How will the lefties react when Mueller finds no evidence of Russian collusion?
Mueller Investigation
He's taking down the swamp.
We've all known all along there was no Russian collusion. The Russian narrative was a distraction from PizzaGate. That hasn't stopped these pedo Kikes from pushing their BS narrative thus far.
they will shill as hard as they can about it and try to spin it as trumps undoing. Thats all they do, try to kill momentum as to prevent a shitstorm
Mueller is and always has been /ourguy/.
After Mueller clears Trump's name the Deep State Dems are going to commit mass suicide. I can't wait! KAG!
They will respond by continuing to post retarded comments about Russia on news articles.
they won't accept it, even from Muffdiver
>How will the lefties react when Mueller finds no evidence of Russian collusion?
Hopefully mass suicide.
Trump Derangement Syndrome x9000
Stormy Daniels is the next speed bump, in an attempt to stifle reform.
Hillary knew she would swing, if she lost. They are pulling every trick they have to avoid the inevitable
The more shit dems throw at us, the worse it is going to be for them, after scores are settled.
They have “real” dirt on their hands
They'll say Mueller is a Russian shill and call for more investigations because they still have questions and they haven't interviewed everybody on earth yet.
no collusion?
It's funny seeing him scramble to shut down the investigation, like any innocent man would do.
oh there is plenty of collusion.
Mueller has unsealed over 100 indictments so far.
occam's razor. you fire lots of people because it makes you look good? because theyre shit? or that youre a corrupt mong like nixon and bring it up on twitter. admitting that you do that which you cry about judges and others saying you did. much burger such wew. nothingburger? just how stupid are the people of iowa?
I need to update this meme. Gates pleaded guilty already.
Down, down, down, forever
So, I hear Flynn is wearing a wire for the FBI now.
>when Mueller finds no evidence of Russian collusion but still nails trump for something else
Fixed that for ya
I hear even Pepe has flipped on Trump.
This. I hate to say it, but they could probably make a good case for obstruction. That's their ace in the hole when they inevitably turn up no collusion.
Getting Pepe to flip was too easy! Pick related.
The dissonance on Sup Forums when Trump is removed from office and imprisoned for conspiring with a foreign agent will be unprecedented. Thousands of edgy autists forced to act like they never supported their lil orange meme candidate. Can't fucking wait.
Better yet, how will they react when the IG report comes out and real indictments are made? The Mueller witch hunt is an unprecedented farse by the democrats. These investigations are NEVER started with no specific crime being looked for. When that IG report gets Comey, McCabe, and Lynch, Trump will end the Mueller probe. You’re going to see riots like never before.
You okay man? you got some mental issues?
Neever watched apprentice ? Its been his schtick for over 10 years. Cherry pick much ?
Mueller and the IG are working together retard.
>Mueller is a Russian shill, he's in on it!
>Trump used intimidation to make Mueller back off!
>Never mind all that, now there's a new investigation about Trump committing white collar crime
>btw look at all these women he had scandalous relationships with!!!
It doesn't even matter if Trump knew about the collusion or not, there's other matters that Mueller is investigating in regards to Trump, which is why he subpoenaed Trump's company for information. There's probably some shady as fuck business dealings in Trump's ledger that can link him to Russia, I remember seeing a story about Trump selling some Oligarch a property at more value than it was worth or something like that, hundreds of millions, and it could have easily been money laundering.
I'm looking more forward to the mid-terms if the dems gain control of the house. Honestly, I don't even like the Democrats, I just want to see people get butthurt, just like Trumpfags, only I want to see THEM get butthurt because they've gotten so uppity this past year, and so fucking annoying. They treat Trump like he's a cult leader, and they're his brainwashed followers and It's really pissing me off. Just seeing them get all flustered and upset will be very satisfying.
Look at this thread as an example, every other Trumpfag using mental gymnastics / cognitive dissonance to make themselves believe the investigation is nothing and everything will be ok for daddy donnie.
Partisan created crime is good for democracy. Hillary and Obama are going down
Doubtful but hope I’m wrong.
>The Russian narrative was a distraction from PizzaGate.
Glowing this hard.
You're getting clues now. Comey saying people will find out via his book deal and McCabe via some Comeyesque memos Larp notes. Why would they focus on their story unless an indictment is not going to happen.
When Obama is implicated for weaponizing federal agencies for partisan purposes, you will cry and knash teeth
>provides no evidence to back up his claim
>provides unrelated pic about political consultant
>this proves Mueller and the IG are working together
Meh. Some wishy washy obstruction charge won’t be enough to convince ~20 Repub senators to remove from office.
the president can fire whoever he wants for whatever reason, there is literal historical and legal precedent
the legal authority of the executive branch is well known, and has been expanded greatly under Bush/Obama to the point Trump can probably do whatever he wants for the next 7 years with no repercussions outside of CNN/MSNBC desu
Nevermind fbi being so pre occupied with Trump that they let Parkland shooter kill 17 students. You are going down with her !
>Q boomers are larping as stormweenies now
>still hasn’t backed up his claim with anything
Mueller investigation hilarious
isnt funny how the western powers synchronize themselves?
of course Putin just won another term as President, of course, last week there was a nerve agent problem, that Russia caused
talk about interfere in another country's elections
it was a veiled threat that if Putin didnt pull out there would be sanctions
of course he wouldnt have set up a hit a week before his own elections
things like those take a life of their own
Hitler made the mistake of opening up two battle fronts at the same time, Russians are master chess players, of course Putin wouldnt make this same mistake
dont they realize how see through they are? what a joke they are ?
