois and pensions.
as if anyone would give a shit.
If you don't understand manager boni you don't know shit about business or even just human nature. Why complain anyway from your mightless position. Go drink another Plebsi and watch some bullshit on jewtube like you would do anyway after this debate of virtue signaling masturbation.
I think you may be confusing corporatism with capitalism
>people who run a cash register are entitled to the companies assets
O i am laffin
I dont think this is the case.
Id rather buy from a store and have a return policy that doesn't invlove the mail.
I mean, online sales hurts ALL retail, but I think the real answer here is that kids want screens, not toys.
The internet didn't kill Toys R Us.
>all socialist countries fail, but are not evidence of it's failure
They all fail because you choose to look at their failures. Please do tell how bad Norway, Finland, China, Canada, Sweden, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, new Zealand are.
The fact is, all the countries above (with exception of china) outrank the US in quality of life and happiness. You choose to look at countries like Venezuela and claim that socialism doesn't work. You seem to completely disregard the fact that Venezuela is failing not because of socialism but because the US is actively sabotaging them. When all else fails, you can always claim that communism and socialism is exactly the same thing (a perfect example of a strawman) and fool some idiot on Sup Forums.
>hurr durr socialism is bad, look at how many people a corrupt communist leader killed
>hurr durr socialism is bad, look at how this country we're actively sabotaging is a shithole
>oh what's that? Destroit? muh niggers
>executive run the business into the ground
>give themselves nice big bonuses
seems fair
Capitalism: the theory that a company, once started, can't fail
just get the names of those executives and go kill them
Yeah dude, capitalusm is totally the reason,CD stores went out too. Nothing else,happened, just greedy white collars killed CD stores. BTW im a retarfrf cock,sucking communist
>companies exist for 70 years
>the executives pay themselves out for keeping a,dead store in a dead market so long.
4 year olds play with fuckin Ipads now. No one needs Toys R Us
>no bane posting
For shame Sup Forums
The one that want european extincr for having too much critical thinking?
That capitalist economy?
Good goy
It absolutely did. Others where stronger,better and faster.
fuck off with your nostalgia you emo faggot