Are liberals butthurt more because Hillary lost or because he won? Would they be as triggered if anyone else beat her?
Are liberals butthurt more because Hillary lost or because he won? Would they be as triggered if anyone else beat her?
After all, AIDS is a deadly, incurable disease. But no matter how you come to judge Charles Wheeler and his partners, in ethical, moral, and in human terms, the fact of the matter is, when they fired Andrew Beckett because he had AIDS, they broke the law.
As a liberal, I would take Mitt Romney or any other Republican over Trump. Any day.
>talking about the fucking election
well, good riddance Sup Forums....
Probably has more to do with Trump winning.
Plus it was probably more of a shock due to all the polls and pundits claiming that Hillary had it in the bag.
Shut up Denzel
he won, and no.
t. rural or suburban retard
Maybe if liberals didn't bring it up all the fucking time and weren't constantly saying he lost, we'd stop talking about it.
bernie was where alot of liberals votes were. there was this huge slice of voters that bounced between bernie and trump, hilary struggled alot in major demographics early on
Hillary is a shadow of her husband, that is why she lost.
she's the only person on the fucking planet who could lose an election to trump. but I guess the supreme court's a small price to pay to requite the favors of an unelectable ghoul
god I hate the DNC. america will pay the price of their cowardice and venality for a generation
The only republican they could have accepted beating her would be a gay retarded nigger tranny and the left would probably still whip most of them up into voting for Hillary.
Easily more upset that Trump won. A lot of people I knew didn't even like Hillary, but just hated Trump so much they'd vote for anyone. The Trump Effect is REAL, hence Sup Forums
It was definitely him winning. Trump pissing off those uptight fags is the best. I laughed for about 25 minuets off and on when I read the shithole countries headline.
Nobody gave a fuck about Hillary. We were all about "Fuck Trump!" though.
Sofas and couches are for niggers
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Should have been Bernie. He wasn't the lesser of two evils, heck he wasn't a evil at all.
Only city betas, feminazis and illegals voted for Hookery.
You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.
When Trump leaves office in January 2025, the court will be 7-2 in favor of the conservatives. It's the only thing that will save the nation from being destroyed by the millennials.
Just not enough of them. Trump won over 80 percent of counties
I get triggered by the fact that your skull is intact.
Bernie with his "I'll give free stuff" and holidays in USSR could only attract edgy soy city leftards.
its a spiritual war
The MSM and Democrats shat on Bernie throughout the primaries. They'd still be against him if he had ended up winning
>implying cities aren't filled with low IQ niggers.
Trump is a wealthy and masculine White man who doesn't give a shit about various labels or accusations that are tossed in his direction. Racist? Sexist? Anti-semitic? He shrugs it off. Go ahead, make fun of his hair or refer to him by his Grandfather's surname. See how many fucks the man gives.
This made Trump the ultimate boogeyman to leftists. He's the polar opposite of the groveling simp who desperately wants approval from the establishment. Trump as President? That would be a step "backwards" in the eyes of the average liberal. I mean, my god, we just had a BLACK PRESIDENT. We need more PROGRESS in this country. Electing a WOMAN was the next step...
So yes, the left was looking forward to Hillary's election because they saw it as the final nail in the coffin for "White America." Had she won, we'd still be hearing shit like "HAHA YOU INBRED HICKS ACTUALLY THOUGHT DRUMPF HAD A CHANCE???? YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED! THE FUTURE IS FEMALE!!!!" Fortunately, the cunt lost, and it was a DEVASTATING blow to her fans. I'm only sorry they didn't all commit suicide en masse right after Podesta came on stage to deliver the bad news.
Say what you want about Trump. Yes, he cucked hard on DACA and gun control. That's highly disappointing and unforgivable. But the man's victory was symbolic. It was a major blow to the know-it-alls who tried telling us that "racist" rhetoric wouldn't fly in 2016. He was a stab in the face to the smug media and Hollywood elites who tried peddling Hillary's "90% chance of winning" to the masses. Regardless of what Trump does, his election will always be a win for our side. They can't take that away from us. Ever.
> t. Def not a liberal
A corporate raiding Mormon? At least make your bait believable. Either that or admit that you don't know a damn thing about him. Socially and fiscally conservative and you think that Romney is the one to go to as a liberal?
