Post a picture of your favorite crisis actor

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dave Hogg

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anderson cooper looked better with white hair

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I always liked the Hogg more, la goblina is just annoying. Hogg is like a TV Kwa skit come to life


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Amazingly, CNN video

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nice Engrish, moron

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Harrison Hanks - The Ultimate Crisis Actor

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This one is just...

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La Goblina, the kike in chief.

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Take the Hogpill. The two are cousins

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The miracle kid

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Sad thing is in this day and age where people are becoming more and more cynical and nihilistic, I can see someone treating being injured like that.

Oh wait

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Semper Fi anons

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Why am I not surprised

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I mean. . . I thought all sandniggers just happened to look the same?

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if two or three main news outlets just happen to be there when a crisis happens... watch for irregularities and take pictures

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>your favorite crisis actor

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This one always fucking gets me.

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you got the vid of that one?

prob not actors, but spooks

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Daniel Hogg

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watch in this one how the cia nigger shuts down the interview

Trying to cry for the camera?

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that sucks

Am I the only one who wants to feel the stubble of her buzzed head in my palms while she aggressively sucks my cock and tickles my balls?

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i have known this for a while now, but everytime i see pics like this it pisses me the fuck off! fuck this world.

"mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense" holy script Batman, this one always makes me mad

For... what purpose? Trying to make assad look bad?


Because they need an excuse to bomb assad to do the same to it what they did to Iraq and LIbya

wow, I never saw that detail

Did he say ground zero???

Yeah trying to make white helmets look like saints, getting multiple angle films to sell to news station, or just feed it to them.. probably mossad or islraelis to begin with


And to justify importing more "political refugees" aka invaders.



>cant tell what role im playing here
also that gets said

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RUSSIA though...

GREATER ISRAEL. You already knew that though, because you're a kike. They also don't have a central bank.

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Dan bilzerian was fat as fuck
this one... such bad acting. 5min interview crying the entire time, not a tear. I can do better.

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Christine Lying on and on is (Lyinonandon) OK, but I am going to go real obscure on you bro, remember this retardation? Oakland flophouse fire?

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is that him though? looks alike

the fog of war, mailai vietnam colorized


>>Christine "Lying on and on" Greenscreen studio lights reflect in her glasses while she is outside "on scene"

Probabaly with CIA man anderson cooper

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>>This fucking obvious goofball from the Pulse hoax

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Chris hanson lol

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>>Speaking of actors lol

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I remember their faces
holy fuck that's hillarious

I love how these threads are really empty, no shills spamming their BS in here, they're busy in other threads to slide threads like this one.

The crisis actors literally get zanier and zanier with every hoax event. Next I expect them to have some kind of screaming dressed up clowns high on crack and the sheeple will eat it up.

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Don't forget the "laughing policeman" a critical role in every staged event.

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bump, imo hoaxes need a general, there's way too many stupid, meaningless threads on pol like the skyking thread or "Should UK punish russia" or "what do you think of [some stupid e-celeb]?"

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I guess this guy was the first obvious crisis actor.

Other conspiracy theories say the whole OJ Simpson cluster fuck was a staged hoax, and also the Monica Seles stabbing was fake. Who knows anyway?

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This pedo

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Here is an obvious LARPing crisis actor. His histrionic over-acting and mannerisms remind me of Emma Gonzales.

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Mr. Potatohead also likes Mrs. Potatohead.

>>Then there is this little hottie.

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biggest fake douche ever

So many of these truther videos have been deleted off Jewtube. This shill family includes a fucking zany crazy actress mom, then they turn on the sad faces and (not) cry for their imaginary son, so fucking laughable.

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Jon Ziegler

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