It is obvious that blacks are literally a different species than whites
Blacks have lower IQ
It is obvious that blacks are literally a different species than whites
Blacks have lower IQ
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And in America these two are considered the same race
bugeyed freak
I'm pretty sure the guy above her isn't white
just a hunch
yep, goddamm 2015 science just ain't trustworthy.
By the definitions presented in biology, if two organisms can produce viable offspring (meaning that offspring is also capable of producing more offspring) then they are of the same species. I'm not telling you to not rage against race-mixing or to rage against it or whatever, but become educated. The scientific definitions are consistent.
>Look Sup Forums, I can use “““““““““““science“““““““““““!
>These things look alike, and are distantly related...
>But these other things don’t, and are closely related!
>We’re being lied to!!!1!
Shit tier, fucking try if you’re going to post.
If you were to look at a German Shepherd and a pug, you would assume that the German Shepherd is the more intelligent of the dogs.
Even though they are both dogs, one species of dogs is more intelligent than the other.
Why is this different for humans?
It's really not though, as sub-species exist within these capable of breeding pairs. My second major was anthropology, and I'd constantly get into a row with (((professors))) about the lack of speciation within human beings. Usually they'd cave and say, "even if you're right, what are you trying to prove?" Were told the Homo Sapiens Sapiens BS to keep from fighting one another. Truth is we're the same species, however we have different adaptations to our environments. Sub-species is more applicable in our case.
I/e Canis lupus & Canis Lupus Rufus etc....
We're the same species, but different sub-species. As much as I'd love to live in a reality where blacks couldn't produce offspring with whites, it's sadly there.
He's middle Eastern which is considered white in America.
You may have something; I bet YOU look human, but obviously you are not. But seriously, thisis a meme; there is only 1 type of human and you may as well accept it.
What chu talkin bout Willis?
They aren't consistent with this though. Coyotes and wolves are considered two seperate species even though they can hybridize with sexually viable offspring. In fact all wolves in north America have both wolf and coyote dna through interbreeding. Not to mention red wolves which are mostly a mix of coyote and wolf.
Do you think white cats and black cats are different species too?
It's funny how everyone who doubts science on the internet always manages to prove themselves blatantly retarded in the same post.
But of course, it's the scientists who are wrong, even though the difference in intelligence between them and you is the same as between you and the stupidest, most monkey-like African in the world. It couldn't possibly be that you are just too stupid to understand science!
Saying the word science a bunch of times doesn't make your post have a point.
I have no idea if we're the same species, but I can at least see that there are some valid questions raised in looks, test score distribution, and cultural traits.
Fake and gay.
My post having a point is what makes my post have a point. In fact, it has several points. And they all went over your stupid little head, by the looks of it.
So you're telling me that this man is considered White in america?
>appeal to authority
where is your actual argument
how are you doing usain?
According to pol anyone that's not beautiful is not white. So I guess you're all niggers.
You would have to know what species means to answer the question. Do you know what species means?
how are you doing puerto rico user?
>your stupid little head,
Sounds pretty sciency Tyone.
No, all humans are of the same species. Niggers are of just shit tier ethnicity.
This anti science coming from the white natiolists drives me crazy. That shit is part of why nobody takes our cause seriously.
Name a single significant original or revolutionary theory, from this affirmative action award recipient of the sciences.
Pro Tip: You Can't
i'm good
Look at YT.
It's named afriCAN for a reason.
Citizens wouldny say he's white, but people that record crime data would.
>significant original or revolutionary theory
Just a question, but how many "significant original or revolutionary theory" or theories do you actually think there are? Just for giggles, give me a number...
kek that background pic on the screen is a beach 15 mins away from my house
So the people who record crime data are the arbiters of what is considered "White" in the states? Do you know how many middle easterners there actually are in the united states?
>wow look how obvious dark skin makes ppl dumber LLOLOOL
>Zambia has darkest skin of all its neighbors
>Is also the smartest
fucking faggot
why dont you even read the retarded shit you post
umm helloooo? Anything in that head of yours?