I'd like to say you're wrong, but at this point I believe it's impossible to underestimate the short sighted, corrupt stupidity of the DNC. and it will be of bitter comfort only to me to witness the deciding vote against the right of private citizens to own semiautomatic weapons cast by trump nominees, there are things in this world more worth having than the satisfaction of being proved right
City people aren't white.
Are all state parties as retarded as the DNC? Here in Georgia they are nearly bankrupt and haven't made a real play at any significant office other than those in Atlanta for close to two decades. There is zero outreach to working class whites. It has become a black party with yuppie white window dressing. They have no idea what to do to reverse the trend so they keep doing the things that got them where they are now.
He never cucked on DACA, it expired on March 5th. Now we're just waiting for the supreme court to make it official and then they'll all go home. While Trump did semi-cuck on gun control at least he wants an end to gun-free zones, which is something we've been fighting for for a long time.
>He never cucked on DACA
Liberals have been triggered ever since George W. Bush's brother fixed the election in Florida and Gore was too much of a cuck to call them out on it
Realtalk if Hillary won the senate election in Wisconsin was still too much in ron johnson's favor so Republicans would still have control of the Senate
Basically Hillary would exist in the same state as Obama of perpetual cuckedness
>tfw live in Iowa and rarely see black people
People are either ignorant or on the same team as everyone else. Even posing this question at all is distasteful.
>Would they be as triggered if anyone else beat her?
No. If a satanic globalist like Jeb Bush had won, they would have been fine with it.
Fuck your flag and your digits.
Because he won. He's pushing the culture like no other conservative has. He doesn't capitulate to their morality.
>Bernie "If you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor" Sanders
Baka desu
They're triggered because she lost. Her lose was very, very unexpected.
Bernie isn't evil, he just wouldn't be able to deliver on the free stuff he promised. Trump isn't evil, he's just a bafoon who's in over his head, Hillary is actually evil. She plays the role of an activist, but is actually a corporate shill and a warmonger. Her "public and private opinion" comment should prove that she's legitimately evil. Can't wrap my mind around why anyone would vote for her.
>Liberal here.
More upset that he won.
Only the dumbest Liberals thought she had any chance at winning. She was poison.
No surprise when Trump won either.
Just disgust.
What the fuck was he even going for with that? What kind of strategy is that? I've known some poor white people who really struggled and had fucked up lives. Do they just not matter at all?
Perhaps but I think if you paint her as just ignorant, a sad pity case that just needs to be helped, it'll be a much harder narrative to counter. Its a win win to be try to be understanding whether genuine or not
bernie was never popular with nonwhites, so he was hoping he could pander to them with that statement. He also knew that most of his white followers are the very definition of cucks, so he wouldn't have to endure much of a backlash.
There is still hope for humans proving they are a intelligent species you have done good lab mouse.
I would also prefer a Romney type Republican president to Trump.
Trump is a GLOBAL embarrassment and endangers people's lives. He has cost the US immeasurably in terms of international trust and prestige. He is an ignoramus and, much worse, a symbol of the huge number of the worst kind of people that exist in this country.
As an altruistic ideal I believe that everyone has value but ignorant, selfish and insensitive people are who elected Trump and it's just fucking sorrowful that there are so many of them.
why did they hate him? because they were told to? are americans really that gullible?
Your thought process and reasoning is fucking disgusting. People voted for him because of condescending elitist faggots like you and because Hillary was demonstratably corrupt and has proven that she's a warmonger. I guarantee you view people who voted for Trump as evil, and that's exactly why he won, because of people who think and speak the way you do. Fuck you for giving us Trump.
I'd give her my Turkish seed if you know what I mean
Have you figured out yet that he didn't win because he was a white power advocate, but because he was the only one who ran on a campaign of improving America's economic situation and didn't tell white people they're pieces of shit?
This guy is right Trump was the only person than wanted to "MAGA" , instead of shitty identity politics everyone work hard , get the economy back on it's feet and enjoy some prosperity, it was the return of prosperity politics of the 80's for one brief moment, and he preached the message to the heat of the working and middle class, white america, the only candidate that didn't try to do more for immigrants or minorities than the actually population of America. The fact you paint it as selfish and insensitive people that voted shows why liberals lost, it was just people that get shat on by left identity politics that wanted to feel proud of themselves and America again. You're really out of touch.
Woops,I meant that guy
You wont step in this country