Space hitler

space hitler glaxay heroes thread

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woops misspelled democratic

Wang Yenli a shit, democracu is fucking pleb tier compared to based empire

Reinhard von Lohengramm is /Ourguy

>inb4 "but he didn't commit genocide"
Neither did Hitler
Both did nothing wrong


not related


when did he genocide

That's the point. Idiots would be likely to dispute the comparison to Hitler because Reinhard didn't commit genocide, but that would be neglecting the fact that Hitler didn't commit genocide either.

I agree with this user. MAGA!

zheil hitler andthe kaiser

He raped Julian.


I'm sorry to tell you, but he isn't just sleeping.

he sleeps for democracy

Yes, because any major political party and/or majority of common people in the U.S. has ever supported Nazi Germany or neo-nazi ideals. Salute to you my fellow leftie.


Hitler personally killed an innocent man.

More relvant is he didn't seize power and turn a country into an autocracy, which Hitler did in fact do. Reinhard seized power in a corrupt autocracy and improved people's lives through reforms making the nation less oppressive and shitty.

Hitler seized power from a far more corrupt false democracy subservient to the Rothschild cabal and turned Germany into the most prosperous nation since the fall of Rome or perhaps even the end of dynastic Egypt through reforms which made the nation less oppressive and shitty. Unfortunately, decoupling the central bank from the Rothschild system was an act of war which necessitated that the rest of the cabal be leveraged to destroy a free Germany.

pol ruined logh

> d turned Germany into the most prosperous nation since the fall of Rome or perhaps even the end of dynastic Egypt
Even if you believe the rothschild conspiracy bullshit, there's no way someone could actually believe this. Protip: Nazi Germany had a shitty economy and only stayed afloat as long as they did through plundering their neighbors.

Their economy was poor on paper because they were excluded from international trade circles and then bombed into oblivion. Their actual economy was based on the labor of Germans providing for themselves, something with which they needed no assistance.

>rothschild conspiracy bullshit
Ah, I see you're retarded.

I'm not the one who thinks fiction is real.

Let's see, do you think the holocaust was real?

>Reinhard didn't commit genocide

He nuked a fucking planet.

Westerland wasn't his doing. It was the Lippstadt League. Oberstein just lied about the time so he didn't have time to stop it, if he chose to. You can fault him for not immediately ordering his fleet to stop it and considering Oberstein's strategy, but in the end it was an event outside his power to stop.

No he didn't. Only coward terrorists say so.

>Westerland wasn't his doing
In the novels it is. The anime had Oberstein take much more of the blame so people wouldn't hate Reinhard so much. Really, source material Reinhard is a complete dick.

How does it play out in the novels?

Childhood is idolizing Reinhard; Adulthood is realizing Yang Wen-li was right.

Childhood is idolizing one over the other; adulthood is realizing that both were right.

Reinhard is way closer to Napoleon Bonaparte, but naturally a braindead uneducated idiot like yourself wouldn't know basic history.

Reinhard knowingly lets Westerland get nuked. Oberstein does have a part in convincing him, but it's ultimately his choice.

So, he still doesn't nuke it himself?

No, but he lets it happen knowing exactly what he's dowing, whereas in the anime Oberstein lies to him about the timing of the attack, so his decision is moot.

He had the power to prevent the nukes, he knew Obersteins character and he failed to do anything.

Oberstein however didn't do anything wrong, he never strayed from his virtues. He is best guy.

That doesn't make him responsible for the actions of others.

You don't seem to understand what responsibility means.

If he didn't launch the nukes (or order them to be launched), he didn't commit the genocide. That's how responsibility works.

>space hitler
phony amateur

he responsible to stop the nuke but he doesn't responsible for nuking them

Now there's a space Hitler.

>Reinhard is wrong for not stopping the nukes.
>Oberstein did nothing wrong for not stopping the nukes
How does this work?

>People seem to forget about Rudolf Von Goldenbaum and his Inferior Genes Exclusion Act

adulthood is realizing that Rudolf Von Goldenbaum did nothing wrong

>Born into a period of rampant degeneracy
>Obtains power by contesting heavily socialist policy
>Obtains absolute rule by holding two important seats at the same time and unifying the role
>Believes in genetic strength and implements autocratic policies to pursue it
Rudolph at his best is 200% more Hitler than Reinhardt at his worst


>adulthood is realizing that both were right

And beyond that is realizing that both were wrong.

>beyond that
Death? Yes, one who believes both were wrong is bound only for death.

whatever happen to Erwin Josef II?

Rudolf acts more like Hitler than Hitler himself

is there any Kaiser who's more alpha than Otfried IV?

Hes secretly creating his own army to overthrow Alex

Oberstein follows his own moral code which holds that all lives are equal, soldiers and civilians alike. For him, it's better to have the civilians die if that means fewer deaths overall. According to Oberstein's code, Oberstein did nothing wrong.

Reinhard doesn't follow that code. Reinhard's code is about acting honorably and protecting civilians. According to Reinhard's code, Reinhard was wrong.

sequel when?

Why did Annerose cut ties with Reinhard after Kircheis died? I never really got that.

because she's ungrateful bitch, i hate her for that

Space Jam season 5

No, true understanding of the world around you. Most "adults" never reach this level of understand. The reality is all political systems are shit as long as self-interested humans (and there are no other kinds) are at the top of the structure.

>The reality is all political systems are shit as long as self-interested humans (and there are no other kinds) are at the top of the structure.
This isn't adulthood; this is the phase between childhood and adulthood commonly referred to as the "edgy teenager" phase.