I thought it was a forza horizon 3 wallpaper which is set on surfers paradise
No it isn't?
Not even on official forms (which don't always list Middle east, due to not having any befor the late 80s)
there are many subspecies within africans, the one in pic related looks nothing caucasoid (arabs), ethiopiod (east africans), or berbers.
it is bad to say Europeans and Africans are the same species but it's equally as bad to lump all Africans together.
>t. African
nothing like **** holy fuck -__-
>Data circa 2000
>Compiled literally two years ago
i thought only lebs could pass as white here?
Being white doesn't make you more attractive. That's fake news
IQ doesn't take into account hard work, creativity, pro-social behavior, empathy, etc.
pretty much everything that makes people more than just a brain.
Can the African and east asian jackal race mix and produce fertile living offspring? If not that's why Africans are the same species as whites. They are distinct, but they're both Human.
being white makes you attractive to whites, everyone should stick with their own. Everyone evolved differently so obv hard work, creativity and everything you named etc will be vary through individuals but it's more evident in european people. I believe it's because Europeans were under harder conditions and the weak ones died out blah blah they were basically pushed through evolution which makes the average European more capable than your average african.
Another idiot. Those are ethnicities. Both europeans and africans are homo sapiens sapiens, the same species. This shit is high school level of knowledge that you should've known.
Found de kike
Literally nobody thinks this. What the fuck made you think that?
So grizzly bears and polar bears are the same species you fucking Faggot
Niggers don't have Neanderthal genes. Therefore, they are from another species.
how am I an idiot? They're not ethnicities you spastic, people are clearly in different subscipes and ALL those africans have some neanderthal DNA unlike other africans. I'm somali and when my brother took a DNA test he had 2% neanderthal DNA when his friend from congo he had none ? explain that?
bump for this guy, he gets it
also salam alaikum
Wa alaykum assalam.
Are you aware that those heritage tests are not at all accurate for most people?
Grizzly bears and polar bears ARE the same species. Polar bears are a subspecies of grizzly bear. Again, you would have to know what the word species actually means.
There are multiple species definitions.
Meh species is just a semantic tool.
>Are you aware that those heritage tests are not at all accurate for most people?
some add 1% black bc they're jews, but the other stuff is mostly accurate. I'm waiting for my results.
Yeah, the problem with that would be that niggers do actually have neanderthal DNA, but not all of them. And the reason why they have it is what the problem is. American niggers for example carry neanderthal DNA.
no its the Archway islands at Wharariki beach in NZ.
You come from a group of people who carry neanderthal DNA. If you actually understood what the DNA test was telling you (which wouldn't be that hard) You would know why you carry neanderthal DNA. For the same reason american niggers do, and some other africans do not.
Even more simply, assuming that all the races had equal intellectual capabilities, one would assume both the earliest and most advanced civilizations would pop up in resources-rich, lush, fertile Africa
Not that niggers would never progress beyong stacking rocks or piling mud and never invent the wheel
I think more research needs to be done in the area of race and ethnicity. The scientific community is being held back by certain (((people))) because they are afraid of the findings
There is only one definition of the word 'species'.
He's Italian
The concept of equal IQ difference within a race is laughable. 25% of Whites in the united states have IQs of less than 90 meaning 1/4. So the next time your out like on the tube, or on a bus. Count the number of White people. For every 4 you count 1 of them has an IQ below 90. It can be funny.
well here's the thing you; my brother was 97% East African, it's a very homogenous area. Most people don't have DNA from MENA. The other 3% was surprisingly from Europe and Asia. Also there's a huge difference between Bantu and MENA and East African black people. Pic related is a nomad who is prob 100% Somali/Ethiopiod. I don't think people of this area are arab rape babies even if they do share a religion unlike American niggers who are slave rape babies.
to add to that I think Neanderthals did come in contact with some of people in that area.