Im not talking about the politicians, or the deep state, but the masters behind them they serve
I thought Parkland was a conspiracy / false flag to you guys? Regardless, it's more that local law enforcement dropped the ball with this kid, and yes the local FBI office in Miami as well.
Left is already in panic mode and exposing their bias. Clapper shilling on all the news networks, Comey tweeting his pain, even Brennan subtweeting his glow in the dark threats
Rotten corrupt democrats are going down ! That was what 2016 election was about !
Fbi disregarded info because of “priorties”
He hasn't.
They still think Putin sticks his dick in Trump.
hopefully mass suicides will ensue.
Good, rid the United States of all the democratic officials and rebirth the party, they are pathetic.
MSM lays out a narrative a mile wide and an inch deep
they won't. they'll keep calling Trump Putin's puppet. These people are programmed, they can't believe anything else.
Draining the swamp, and the academics going for the ride too. Buckle up !
Pivot to obstruction and wail.
who is this girl (boy)?
Mueller Investigation will sadly end
yes, to be fair to the UK, if ignorant bastards cant figure out that the US government was behind 9/11 and the UK wasnt behind 7/7 then of course they would try this Putin narrative
i don't know but if you find more let me know. she (male) make me hard as diamonds.
The veil is going to be lifted !
>straight white men voting against /theirguy/ because he fucked yet another bimbo
how stupid is the left seriously they spent every day since the 1960s normalizing men sucking dick and women taking it in the butt from niggers and now they’re trying to act shocked and insulted that the president had sex with a woman 10 years ago it’s unbelievable
they did everything they could to mock ridicule and delegitimize Christian values and now they’re saying wow where did your Christian values go DRUMPFKINS
idk guys wonder if your social experiment of destroying a superpower from within had some kind of effect
Ur so edgy bro
lol, are you on fucking crack???
For real
most days I think America is doomed, but once in awhile one of the sheeple say there is hope
no offence user, but kick the united states out of the americas, it would be better for the world, you can stay though, in the new country or come to Canada
Im not sure how much value a whore that has taken every side of the story, while being paid, is actually worth.
Mueller's job is to find evidence of criminal wrongdoing. not to explain how Putin owns Trump
Fuck off trudeau, you are the worst of the fake ass virtue signallers.
How will the right react if there is evidence of collusion?
Seems like it is going to split the country
He already indicted 6 people and 5 have flipped. Don Jr. already has been caught colluding with the Russians: "I love it." Manafort is holding out because by challenging his conviction these are the last free days of his life. Guilty for him is DECADES in jail.
Mueller is going for the cover-up, like with Nixon. The Obstruction of Justice which most lawyers have said Trump could already be charged with since Mueller would still be in retirement if Trump didn't fire Comey.
Jared Kushner is SO,SO, SO fucked with Collusion. Not even just with Russia.
hey dick-face, you are obviously one of the stupid americans, and your ass can go
it might take you all night, but try to figure out what my post was supporting, besides getting rid of dipshits like you, who are mindless
you know what they say about symbols, they are for the symbol minded
Mueller is /ourguy/. The american flag is Comey's higher loyalty. The Constitution
There will be some nyt or wapo article referencing some vague connection with Mueller and Russia and then the lefties will eat it up like idiots and forget the last two years of sucking Mueller's dick or something
Never. Pepe has been on the MAGA train since the beginning
If he is guilty, i will dump his ass. But i know you are a bunch of fucking liars, i will still hate you and look for the next leader that will destroy you and your lies.
Kill all Trump supporters.
You are taking aids infected nigger dick daily, so i wont have to worry about you too long. Stay pozzed !
Bannon says Trump and Kushner committed Treason,
its really pretty simple, Trump had no real income except from laundering for criminal Russian oligarchs, golf courses and mail order steaks dont make real money duh
It wouldn't have been anybodies ace in the hole if the stupid fuckhead didn't GIVE it to them by fucking with the investigation.
I wonder how many times his lawyers begged him to stop lol.
Bannon is a scumbag and he's projecting. I hope he gets executed for treason.
while my posts may have educated some and give them something new to consider
I am not sure people are interested in your views of nigger dick
The Whitewater Investigation took 4 and a half years. I think it's fair to let Mueller have that much time.
>by fucking with the investigation.
He didn't. Comey and McCabe were both uninvolved. There's been no obstruction.
Making coffee & talking to drunk Aussies is his achievement, he is a nobody & Mueller is using him to string out the meh investigation to get rich off the taxpayers
Which is probably why a certain someone wanted to help Donald in the first place. They didn't want an ally, they wanted the united states to completely shit itself, which is going to happen regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
If Trump is innocent, half of the people will believe that he has subverted the government and become a dictator. If Trump is guilty, half of the people will believe that the deep state carried out a coup. No matter what happens, half of the country is going to be pissed off and absolutely distrustful of the government and its institutions.
But that's how it works. Nixon wasn't there with the screwdriver at the DNC offices in the Watergate.
You don't need the pee tape.
Shit the Stormy Daniel's Tape should worry Trump more.
Bug chasers like you love gift givers. Im not going to judge you. I just know that i will outlast you.
To financial crimes that occurred during the Obama administration, also included the Obama admin, Podesta Group, with Manafort as well. Talk about walking into a door user.
Psychiatrists are probably having a great year from all of the leftists who've been driven batshit insane by the MSM and dem politicians who've pumped them up with dreams of impeachment. I had to cut all leftists out of my personal life because they've gone so crazy. Bush Derangement Syndrome has nothing on Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Bud, he tried to get Comey, the head of the FBI, to drop Flynn, then fired him when that didn't happen.
It doesn't have to be smart or effective for it to be obstruction.