>tfw the new anime goes beyond the original series and does this

See, you haven't reached the level of understanding I'm talking about, because instead of arguing my point you go into trying to attack my character. Maybe eventually you'll grow up and finally open your eyes to the reality before you, until then I have nothing else left to discuss with you.

how is he attacking your character?

Well, since you're smarter than everyone else in this thread (and everyone else in Sup Forums? everyone else on Sup Forums? everyone else in the world?) and you have nothing left to discuss, I suppose you might as well leave.

Statements made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence. You are accusing someone of committing a logical fallacy against your argument when you never had an argument, you had a statement.


Your point is ludicrously self-defeating; there is no need to dispute it. Fascism has been proven time and time again to be a great political system and there is a history of ideologies which detest self-interest going back as far as the Followers of Horus in pre-dynastic Egypt.

By trying to imply that I'm an "edgy teenager" because he probably thinks I'm a nihilist, which I'm not.

Why would I do that? I still am interested in discussing Chinese cartoons, I mean this isn't Sup Forums after all.

It's not ludicrous. Because humans like any other animal on this planet puts its own life before that of others. No political system is then safe from inevitable corruption if humans are allowed to control any amount of power in said system. It may not be immediate as in the cause of an autocratic one, but it is inevitable. The whole system of checks and balances still relies on humans to be those checks and balances and still will inevitable turn to shit. This is the nature of life on planet earth and thus is the nature of man.

If he's aware of it but does nothing to stop it even when it's within his power to do so, he still bears responsibility for not stopping it. He's the fucking leader, not a powerless citizen.

>Why would I do that?
Because "until then I have nothing else left to discuss with you".

Well, who knows, maybe you were being disingenuous and you will continue the discussion because you adore receiving attention.

And he is the only other person on this board? I didn't know it was just the two of us.

The idea that all political systems are shit, and that they are not worth comparing because they are imperfect and prone to failure isn't nihilistic, it's just outright defeatist.

>Because humans like any other animal on this planet puts its own life before that of others.
There are multitudes of examples of behavioral patterns across the entire spectrum of lifeforms which contradict your assertion from the death marches penguins endure to gather food for their young to the alarm cries certain species give out on sighting predators which make the individual more likely to be preyed upon while providing warning for others. Humans take this a step further with the development of philosophies and religions which directly exalt the abandonment of self-interest. One need only look at the altruistic ideal which has caused Europeans to accept savages into their nations to understand that self-interest is highly overestimated as a driving force in humans.

Nobody else seems to grasp the epic brilliance of your towering intellect either.

I didn't say that all political systems are shit. I said all political systems that have humans in positions of power are shit. Please pay attention.

Generally, situations where a creature acts seemingly not in it's personal self-interest are exceptions, not the rule. But I'll grant you that these situations are more frequent when it relates to that creature's offspring, as procreation and protection of offspring are very powerful drives as well. They still lead to the same end, because being ready to sacrifice oneself for one's offspring is not the same as caring for society as a whole.

>development of philosophies and religions

Where the leaders in said philosophies and religions act in their own self-interest. Christian priests bedecking themselves in gold and living in lavish palace like cathedrals, Buddhist monks in Tibet owning flocks of slaves and doing whatever they liked with them, Muslims caliphs going so far as becoming the state themselves and doing whatever they see fit with their citizens.

>altruistic ideal which has caused Europeans to accept savages into their nations to understand that self-interest is highly overestimated as a driving force in humans.

Oh, humans will be "altruistic" as long as it doesn't effect them personally. You really think the people that are being overrun and harassed by said savages are particularly open to the idea as of late? Or are the "altruistic" ones the people that are living in heavily guarded gated communities that keep those people far away from them.

>I didn't say that all political systems are shit. I said all political systems that have humans in positions of power are shit. Please pay attention.
Nigger if you think people are going to listen to an Aquinas Router you have got another thing coming. I will blow that shit up myself if I have to. Every feasible system of governance is going to have a human in power, and putting your faith into a system that cannot be implemented and therefore cannot be proven a failure is a coward's philosophy.

>Generally, situations where a creature acts seemingly not in it's personal self-interest are exceptions, not the rule.
You tried to portray self-interest as an absolute from which there was no possibility of escape. Now that you've admitted you were wrong, your stance on political systems falls apart as well because you denied the possibility that human led systems could be free of self-interest.

What you fail to understand about slave holding societies is that slavery is a system of control which benefits the slave by limiting the potential for lower castes to act out and disrupt the functioning of society. The continued functioning of that society then provides greater return to the slaves than they would receive by the chaos that would result from their freedom. For examples of this, look at South Africa or the United States to examine the decline which follows the unleashing of savagery upon once great societies.

While I won't defend Christians directly, the use of gold and large cathedrals are remnants of traditions from earlier ideologies. The cathedral is supposed to be a proxy for acoustically resonant caverns which were used by earlier religions to induce altered states of conscious. The importance of gold in religious ceremony comes from its property of being a good conductor of electromagnetism and thus a conduit for access to the superspectrum. This is the reason for the immense gold mining operations stretching from Sumeria to the southern tip of Africa in ancient times.

There's no such thing as an innocent man. At the very least, he hated his parents.

Both were right AND wrong for different reasons and "fail" because of human nature.

Except for implementing policies that ended backfiring on him.

>inb4 'REEEE fedoras!!!1'