This. It is very saddening to see that we could be studying the history and origins of our ethnic groups and races around the world but in fact prefer to pretend we are all the same (except evil whiteys)
Nobody argues for equal distribution within all members of a race, just that different races as a whole tend to cluster at different levels
Theres no such thing as somali/ethiopid. If you actually took the DNA test you would have found that "your brother" would have a middle eastern component in his DNA. Possibly up to 45-50%. Going on about "bantus" is pointless because the remaining 45-50% is generally southeastern BANTU. You tube is full of somali DNA test results. I could link some for you if you like. The fact that you claim your brother is 97% east african is how I know that you are lying. There is no such thing as "east african" in DNA test results.
Why would clustering be releant? Stupid people are stupid, and clever people are clever. In life I've found that clever people generally "cluster" with clever people regardless of race. People who don't understand this, generally don't understand how the world works and WHY things are what they are.
Actually the science is clear that we are very fucking different, its the activists who are refuting these facts and "activist scientists" who make unfounded claims won from a shitty experiment where the variables that lead to differences were intentionally withheld for their thesis' thus gaining an endsum of equality
Its not sciences fault you suck at tracking sources, science is just the method of knowing and learning, it cannot help being misused, it needs to be helped by people recognizing what scientific experiments and thesis' are shit based on the methods, not on the outcome (because if the outcome is flawed then the method is where the flaw was created)
believe what you want but I'm just telling you that the southeastern BANTU classification is horribly wrong. It's one of the most homogemous areas in the world and the Somalis that you see doing the DNA are all from minority clans who were the majority of the refugees that were sent to west.
there's an entire change petition to change the south eastern bantu classifcation becuase they have no right samples. East African look nothing like a bantu from facial, features to hair etc
also he was 97% East African which was divided in between Ethiopian hematic subgroups, I'm not lying. Once they get better samples you'll see for yourself. We're no where close to anyone from the ME. It's the same reason why berbers aren't arab either. I'll post my DNA on Sup Forums or /sci/ once I get it to show you user.
also old skeletons found in that area of the world shows that they had a caucasoid skulls etc long before islam was even there.
Niggers are generally more stupid in average. So hard to understand? Look their districts cities and countries
>why would clustering be relevant
Because it implies that certain races tend to have higher mean intellectual capabilities which in turn reflects on things like society and progress
Also, what said
Now it just stupid, you are trying to dispute fact. That's fucking silly. XD
If you don't want to watch the whole thing I'll provide you with minute markers.
min 1:50 49% South eastern bantu
I will admit however that it may on occasion show east african as well, but there is a reason for that..
Anyway, at best your mixed race. Implying that you are some sort of separate "race" is fucking retarded. XD
You'd obviously have no clue of what "race" is and how it works.
>Niggers don't have Neanderthal genes. Therefore, they are from another species.
Correct, except i hate muslims for fucking up Europe ans stealing our money like common thieves
Seriously who cares about niggers unless you have one as a slave
Why is that relevant if a nigger isn't stupid. It isn't hard to understand It's just difficult for me to care. 1/4 Whites have the same average IQs of niggers, does that make them niggers? Why would you use IQ to delineate race?
He is one
No they haven't, nigger average IQ is very low and would be considered as retarded in most of White countries
I smell the shitskin in denial
i am one
those are wrong samples did you not read what i said? whatever i give up with you
who cares about arbitrary definitions,niggers are niggers because they nig and no one can deny it.
it doesn't matter if they are the same specie or subspecie their actions and culture speaks for them.
Yes (((scientific))) terms will vary in order to hide the visible truth and make us believe there are other reasons behind our differences
>Sierre Leone
Fakest and gayest.
No they haven't? No they haven't what? For clarity please.
even without science you can clearly see that there is a difference between the current human population idk why people get so triggered when you classify them into groups
Wrong samples of What? Those are somali DNA test results. What the fuck are you on about? XD
If I were you I'd give up too. There really isn't much left to dispute. XD